This is very cute, and i'm happy it exists.
There is some confusing wording though
Once a week, five CSD-class with a record of mental illness or abnormal aggression are to be placed inside RPC-547's containment chamber and closely monitored. If RPC-547 approaches and interacts positively with the CSD-class, it is to be rewarded with a "walk" around Site-045 by two researchers, each armed with a pistol out of view.
This is a little confusing, they're exposing an RPC to potential danger for no real reason, since it has no anomalous effects that cure mental illness or aggression? I'm not sure why they'd want it interacting with random aggressive CSD-Class and it doesn't really come up again. I'd also suggest either removing the part about a concealed pistol and just have them be escorted by security staff, or at least have the researchers wield something like a cattle prod which would be more dangerous to a mechanical entity like a rover
The maximum battery voltage has yet to be determined due to the anomalous design of the battery.
Might be better worded as "Due to the anomalous design of the battery, maximum capacity has yet to be determined."
Max output from this appendage has been determined to be 12 Watts according to testing.
Might be better worded as "Testing has determined that the max output from this appendage is 12 Watts" but since that number is contradicted further on in the article maybe it should be 20
Otherwise it's probably one of my favorite on the site, i'm a sucker for wholesome articles
this would normally be 4 stars at best, but god damn it got me sentimental
I really liked this article, and it is very well timed! It was so well timed in fact I feel as if the formatting was a bit relaxed (such as the request/denied section),but otherwise this will be a fantastic addition to the 2019 nostalgia compilation.
This article made me sad because it reminded me of Opportunity’s death but it also made me happy because I’m glad that at least in the RPC Authority universe Opportunity is an alive and happy rover. So 5/5 for the feels.
The Grand Clock Ticks Once More
Fella, the images of of that site are actually images of the Valencia Spain Museum, just letting you know.
I don't like cute things, but I like this. It would be better with hazard type pictograms. +5