Containment Protocols:
"RPC-464 was acquired in 1960 following the signing of the Worms Treaty." Shouldn't this be in a Discovery log? Feels, out of place right before anything. Like it was just tacked on last minute.
"RPC-464 was purchased from an unaffiliated company by Reeds Express Ltd. in 1952" Not sure if this company has any affiliation or not with the Authority. Im assuming yes, but if not, then it should have likely been bought out by the authority later or remove from the article.
"RPC-464 is a warehouse constructed in 1934 by an unknown party, located in northern Manhattan, New York, USA". Even though the journal later seen in the article is from 1960, there is nowhere mentioned in the article when/if they know when the anomalous effects began to materialize, or if the warehouse was always like this. If the Authority does know when the effects began to materialize this would be important to know.
"The space inside RPC-464 cannot be viewed from its windows, appearing pitch black or foggy during colder weather." You never explain what the viewer sees from the outside. We know it's not the interior, but if not then what? Curtains, pitch blackness, etc? Also, while not necessary I think the Authority attempting to enter from breaking open a window would be interesting. Would their vision instantly change to see the true interior? Would people outside be able to see in without a window? Food for thought.
"Persons who enter RPC-464-1 are unable to be viewed from the outside upon descending 12 meters." Is this referring to being outside the Warehouse, or being outside the shaft/-1? If it's the former, you should specify what is surrounding the people while they walk around in the Warehouse? If it's the latter, that should probably be specified so the retards like me know which is which.
"Eventually, RPC-464-1's end will be engulfed entirely by darkness." Just making sure that the shaft DOES end, it just goes for much longer than originally perceived, but after 12 meters you become impossible to view? Also, how large is this shaft? Im assuming the size of an elevator shaft.
"The hatch was frozen shut. Gilligan had to help pry it open." This implies that temperature, most notably air, either comes from within the hatch or is able to travel from the warehouse and down the shaft. My only question being is the rest of the shaft this cold, or is the hatch's temperature anomalously affected?
"Night terrors. It's cold down here. Dark, too; lamps are frozen" Ah, never-mind then.
"[CONTEXT REDACTED]" Is this, is this photo a bathroom scale? Frozen completely? Why does this picture exist? Not faulting you but like, where did you even find something like this?
"Control lost. Pull out. Reserve materials for Times Square. We aren't done. Let the suits find the warehouse." So the Authority then did not originally own the building? The Suits I'm assuming refers to either the government or the authority.
So, from what I can tell based on the context clues in the article. The warehouse was normal(?) during its original construction but sometime before 1960 became anomalous in nature from an unknown source/phenomenon. What is known is that a single Woman "survived" whatever occurred, leaving her horribly mutated and disfigured, but alive. Within the chamber she now finds herself, a cold air permeates all throughout and somewhat outside of the exit of the chamber. It is unknown where this chill comes from but it is presumed that this chamber was at one point a standard home (bed, bathroom scale, etc.) It is unknown whether her disfigurement was intentional or the byproduct of some unknown catalyst, all that is known is that while normally docile. Some unkown action can set it off into anger, meaning that there is still some form of consciousness with this mutation (even if it doesnt remember who it was, or if its even the same person). It has become some half snake, half abomination in the form of a fleshy quagmire of melted teeth and snapped sinew, and most importantly is the only thing in it's chamber not completely frozen over (even the described "ectoplasm" was).
I give this a 4, it could've been a 5 if a few more answers were given to the reader, even if not at face value. The building itself is a bit boring, and in some cases even restricts the article's growth. Personally, I was quite bored of this article at first. But the real magic happens when the addendum is reached, the well written body horror and creature JUST out of view in the "bloody hell" photo leave just enough to the imagination in terms of it's physical state as well as the chamber itself. If the warehouse itself was given less attention, and more attention was focused on the monster and it's chamber/origins (without going too far either, this articles best quality is that it leaves just enough to the imagination but not too much/too little.) I could see a 5 being given. But in it's present state it is a solid 4, no B+ or B- crap.