Should add "contact hazard" to the list, since once it is worn it won't come off, "Sapient hazard" as the anomaly it summons is capable of rational thought and communication, and "incorporeal hazard".
Containment Protocols
No gendered personal pronouns. Remember to remove all of these for non gendered, impersonal forms like "they" or the like. This doesn't apply to the Discovery and Addendum sections.
Consider adding protocols to deal with the ring once Dr. Silar is no longer a host of it. Even as a draft or classified document, it leaves an open plot hole to the question of "What if he dies?"
previous users were killed, missing.
It should be "or went missing."
after equipping RPC-162.
Replace "equipping" for "wearing", it reads like a guide to a videogame if you leave this.
eight feet
We don't use imperial units here, convert to Metric please.
Discovery and Addendum
I think you could leave one of the names unredacted, since redacting both of them may make some readers fill in the blanks with anything and cause an unintended reaction about the entire article (think of narm), at least provide one of the names.
The collapsible for the first interview log has a colon while the rest don't.
dosed me
While the interviews are long and could displease some readers, the information each one provides is invaluable to the article. I am very pleased and giving this article a closer reading after the first one.