Dusk's Wibble World

Now entering the sphere of eternal gayness! >:3

fart sound effect


Heyo! I am Dusk Neoka, but you can call me Duskie! Welcome to the Wibble World, or my author page. I am the founder of the Uracene Fandom Wiki (which is now defunct). Prior to joining, I worked with the Backrooms but left because they kept bullshitting me. Fortunately, this site treats me way better and didn't (legitimately) harass me for being terrible at writing upon my first draft.

I should probably state this, since various folks seem to point it out. But my mental stability is not the best. Some would say I am batshit insane, but I don't let that get to me. So I guess the point is, be careful when talking to me because I don't know when I will enter whatever these episodes are.

Ignoring the latter, I am happy to meet and befriend new people (as I am extremely lonely). If you want any writing tips, cowrite with me, or just want someone to talk to. My communications are below.

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