
Fail-safe Protocol: Recovery

Sector 33:G Lesser Anomaly Stocktake

Designation: LO-0911
Description: A wooden figure of a horse, standing approximately 12cm tall.
Site Location: Site-014
Properties: When touched by human hands, the figure will produce the sound of a braying horse. The sound produced is the same each time it is activated.
Current Status: COMFIRMED- Destroyed during detonation. Reduced to non-anomalous remnants.

Designation: LO-0290
Description: LO-0290 is a sword with a steel blade and pommel with a wooden hilt. It appears indistinctive from swords used by the Knights Templar in the 12th centu[FURTHER DATA CORRUPTED]
Site Location: Site-014
Properties: Possesses minor localized cognito-hazard, causes intrusive thoughts in nearby subjects which align with a common, but ahistoric, interpretation of Crusade-era Knight Templar ideaology, generally focused on modern prejudice. Effect easily dampened by both distance and physical barriers.
Current Status: UNKNOWN

Designation: LO-0442
Description: A pristine specimen from the since discontinued LL-332 "Model" produced by Kabushiki Kawaii, recovered factory-fresh. Male humanoid of indestinct age, featuring a number of traits from the lepidoptera genus in place of baseline human counterparts.
Site Location: Site-014
Properties: Chitinous exoskeleton replaces epidermus, compoundeyes replace retinas, urticating hairs located in areas roughly analogous to human body hair, oral system replaced with curled proboscis, and colourful wings protrude from spinal column (flightless, flacid unless engorged with medically inadvisable levels of blood). Beyond sole dietry requirement of sugar-water, no further anomalous properties.
Current Status: UNKNOWN

Designation: LO-0657
Description: A 45cm length of steel drainage piping, featuring a valve at the leftmost end. The valve is not connected to any internal mechanism.
Site Location: Site-014
Properties: Upon turning the valve one complete rotation, approximately 1.2 litres of pure water will manifest within the pipe.
Current Status: COMFIRMED- Destroyed during detonation. Reduced to non-anomalous remnants.

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