I found "Coral Bill Psychic Pants" enjoyable, but I can't tell exactly how much of that was ironic enjoyment. There are legitimately good parts, though: the base concept is intriguing, the character is funny from, given, what little we see of it, and the recovery log is delightfully gruesome. (It is structured in a bizarre way, though.)
Otherwise, this article is spongy and formless (obligatory pun for my review). It lacks a real sense of direction. I can at least tell that the final experiment log is supposed to be a climax, but it takes so long to get to the point that it doesn't work well. And even though I find the writing amusing, I can't deny that it's objectively of poor quality.
Additionally, the whole "amnesticize anyone who talks to it" theme is odd. This is an old article, but even so, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I see no implication that it does anything other than make idle conversation and request to be freed when kept docile.
2/5. I initially wanted to give a 3/5, but this is not list quality.