The clinical tone here is pretty wonky.
This lake contains an extra-dimensional anomaly at its bed that allows for the entry into the baseline reality of a previously unknown element know as Lethium.
"The lakebed of RPC-438 contains a dimensional anomaly that functions as a one-way entrance for an anomalous substance. This substance is entirely composed of a previously-unknown element, dubbed 'Lethium' by Research Division personnel."
Lethium exposure in humans results in chemical alterations of the memory centers of the brain, resulting in damage to both long and short-term memory.
"Lethium exposure in humans provokes irreversible alterations in the memory centers of the brain, damaging both long and short-term memory."
The origins of RPC-438 are unknown, as its discovery was linked to the intoxication of several nearby region's water supply, which was caused by an already active RPC-438.
"The date and event of origin of RPC-438 are unknown, as its discovery was a consequence of intoxication of nearby inhabitants due to Lethium exposure."
Lethium, also referred to as RPC-438-1, is a highly toxic element.
The underlined part should be right at the first mention of Lethium.
Once distilled, RPC-438-1 is the active component in a variety of amnestic drugs used by the Authority and its affiliate organizations worldwide.
I think this segment would better not be there. It's kind of a massive spoiler. Ditto for the following paragraph.
Every quanta
"Quanta" is plural. "Quantum" would be a better fit.
The theory would suggest that memotic feeders would act in opposition to the law of informational inertia, which has left many researchers skeptical of the existence of such entities.
"This theory implies that memotic feeders, should they exist, act in opposition to the Law of Informational Inertia, leaving many researchers skeptical of their existence."
Question. How does the direction and speed of vectors affect our world? Is the info-plane a three-dimensional plane? Does every point within that plane equate to a real memotic ground? How was all of this discovered and observed? All of these should be answered in the article.
As a memotic feeder consumes quanta, it becomes more agile, able to travel within the infoplane with greater force, and greater ability to alter its direction.
"As a memotic feeder consumes quanta, it would become faster and gain the ability to control its direction."
It is currently unknown how these form. The hypothesis that currently seems to hold the most weight would be that these singularities formed alongside the formation of the universe.
"How these phenomena form is currently unknown, as neither the formation or disappearance of one have been documented."
Singularities are slightly affected by the gravity of other vectors but this is negligible.
"Singularities are negligibly affected by the gravity of other vectors."
Gravity implies presence of mass. How does the difference in mass affect perception of information in our own world? Perhaps it alters the 'clarity' of an idea? What about density?
The distortion on the infoplane that singularities generate is strong enough to puncture a hole, creating a pseudo-ground.
"The distorsions caused by singularities are sufficient to puncture a hole between the info- and physical planes, creating a pseudo-ground in the physical plane."
is the result of said chemical reaction, and believed to be what makes up most of the chemistry inside the info-plane.
So, the interaction of information and physical elements creates Lethium. Then how is the Lethium in the other side of the singularity formed? If Lethium is purely physical, how does it interact when inside the info-plane?
Memotic Dumps similar to RPC-438 are found in several places around the world in far smaller proportions. With their Lethium samples being drastically different in composition and reactivity, while still sharing similar basic properties.
"Memotic dumps similar to RPC-438 are found in several places around the world, always in far smaller proportions. Lethium secreted by each memotic dump is drastically different in composition and reactivity, while sharing other properties."
as attempts to collect it by common methods will result in the liquid dispersing and returning to the info-plane
Why? Does Lethium degrade in contact with other elements? How does it survive enough to intoxicate the area then?
Once Lethium enters the organism, through ingestion or skin absorption, the metabolic system will mistakenly recognize it as iron, and allow it into the bloodstream.
"Lethium is never treated as a foreign agent by human organisms, allowing its free circulation through the bloodstream after ingestion or contact."
Upon reaching the brain, a chemical reaction will begin between Lethium and carbon
Why doesn't this happen when, say, you drop a bottle of Lethium on a bunch of graphite? Why not use a solution of graphite and water to extract Lethium from the lake? Don't other parts of the body contain carbon?
This is believed to be caused by its bond with carbon, which now ties it to the physical space in a chemical sense.
This would make sense if it the info-plane was considered a fourth dimension. Perhaps memotic dumps could be intersections between four-dimensional and three-dimensional space, leading to us only seeing the Lethium that's in direct contact with the third dimension. This would work excellently with Lethium being bound to carbon, but could have the possible effect of having a fuckton of other, invisible, four-dimensional elements bound to what we perceive to be a third-dimensional molecule. Or maybe four-dimensional elements immediately part ways with most three-dimensional ones, which could explain the rarity of similar Lethium-like chemicals.
Stage 3: Amnestic Manufacturing:
How do they dissolve Trilethium bicarbonate back into pure Lethium?
it will vanish into the info-plane taking with it several memotic scalars connected to the subject's brain during the process.
This seems more like an amnestic bomb than anything. Two solutions;
1) Have memotic scalars lose intensity with time, with Lethium reacting only with higher intensity ones. This would make it possible to target all memories in smaller, recent periods.
2) Mention a method to have Lethium target very specific scalars.
Furthermore, it should be mentioned in the description that the passage of Lethium from physical to info-planes applies pressure into memotic scalars. This would work excellently if you were to adopt a four-dimension explanation, as the disappearance of both Lethium and the scalars could represent a kind of four-dimensional force. This is pretty much exactly how interaction between three and four dimensions would work; an entity could reach into your heart and rip it off without touching anywhere else in your body.
Also makes for excellent fuel for more memotic stuff; what if the widespread use of amnestics creates large pools full of scalars, which work as excellent foodsources for memotic feeders? As such, the use of amnestics could result in larger memory losses all around the world. We'd basically be eaten alive by otherwordly creatures.