RPC-194 is believed to be responsible for a temporal acceleration within the surrounding area, an effect that is believed to be responsible for the hexagonal rock pillars above RPC-1941.
"RPC-194 is the assumed cause for a temporal anomaly affecting the sorrounding area; time within this anomaly is experienced at a rate at least ten times faster than baseline. The accumulating effects of this time dilation is considered responsible for the geographical abnormalities sorrounding RPC-194, including the prominent hexagonal rock pillars right above it."
The team felt an hour passed since communication was lost, but Command experienced 6 minutes. This is a 10x difference. That's a lot, and it's a difference that only keeps accumulating as time passes, which should result in RPC-194 being very, very markedly different than its sorrounding area. Consider that if baseline time from creation to discovery of the anomaly is 10 years, the inside time is 100.
The entrance to RPC-194 is also hosting a secondary effect of RPC-194(designated RPC-194-1) with individuals entering RPC-194 being able to perceive a vocal statement being made in the individual's first language. It is unknown how RPC-194 transmits this vocalization as decibel meters suggest that no sounds are transmitted.
"When entering RPC-194, individuals will be able to perceive a vocal statement being made in their first language. This vocalization, designated RPC-194-1, is not transmitted through acoustic waves, instead being directly relayed to affected subjects through an unidentified mechanism."
As far as I know, 'unidentified' is always better than 'unknown' in this context.
We know that it can fuck with rocks as the rock pillars outside show us.
"We know that it can fuck with rocks from the pillars outside."
Romeo-7, it has not been that long. I thought you guys should have eaten enough before entering 194.
Nitpick here — they're a bit slow to realize what's going on.
Furthermore, shouldn't their transmissions be received at an unusually quick rate, considering they experience time faster? I'm not sure what effects time dilation might theoretically have on radio waves, but Command should at least be hearing Romeo-7's communications ten times quicker.
The following is the transcript for RPC-194-1, as heard by Agent Dashing.
How is the nature of this message not mentioned anywhere in the document? I assume long-time waste disposal messages are public knowledge in the Authority universe. Furthermore, I find it very, very funny that the Authority chose to ignore this message later on, fully knowing what its purpose is.
For example, Agent Dashing's house, which was purchased brand new less than 15 years ago is plagued with maintenance issues only expected of houses significantly older.
This is a very, very significant issue. It's very noticeable from an outside perspective, and even assuming the area of effect is relatively small, it's got to have disastrous long-term effects on nearly everything they interact with on a regular basis.
I intend to test my hypothesis that the 4 agents exhibit some form of temporal effect on the surroundings by supplying all 4 agents with an atomic clock and detecting their deviations from normal clocks. There may be something in those caves giving the 4 agents anomalous effects.
I suggest holding the agents in quarantine instead, to prevent the aforementioned effects from damaging anything important or public.
- Christpoher Kenneth
This is hard to notice.
After investigating the effects of the 4 operatives, the 4 operatives were determined to have certain temporal effects as clocks in proximity to them would be experience the passage of time faster.
Way too redundant.
It was decided that the 4 agents would accompany MST November-12 (Dumpster Divers) on a renewed exploration of RPC-194.
But why? There's no way to know if this effect could worsen upon renewed exposure, of it could significantly harm November-12.
I remember reading about giant fields of spikes being potentially used to deter people from entering a place thousands of years after the collapse of human civilization.
If implemented, these spikes would be organized in such a way that they prevent passage. This is not the case, as you wrote in the first exploration log.
So it seems to have no temporal effects on us when we're actively communicating.
Shouldn't they have realized this by the end of the first exploration, considering communication went as normal despite RPC-194's known effects?
But maybe this place is it's containment. Maybe the cave is someone's way of containing it.
Well, as aforementioned, they clearly fucked up. Look at this place! It's a cave! Not exactly the best containment facility right?
Maybe some medieval people found 194, didn't like it and threw it down here.
I should point out that Hong Kong was uninhabited until the 1400s. Also, are you suggesting that medieval people built kilometers of spikes?
Well, the pyramids were built thousands of years ago…
On inhabited land, over years.
You forgot the Names: here
highly industrialized hallway.
What do you mean by "highly industrialized"? I do not believe that's a description appliable to hallways themselves.
DeCabb: It looks like some sort of text in Tagalog2.
McLoughlin: Tagalog? This looks more like Irish3 to me.
The footnotes here are redundant and unnecessary.
Germanium crystal
'One crystal' can weigh from a few grams to a few tonnes. You should specify a bit.
Wong: There's a flashing hologram displaying text. Taking a pic of it.
Valle: It's saying "Containment". Looks broken, or else it wouldn't be flashing.
It should be flashing irregularly. Flashing lights are regularly used by humans, but almost exclusively follow a pattern.
Gods and convenient rituals? Why didn't they tell us about this with 194-1? Something about this feels off.
I find this segment of dialogue to be INCREDIBLY awkward and oblivious. Why, after realizing what the entry spikes were, are they unable to realize that these messages have an identical purpose? At least Rim should make the connection.
Each Germanium crystal assigned to the individuals are to pick up their assigned Germanium crystal.
I don't understand this.
Command: RPC-916. A book that manifests for people who have time traveled.4.
Patrick: Wait, so I just time traveled?
RPC-916 should have been received the exact moment the agents first entered RPC-194, considering they pretty literally time-jumped by speeding up time and then returning to their regular time period.
By the time we get better equipment our crystals will have gone black.
How do they know this? Have the crystals been previously tested? If so, why isn't the average duration of these crystals explicitly told? Why can't they replace the 'spent' crystals with new, dry ones?
Agent Daniels uses her pick on the corridor wall. However, no fragments break off.
Why doesn't the pick time travel?
Why are there immortal corpses from an alternate dimension? Why is there an angry star headed our way?
These crosslinks feel somewhat awkward.
And why, in god's fucking name, was this place ever built.
Again, them not knowing feels frustratingly oblivious. At the very least, Command should know, considering the message they received in their exact first exploration.
These crystals should work underwater.
Why wouldn't they, given that…
The Germanium crystal is to be submerged into a water tank no fewer than 2 liters in volume. This is to be conducted within RPC-194. No fewer than 4 Germanium crystals are to undergo this procedure at any given time.
Also, why do only crystals specifically work?
On 02/07/20, the 2 members of Alpha-2 resurfaced, recovering an orange box which they claimed to have been recovered from the bottom of the pool. The device displayed a sapient entity resembling that of a human female (now designated RPC-194-2), who possesses information regarding RPC-194 and claimed to be "the gatekeeper of this cursed land".
How is this entity displayed? Similarly to a TV? You should describe this.
Crashing the Welsh housing market with some papers that I don't understand(Note to critters, Dashing does that in 378.) does that to you.
"with some papers that i don't understand" feels very weird. Just say "crashing the Welsh housing market"
There are ██████████ m2
This is stupidly large. There's no way that it would've went unnoticed until 1983, and even less so that its presence wouldn't cause any effect on the sorrounding geography.
The caveman then sits down and asks you to explain exactly what is wrong with that facility. With all your infinite wisdom, please explain the concept of radiation to a creature with only the most rudimentary understanding of math.
While I like this concept, I don't think it's applied well to the article, or that it really works;
1) You can very easily explain poisoning and sickness to a caveman. Long-term nuclear waste disposal methods rely on doing exactly that.
2) While the entity understands the leap in technology and understanding between a caveman and a modern human, the facility doesn't; it's built in the exact same way that modern man attempts to explain radiation to a caveman, instead of being built in the equivalent that an hyper-advanced civilization would do the same for a modern man. This is especially notable on the 'god-appeasing ritual'. There's no reason for this civilization not to go and tell us "what's contained here fucks with time, and is very harmful" even if that's a brutal simplification, because that's exactly what we would do with long-term disposal of nuclear waste; "what's kept here can make you very ill, and is a blight upon the land".
Fair. I'm also curious as to whether the ritual for entering RPC-194 was real or not.
This line makes Dashing sound stupid. Everyone on the Authority side of things is consistently shown a blindingly obvious explanation of what is happening (one that should be even more obvious considering that the initial warning message is copied verbatim from a human-made one written before the exploration date) and remains oblivious to it.
While I adore long-term nuclear disposal and its potential uses for fiction, I think that the concept was very badly applied here. This would work much, much better only with no exploration or redundant explanations, especially those given by 194-2. Simply describing the facility and the ritual would work well for the first half, and having a laconic incident addendum with the "radiation poisoning" accident should make what's going on obvious.
I also suggest changing up some of the disuasion measures (i.e. spikes) so that they aren't exactly identical to those that we already use in the modern day.