Containment protocols
and be fed meal of live crickets
I brougth this up in my round of critique during the draft stage of this, and still see it here. I told you to make it plural since the way it is written implies it is fed more than one meal. If you were referring to a single meal every two days, add an "a" before the word "meal".
These "raids" persisted up until recovery team [REDACTED] managed to secure RPC-552 and relocate them to site-09.
I still think the recovery team shouldn't be redacted, it's not something that would warrant it in my opinion. Also sites are referred to in this format: Site-###.
each member of the recovery team is was outfitted
Is and was right next to each other.
No need to capitalize it.
was to assigned the the
Was assigned. Also wrote "the" twice.
it has been
The beginning of this paragraph should be capitalized.
Striped refers to the pattern you are thinking of, stripped refers to something that was removed.
Consider removing this, seizures can be lethal in special circumstances.
an object which can be used
Capitalize the first word beginning this sentence.
These are the main reasons for my rating.