Going to be putting these updates in here from now on! Feel free to comment on our theatrics
1. Staff are making a decided effort to communicate better with each other
2. No changes are to be made to the deletion threshold or crit requirement (this was an option in the last community vote)
4. The community rep role has been having issues. Any suggestions to help it are welcome.
5. (UPDATED- Decided in the lore meeting today) POI's are being taken off of top bar until there's more interest. The POI page will have a section for fully developed POIs with a full accompanying article, and a section below will be available for POIs with less
6. A do n' don't guide about certain GOI writing hopefully coming soon thanks to togetic
7. Object class rewording is coming
8. (UPDATED) members are allowed to use greyed out versions of object classes for neutralized things, the images will come to the site soon.
10. GOI/AOI freeze - A group must be updated with an article every 2/3 months. If they become inactive then they will be moved to an inactive GOI page until they become active again. A full explanation on the freeze will be coming soon.
11. Lore team video will be up soon!