Completing her doctoral dissertation in 1971, Heston was recruited by RPC as a junior researcher, focused on parapsychology. She was usually criticized for her unprofessional, sometimes messy appearance, and often wore short skirts to work. Despite an increasingly somber attitude throughout life, she continued to dress provocatively and conduct herself rather freely with various personnel in the workplace.
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» Department of Personnel and Management «

Heston, after losing her right eye; 1979
Full Name: Mallory Clare Heston (deceased)
Personnel ID Number: 002-234-1971XX
Security Clearance:
- Level 1 (1971-1973)
- Level 3 (1976-1986)
Division/s: Research, Protection, Containment
- Office of Analysis and Science (1971-1976)
- Mobile Quarantine1(1976-1981)
- Office of Analysis and Science (1981-1986)
Department: Psychology, Anthropology, History
- Junior Researcher (1971-1973)
- Field Researcher (1973-1976)
- Senior Field Researcher (1976-1981)
- Senior Researcher/Professor (1981-1986)
Sex: Female
Height: 164cm
Weight: 61kg
Ethnicity: Irish-American
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York
Date of Birth: May 5th, 1943
Died: February 14th, 1986
Enlistment Date: January 11th, 1971
Education History:
- Aquinas High School;
Second in class with a GPA of 4.5
- St. John's University;
Ph.D. in Psychology, minors in Philosophy and Literature
Occupational History: N/A
Early Life
Mallory Clare Heston was born in Hell's Kitchen to poor first generation Irish immigrants. Her father enlisted in the United States Navy, leaving her mother to care for the home in his absence, supplementing their income as a part-time factory worker during WWII, and then as a maid. As the oldest of five children, Heston was known to care for her siblings, and often helped her mother at work and home. She was an avid enthusiast of poetry and rock music from an early age (attending Woodstock in 1969), and held a unique fascination toward medieval witch trials and demonology. While not particularly malicious, her teenage years were fraught with gossip and scandal, having developed a reputation for drinking, smoking, and fraternizing with older men. After high school, she was a proponent of sexual liberation and recreational drug use, though her liberal attitudes tapered off throughout the 1970s.
In 1956, Heston enrolled in Aquinas High School, an all girls Catholic school in Bronx County. She excelled in science and literature, but was often at odds with her religious superiors for being "outspoken, and sexually promiscuous". An unplanned pregnancy during her senior year led to Heston attempting a home abortion, which rendered her unable to bear children, though she would not discover this until much later. Despite her disciplinary record, her grades did not suffer, graduating salutatorian in 1960, though she never attended the ceremony as she was still recovering from the abortion. She rarely spoke with her family after leaving for college.
Heston entered St. John's University in 1961 on an academic scholarship. Majoring in psychology (minors in philosophy and literature), she was nearly failed on several papers for her forays into what one professor called, "Deluded pseudoscience," stating, "Miss Heston's childish infatuation with the so-called 'veil of reality' can only be likened to the unkempt, sex-crazed charlatans of the quack philosophy now responsible for our current social upheaval." She never learned of RPC's intervention, as without it, she would not have obtained her Ph.D.
Completing her doctoral dissertation in 1971, Heston was recruited by RPC as a junior researcher, focused on parapsychology. She was usually criticized for her unprofessional, sometimes messy appearance, and often wore short skirts to work. Despite an increasingly somber attitude throughout life, she continued to dress provocatively and conduct herself rather freely with various personnel in the workplace.

In 1973, Heston was brought on to study and interview live instances of RPC-234-3, where she demonstrated her resourceful nature and willingness to make difficult decisions. On several occasions she was forced to defend herself, displaying a decent proficiency in small firearms, defensive measures, and a willingness to execute "sympathetic targets". Her peers note she was never cruel or overly callous in her actions. By 1976, Heston had been promoted to Senior Field Researcher, and was left on to contend with RPC-234 as head of a "Mobile Quarantine" task force, a temporary joint operation of both the Research and Protection divisions, assembled on an annual basis depending on various circumstances, with intent to contain anomalous, rural outbreaks. Due to the unpredictable nature of RPC-234, Mobile Quarantine operates on the lowest budget possible, and functions as a response, rather than an official Division or MST, often employing whatever resources can be scrounged up at the time. Despite the ramshackle nature of Heston's operation, it was remarkably successful, and continues to operate under the same philosophy she instilled in 1976, being relatively unchanged since its inception.
Jonathan Vaske was 17 during an outbreak of RPC-234, in 1981, when Mobile Quarantine 2B recovered him from the high school gymnasium. He'd been shown to possess a working knowledge of the occult, which allowed him to survive as long as he did. After he was cleared of any suspicion regarding the mass poisoning, Dr. Heston adopted Vaske as something of a ward, claiming that his talents were far better put to use for RPC than contained or amnesticized. While her initial claims should be taken in good faith, it was eventually revealed that Heston and Vaske had developed an intimate relationship while he was living with her, though it is unknown when exactly this began. Dr. Heston was criticized by several personnel at the time for comporting herself in such a way with someone twenty years her junior, especially given the circumstances of his presence in her home. Regardless of the unorthodox nature of their relationship, her effect on his mental health seemed positive, and Vaske continued to function as an agent for The Bureau of Acquisition, Kaballic Department until his death in 19932.
Dr. Heston was a proponent of cooperative anomalies3, believing that the taming and use of lesser, more easily controlled objects and individuals could circumvent the need for Viderics. She believed that manipulating "arguably sane minds" to perceive what most would classify as madness was counter-intuitive, and that any insight revealed under the effects of Viderics was illusory, at best, and at worst, active manipulation by anomalous powers. While certain academic cells exist within RPC that further the work of Heston and her contemporaries, they remain on the fringe of acceptance, and their usefulness is often a subject of debate.
While often stoic in person, Heston was quite the prolific writer, often recording her thoughts on tape. She produced hundreds of collective works of compiled studies, occult theory, and even unsanctioned RPC recordings. Due to security concerns, the entirety of her library was confiscated and relocated to ███████ for cataloguing. Heston was theorized by some to be the occult writer "Christian", but there is no evidence supporting these claims.
Heston committed suicide on February 14, 1986, at the age of 42. While the exact, physical circumstances of her death are classified, it was most likely a combination of post-traumatic stress disorder, infertility resulting from her abortion, and her increasing age, which led to her depressive state and eventual actions.