So I created some unique ideas for some Concepts and devices that could be used in the wiki.
«Gyro Fields:»
Gyro Fields are machines built with the purpose to distort gravity within a certain radius. Gyro Fields are usually used in the containment of certain RPCs. There are 4 versions of the Gyro Field.
. Gyro Field {Φ}: These are the weakest form of the Gyro Fields, having a radius of 2 meters.
. Gyro Field {Χ}: These are normal versions, usually used with beta or gamma type RPC's containment. The radius is measured to be 5.7 meters. Also, the version need a continuing power source to functionally work.
. Gyro Field {Ψ}: These are known to be the strongest type of Gyro Fields, always used with Omega type RPC's containment. The radius is measured to be 13.2 meters.
. Gyro Field {Σ}: This is more of an theoretical idea developed by [REDACTED]. Said version is still in development/construction, and it's theorized to be the most powerful version of Gyro Fields, more powerful than the {Ψ} types. The radius is theorized to be around 7.1 Kilometers.
«Amora Patterns:»
“Love, a simple, but beautiful feeling. That’s what everyone knows, it’s common knowledge. But what they didn’t know is that Love has the potential to overwrite, distort and even destroy realities in nano-seconds. And that right there my friend, is something we The Authority fears. We fear Love, for the right reasons you all won't understand. And I don’t blame you, as everyone was taught from the very beginning that Love is a positive thing, a beautiful miracle. But sometimes, beautiful miracles can be very dangerous to all degrees of damage. -Dr. Y”.
Amora Patterns is a term designated to a sentient being that can overwrite, distort, destroy or even create concepts, realities and even fate through the feeling of Love. These Amora Patterns will bound their-self's with other sentient beings (Including humans) that produce love to said Amora Pattern (This Love could be ranging from "Eros Love", "Philia Love" and "Storge Love"). This boundment could result in said person becoming immortal or forever protected by the Amora Pattern and even the gaining of Amora Pattern’s powers. Don’t confuse this with Reality-Bender, as Amora Patterns were shown to be stronger than some of the most powerful Reality-Benders. Killing an Amora Pattern is something that can’t be possible, as for containment? That right there, is a challenge The Authority is unsure they can take, but they will try for the sake of protection of all realities.
CoronaGates are devices that can efficiently produce gateways to different areas in time, space and even reality. These are used by other GoIs and even The Authority themselves. Most CoronaGate RPCs are labeled with the (Utility) rank.
«Chaos Matter:»
A theoretical force/concept/knowledge that triggers chaotic principals, events and possibly Concepts on an spectrum of chaos theory. These triggers don’t always result in a lethal scenario, but it can cause unimaginable damages to objects and even ideals. All Chaos Matter Rpcs are labeled as Info-Hazards, though it’s rare for a sentient being born from Chaos Matter to exist, but it is possible to some degree.
So what do you think of these concepts & devices I have created? Do you got ideas you can add onto this one? What concept or device do you like the most? And is it good enough to be apart of the RPC Wiki?