We've introduced an official curator role for Groups and Agencies of Interest. EoI curators will have the responsibility of maintaining consistency and helping with organization for the writing of EoIs. They will talk to the other contributors of an EoI and help to answer questions writers may have about the EoI.
EoI curators would be able to review any new additions to lore and determine if they are contradictory to the EoI's themes. If there is an issue that can't be resolved between writers, it should be brought to lore team.
There's typically only one curator per EoI, and right now, the position only really applies to EoIs on the official GoI and AoI lists. For someone to be eligible for the position, they should be a writer for the EoI and should be a major contributor to its vision and themes. It should be stated on an EoI's hub who its curator is. Who would make the optimal curator should be decided by the EoI's contributors. This is currently being discussed in the lore server.
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask about the new system in the RPC Office Discord server.