I'm going to have to give this one a 1/5. Let me explain why: When I rate 1, I want the article to be taken down from the main list. This could be because of a variety of reasons, but in this case, it's because of a decent concept with a bad execution. Throughout the article, the author has just spewed a bunch of random effects without rhyme nor order. This could work in some cases, but didn't here. Most likely because it uses sci-fi talk. For example: What's up with the native American huts? They're mentioned once and never again. This is a problem with the other effects as well, as they're told but never mentioned or elaborated upon when they could've in the multiple exploration logs. Speaking about the exploration logs, the dialogue is very unnatural and the narration parts are confusing because of the odd naming choice of the characters.
The inclusion of the random GoI's in the ending are also meaningless as they don't develop the (nonexistent) story nor actually end the article.
In short, a decent concept haunted by incoherency and incompleteness.