RPC-725 is manufactured by PetGalaxy, although no such records of any company or corporation by the name of PetGalaxy exist anywhere.
This trope is somewhat annoying to read. Doesn't contribute much to the article to my taste.
RPC-725 instances of pattern A display a coating identical to that of Calico cats, displaying splotches of orange and black paint on the backside, with an off-white fur coat on the frontside. Instances have yellow eyes.
RPC-725 instances of pattern B display an all-gray coating, resembling the coating of British Shorthairs. Instances have green eyes.
These sentences are somewhat redundant (see "displaying" and "coating" respectively). Could be improved as;
RPC-725 instances of pattern A display a coating identical to that of Calico cats, with splotches of orange and black on their backside and an off-white fur coat on the front.
RPC-725 instances of pattern B display an all-gray coating, resembling that of British Shorthairs. Instances have green eyes.
Notes: This is something quite interesting. I am requesting more investigation of this anomalous property. - Dr. Horton
I don't think this note contributes anything to the article. Unless it is INTEGRAL to the progression to have a note explaining what the Authority is doing, these should be avoided.
Labrador retriever was nicknamed “Subject” for the test.
CSS-38445 was sent back to his cell, and Senior Researcher ███ reprimanded for her actions by Dr. Horton, being demoted to paperwork status.
Strongly dislike this log. It is highly informal in the wrong ways ("paperwork status") and uses the "do bad = demotion" cliché, which is nearly always a minus for the article.
Furthermore, I feel like the destruction of anomalies requires being tightly justified either from an in-universe or storytelling standpoint to work.
I don't think the article does anything new or remarkable with what it has. No addendum really works with each other, or is particularly enjoyable to read.
This would work significantly better if the article was focused on building to how 725 instances are extremely cute and lovable through the test logs, entirely forgoing the destruction tests, and replacing the commercial-ish note for one that highlights this cutesy aspect, to then have Addendum 4 as a punchline.