There are minor grammar issues throughout and the tone feels non-clinical in places. I feel like the interaction between the four groups could have been taken in an interesting direction, but wasn't. Same goes for the discussion log between the four entities. The dialog felt really out of place as it was weirdly comedic. It could have worked if you kept a less-serious tone for the full article, or even just the rest of the article following that log.
The interview with the GARD mole is a pretty cliche interrogation log for EOIs. "You fools…. all fools…. haha we're going beat the RPC…. fools… I was a mole and you had no idea haha…….. haha now I'm done talking because I'm loyal to my group… even though I just helped you to find fatal security flaws….. haha.."
There's no reason to have MI13 and FOA in here if you aren't going to use them extensively. If the first thing you're communicating to the reader is that there's this four-way battle to get all the pieces, the rest of the article should be about that. Instead, it was just GARD.