OK, I'm not going to bother with critiqueing the first document, and go straight to the linked tale/second document:
You don't want to look at it because if you do, you know they'll just send you back into the darkness. But you are fine with that.
Which is it? Knowing that you'll be sent back to the darkness can't make you not want to look at it if you're fine with it. These two sentences contradict each other.
Description: RPC-907 is the designation given to the truth of human reasoning and thought. It is the culmination of all beliefs and ideologies. To know RPC-907 is to know the truth and reasoning behind the human condition and subsequently, the actions of the Board of Global Directors.
I'm sorry, but exactly how is that worthy of a black lethality rating? Sounds downright beneficial IMO.
RPC-907 manifests itself as an infohazardous entity which resides in a dormant state in all humans and can be awakened in those with an ArcOS Ontological Chip installed in the thalamus.
In the story part of the tale, we are told by GD-12 (the same guy who ordered the second document) that RPC-907 is a man-made anomaly, so how could it be lying dorment in all humans already? Either this document or GD-12 are lying, and if it's the latter he's doing a terrible job at it.
It is the duty of the Board of Global Directors, through the use of scientific methods to discover all. And as they discover, to open our eyes to the truth which encompasses us all.
Opening people's eyes to the truth is the exact opposite of what the Authority does.
"You see, we don't actually know what RPC-907 is. All we really know is whatever we heard from your encounter with it and even that is nothing compared to what we believe it holds. When we developed the ArcOS Admin Command System, we never expected it to reach these proportions. We only wanted an easier way of holding voting sessions but what we got was a man-made anomaly. The first of its kind."
Multiple issues here:
- How do they know RPC-907 is actually man-made if they aren't even sure what it is?
- Even if RPC-907 is a man-made anomaly like GD-12 claims, it most certainly isn't the first man-made anomaly. There are at least 4 different GOIs devoted to creating man-made anomalies, with numerous man-made anomalies already on the mainlist.
later, GD-12 explains that the reason he's kept you alive was so he could put you back under again to contain RPC-907. However, if they fully intended on putting you back under, what was the purpose of bringing you back at all? Did GD-12 seriously just bring you back so he could give a diabolical speech like a comic book villian?
Seriously, this entire second document makes zero sense; I felt like I know even less about RPC-907 than before I started reading it.
What makes even less sense is that this is somehow supposed to represent famine. Nothing about this implies famine.