This is an entry made between me (ImNotEric) and a friend (Excer). The mandatory tags were Explosive, Immeasurable, and Teleportation. We did not choose a random image. It is inspired by the pseudo-scientific speculatory biology theory "The sky is alive". Which in itself claims that UFOs are not vehicles, but giant living creatures. plz crit and upvote
RPC-052-Ω will then release a currently unknown mist
One thing that bothers me is this use of "unknown." Perhaps "unidentified type of mist" would work better here.
will begin utilizing their appendages
Same here. Wouldn't "employing" or "using" fit better?
this creature will undergo a metamorphosis
I think the "a" is unnecessary.
Stage 4: AAt this stage,
The occurrence of a large Jellyfish-like creature
Maybe "similar to specimens of the Medusozoa subphylum."
While the idea is interesting and well executed, I don't quite get what's going on in the last log, maybe because I missed the stinger. It feels as if, instead of exploring RPC-052 itself, the article focuses on its effect on the public.
This would've probably worked if I had priorly known of the theory that inspired you, but since I didn't, it failed to resonate with me. I feel this could've been better if there was a closer focus on public speculation, and perhaps constrasting it with the Authority's knowledge.
That said, it's solidly written, but could use some improving.
Code for Orange-rating: #F36400
Code for Department of Biology:
[[span class="tooltip"]][[image style="margin: -10px 0px; width: 60px; filter: invert(1); opacity: 0.8"] class="tooltip"]] [[span class="tooltiptext"]]Department of
this fog makes difficult RPC-052 observation
this fog makes observation of RPC-052 difficult
Cross-referencing footage indicates that
From this finding
From this finding,
The drone recording is however
The drone recording is, however,
Final Thoughts: Don't really have one, it's the living ufo concept, only fear is that it may prevent others from writing Flying Sourcers(?), nah nevermind that.
As of right now, I dont really see a hell of a lot of anomalous activity here. These creatures just show up to breed, and not knowing where they come from isn't enough for me. They really need to DO something a lot stranger upon arrival. Otherwise, theyre not an anomaly, theyre just a new species.
Downvoting for the same reasons.
"I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."
Unknown species or ET is an anomaly.
We don't know their biology and it's also a threat to normalcy.
Anomaly = The unknown
I actually disagree with the sentiments above. I greatly appreciate the amount of time and care it took to make them *appear* non-anomalous.
Because it takes great strides to not only consider how the public would react and how the Authority would manage a psyops/disinformation campaign, its grounded in real-world events.
Part of the fun of the article is how its diagetic elements are plausible, with the only reason it receives its anomalous designation seemingly being due to the fact that… we as a society are clearly not advanced enough in our xenobiological studies.