So I came up with this idea of possible events that could happen that the wiki could use. While yes, there a rip-off of Spc's K class scenarios, but I tried my best to make them unique. Here's my X Type Events. Also, I made some Joke X type Events too. I hope you guys will enjoy.
«-{X Type Events}-»
{A-1X Type: “End of the World” Event} |The total destruction of humanity and/or earth.|
{A-2X Type: “[Memetical] End of the World” Event} |When a Memetic/infohazard kills humanity or alters humanity in a way that would cause an extinction level event to humanity.|
{A-3X Type: “End of Humanity” Event} |When humanity dies out, leaving the earth intacted.|
{A-3X Type: “End of Social Order” Event} |When an anomaly causes the total collapse of social order in governments or to humanity.|
{A-4X Type: “End of Authority” Event} |GoIs or world Governments causing the total collapse/permanent shut down/destruction of The RPC Authority, event could result in a possible Z-1X Type: “End of the World” Event.|
{A-5X Type: “End of Reality” Event} |When our reality begins to fall apart, becoming unlivable to all forms of life.|
{B-1X Type: “Humanity Reset” Event} |When all human life loses all memories of who they are & what certain things are/do. Event will sooner or later turn into a A-1X Type: “End of the World” Event.|
{B-2X Type: “Universal Reset” Event} |When an anomaly causes the universe to reset.|
{B-3X Type: “Human Instrumentality” Event} |When humanity begins to fuse into one singler being.|
{C-1X Type: “Tangled Timelines” Event} |When one or more timelines collided into the main timeline.|
{E-1X: “Sunny, with a chance of Extinction” Event} |When our sun starts to produce a anomalous effect, or begins to grow into a red giant & kick-starts a supernova.|
{F-1X Type: “SandMan Quits” Event} |All Human life loses the ability to sleep, causing a possible A-3X Type: “End of Humanity” Event.|
{F-2X Type: “SandMan’s Revenge” Event} |All Human life falls into a permanent coma.|
{G-1X Type: “Full on War” Event} |When GoI or world governments declares war on The Authority.|
{I-1X Type: “It’s Rebirth” Event} |When RPC-001 gets reborn, it’s unknown if this will cause an apocalyptic event or not.|
{I-2X Type: “Walking Dead” Event} |When all or half of Humanity gets infected with a virus, bacteria or pathogen that will turn the victim into a mindless monster that will start to consume human flesh.|
{I-3X Type: “Mind Hive Frenzy” Event} |When all of humanity gets enslaved by a Hive Mind.|
{P-7X Type: “Back to the Stone Age” Event} |When all technology gets destroyed, causing humanity to go back to the stone age.|
{J-7X Type: “Space Invaders” Event} |When Extraterrestrials from another planet invades earth or a foreign force from another dimension invades our reality/universe.|
{K-1X Type: “New World Order” Event} |When a GoI takes over the world.|
{K-2X Type: “New Management” Event} |A GoI takes over The Authority.|
{U-1X Type: “Virtual Insanity” Event} |When humanity mutates/evolves/turns into mechanical automatons from an anomalies force or by other means.|
{Z-1X Type: “Failure’s ballad” Event} |The Authority has failed their mission of protecting humanity, the only survivors are Authority personnel.|
{Ω-0X Type: “Death’s Execution” Event} |When the concept of death ceases to exist/gets killed, causing all life in the universe to never die, giving them immortality.|
{Z-9X Type: “Requiem for the Vail” Event} |The knowledge/existence of The Authority & the anomalous are revealed to humanity.|
«-{Joke X Type Events}-»
{L.U.S.T-34XXX Tpye: “Oh no…” Event} |When human stops reproducing with the each other, and begins to reproduce with anomalous beings/creatures of the opposite sex.|
{SCP-000X Type: “You're the Faker!” Event} |The RPC Authority & The SCP Foundation declares war on each other, this can easily cause a A-4X Type: “End of Authority” Event, A-1X Type: “End of the World” Event or possibly a A-5X Type: “End of Reality” Event.|
{S.E.A.L-0X Type: “Our fate has been Sealed” Event} |When all human races genetically turns into Canadian descent, causing RPC-505-J to breach containment and cause mass genocide on humanity.|
{LOL-21X Type: “The Boys are Back in Town” Event} |When all JokeRPCs breached containment and began to harass the universe.|
{™-0X Type: “Andrey Duksin” Event} |When Andrey Duksin copyrights & trademarks the logo & name of the RPC Authority.|
So what do you think of the Idea? Is it good enough to officially be apart of the RPC Wiki? And what is your favorite X Type Event?