Hypothetical Gaming.
Man, huuuuge lost opportunity to do something fun with the British part. Not even a combat log against British zombies.
Overall; not a particularly original concept, turned funny due to the British-ification process. This generally still reads like any other anomalous murder monster, and that really brings it down.
Agree with alma, I would rate this higher but the formatting issues (licensing info in a foot note) and grammer issues prevent me from doing so.
Unfocused and repetitive and a bad picture
Such is life in the Soviet Union
Utilizing the classic "creepy animate inanimate thing which can kill you painfully if it gets too close" was a bold move, seeing as it can often come off as too formulaic and uninteresting. This article tries to subvert that by adding some more stuff to it, but in the end none of them really improve the article at all.
I thought this was just alright. 3/5
Edit: So NOW my first post decides to show up…
"The image for RPC-035 is actually a sculpture made by Sarah Duyer. They have approved the use of this photo on the RPC wiki." This is from a footnote in the article. A footnote in article is a poor place for this, so I'm removing it from the article and putting it here.
article a day day 13: rpc-035 by Gr-eth / Cave Johnson
this article is a very strong concept executed poorly. its a pot of tea that turns you into a "zombie," with a fun twist, but it doesn't really go beyond that. i can't help but imagine there was a bit of a rush with the addenda, and as others have already said, there could have been a lot more in that area. interview logs, containment logs, etc.
it opens the door, but doesn't pass the threshold. disappointing. if 3 stars is good, and 1 star is unacceptable, this is the bare minimum. 2 stars.