I just don't really feel like this is… particularly strongly worded?
They treat us as a man might treat his dog, something cute but ultimately harmless. Well the AEP Association will no longer answer to a master who thinks himself above the struggles of the average man.
This, for example, is just grammatically weird and worded oddly, putting "well" after a full stop doesn't look right, and the analogy gets dragged on further than it needs to.
I don't think this is supposed to look like that intentionally for story reasons, so it comes off weirdly.
The AEP shall be the first to strike a blow to the RPC monster.
Things like this, constant use of acronyms, don't fit the tone, especially for something that's supposed to be a manifesto that's been thought over and written in advance.
Following the transmission of this message the AEP Association contacted the Authority with assurances that this action was committed by a rogue agent. Investigations are in progress.
And this part… is weird? "Actually he was our agent embedded in your organisation and he did use our symbol and say it was in our name, but he went rouge, he wasn't supposed to do that" just doesn't sound super convincing, but it's treated like the authority still accepts their reasoning