"RPC-218's anomalous properties becomes evident when an incident occurs anywhere in the world."
What incident, or what kind of incident? Historical ones? If so, clarify that.
Basically, any incident that has a consequences in history, geopolitical, or society. (i.e. Shooting Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which caused the First World War; the launch of Sputnik 1 from the south of Kazakhstan; and the Prohibition era.)
"Curiosity Always Defines Reasoning"
it's not terribly written, however i found myself just asking
"okay, but isn't this a lesser anomaly?"
like all he does is.. appear
Glad you were able to finish this one up. Sorry I couldn’t help.
The already boring anomaly is littered with grammatical and sentence continuity errors. It is evident this needed several more thorough read-throughs, as many sentences don't even make sense upon inspection.
I fixed the temporal hazard error, it said Newtonian instead.
A very basic harbinger being played completely straight with not much to make it especially interesting. This is basically Mothman with slightly more subtlety.
Fun piece with plenty of to think about, interesting cases, and a hitting twist at the end. Plus it serves as really good tale food. One nitpick though.
Rapid Response Team "Observers"
Feels like a waste to make an entire new team for this single anomaly that doesn't seem to be of harm to anyone. Meh, whatever. 5 stars.