Source for leg pic:
Also thanks to Wind Wanker for help with brainstorming
Thanks to Dr. Nafary and Redtide for crit help.
Sources for First Image:
Original image edited by Sonky Kong, original image is free under creative commons. Statue by Mech Mage.
License here:
Special thanks to Sonky Kong and Mech Mage for the awesome work and save.
Quote from SonkKingKong: “Hey, just a quick clarification, the photo was taken by Mech Mage and the artist who created the statue is Scott McNichol. My word is not law, but because the statue is in a public space, the photo was taken by my friend, Mech Mage who retains the copyright to the photo, and because the new image completely changes the original in a satircal manner, usage of this statue image falls under "Fair Use" as transformative work. Thanks!”