Dr. Driscoll had graduated from the Berkley University of California with a master's degree in Chemistry. At 23 years of age, Driscoll soon had been employed into the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) in 1993 for 3 years, before his employment was terminated in 1996 after multiple reprimands for access to unauthorized documents describing classified chemical weapons, experiments and strategies.
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» Department of Personnel and Management «
Updated: 01/03/2020

File Photo, 01/01/2020
Full Name: Eric Raymond Driscoll.
Personnel ID Number: 002-317-23171
Date Of Birth: 19th October, 1970
Position: Senior Researcher
- Security Clearance: Level 3 Clearance.
Division: Research
- Anomaly Experimentation Team
- The Office Of Analysis And Science
Department: Chemistry
Sex: Male
Height: 183cm
Weight: 77kg
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Birthplace: Denver, Colorado, USA
Enlistment Date: June 9th, 1997
Educational Background:
- Cherry Creek High School
- University of California, Berkeley
M.S. in Chemistry
Occupational History:
- Technical Targeting Analyst for the CIA (1993 - 1996)
Early Life
Dr. Driscoll was born to ███████ Driscoll and ██████ Driscoll in Colorado, Denver, USA. His father had worked as an engineer while his mother would care for him at home.
At 23 years of age, Driscoll soon had been employed into the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology (DS&T) in 1993 for 3 years, before his employment was terminated in 1996 after multiple reprimands for access to unauthorized documents describing classified chemical weapons, experiments and strategies.
Since his teenage years, Driscoll had possessed a fascination with chemicals and would frequently perform reckless experiments with household chemicals, often resulting in "boring" or dangerous reactions. Driscoll would eventually lose interested in performing such reactions due to repetitiveness, though he would retain his tendency to experiment.
Adult Life
At the age of 21 during his enrollment at the Berkely University of California, Driscoll developed an interest in metaphysics and was particularly concerned with ontology, reality and space and time. This interest would as well cause him to dive into occult practices in an attempt to understand concepts of reality, as he claims to have felt as if "there is another side to this world."
Dr. Driscoll had graduated from the Berkley University of California with a master's degree in Chemistry with a GPA of 4.3.
He had soon been taken into the Authority in 1997 after his amateur studies upon RPC-███ when he had viewed it through a telescope and documented his discovery. Authority personnel seized his residence and confiscated his files. Because of his scientific background, he was offered either employment to the Authority, or to undergo memory-wipe.
Driscoll is as well known by other personnel for his car, a black Lotus Espirit S3 for its rumored anomalous capabilities. Several unauthorized "experiments" have been attempted on the vehicle to prove its theoretical anomalous capabilities, such as suffering absolutely no damage observable and possessing a seemingly "infinite" amount of fuel.
Driscoll as described by other personnel is very reserved, often exhibiting little to no emotion while claiming to experience emotion and simply not showing it as "they may interfere with his job" and that he is expressive in some cases. Often commended by HR, Driscoll has proven to perform very well within the Authority and has had only one infraction since his employment, much unlike his employment within the CIA. Driscoll explains that it is due to the Authority being his best employer along with being more "awake" and curious of reality.
I've been here for over 20 years and if there's one thing I've learned, it's what it's like to truly be awake and aware of the world, yourself and reality, something that so many people seek. It would make them want to go back to sleep." - Eric Raymond Driscoll
Researched RPCs: