HARK! Spoilers Ahead:
"It was endless possibilities on an infinite canvas… [Originally,] I saw how constrictive one-canon was, for better or worse. So, one Armageddon later, we realized how we could make the most of no worlds."
— Mr Makor, Director of CE Lore and Management.
Do you enjoy golden age science-fiction and fantastical settings? Do you want to see through the glimmer of a species snuffed out before its prime? COSMIC EMBERS is a space opera canon that centers on Cold-War-era humanity forced to traverse an uncaring universe. Rebranded to the GRPC, this Neo-Authority must learn to adapt science, the anomalous, and humanitarian wit to unite an embittered masses of the cosmos against a slew of existential threats.
The Authority has evolved, and like the mythic hydra, when you cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Rather than let their secrets die in the light, the "Old Guard" of senior personnel knew they had to create a new face for their organization. Any hints of its precursor origin are now brushed off as the work of a reclusive group of gilded-age explorers. Now, a shadowy hand looms over the Corps. To piece together interstellar knowledge toward a new homeworld able to shape even the constellations themselves. How this will be achieved, however, is still unknown.
Tone & Lore:
"Momma always told me that there's no stupid question besides the one you just asked me."
— televisionist, curation; CSS technician.
COSMIC EMBERS is a space opera inspired by the Golden Age of SciFi coupled with the sinister implication of Cosmic Horror. Hope, despair, exploration, forbidden knowledge — the works of both Ray Bradbury and Franz Kafka come to mind. Here is a list of primary themes to keep in mind:
- Isolation — While not exclusive to sci-fi, the cosmos only exacerbates the ever-looming dread of being alone. Miles or even light-years from the closest human civilization, isolation gives way to helplessness, and helplessness gives way to paranoia, superstition, and fear.
- Wonder — While seeming contradictory, wonder, even in the face of danger, is present in nearly every story set in space. Mankind seeks knowledge, even at its peril.
- This motif is often most present within descriptions of the setting or fantastical elements.
- Humanity — The chance to see, explore, and understand the untamed holds up mankind to a backdrop of oddities. With a substantial distinction between the alien and man, we can see who we are.
- Pragmatism: As a humanitarian organization, the GRPC often deals with new aliens, anomalies, and resources to further their goals of galactic stability. Whether it's a valuable resource, endangering a community, or an endangered species, rarely are things cataloged for the sake of being cataloged anymore.
- The Mythic Cowboy: Instead of taking a 100% clinical tone, give it a Buffalo Bill-like flare. Use the later sections to write pseudo-embellishments of heroic hearsay.
- Concepts: Try to pair an anomaly with a piece of tech or concept that interacts with it to deter or aid the anomaly.
- Implications: Alternatively, use light techno-babble and illusions to far historical/cultural motifs to give the illusion of a grander world. Articles can gain a lot of weight through the direction they point in rather than explicitly go in.
"Imagine taking a stroll through Manhattan, somewhere north of 68th street, deep inside Central Park, late at night. It would be nice to meet someone friendly, but you know that the park is dangerous at night. That's when the monsters come out. There's always a strong undercurrent of drug dealings, muggings, and occasional homicides.
It is difficult to distinguish the good from the bad guys. They dress alike, and the weapons are concealed. The only difference is intent, and you can't read minds.
Stay in the dark long enough, and you may hear an occasional distance shriek or blunder across a body.
How do you survive the night? The last thing you want to do is shout, "I'm here!" The next to last thing you want to do is reply to someone who shouts, "I'm a friend!"
What you would like to do is find a policeman or get out of the park. But you don't want to make noise or move towards a light where you might be spotted, and it is difficult to find either a policeman or your way out without making yourself known. Your safest option is to hunker down and wait for daylight, then safely walk out.
There are, of course, a few obvious differences between Central Park and the universe.
There is no policeman.
There is no way out.
And the night never ends."
― Charles Pellegrino, The Killing Star
The Galactic Treaty recognizes the fear of a hostile universe and yet opposes it. Those in the GT can sleep soundly on this lethal night, knowing the Galactic Rangers stay vigilant. In addition, the open air of transparency and communication between GT members has loosened the chain of suspicion. While no two members of the GT are alike nor united, those who sign the Galactic Treaty recognize the sovereignty of their neighbor.
Peace within the Galactic Treaty is not maintained with any standing army. Rather, the fear of revoking your faction's name from the Treaty is enough to maintain peace. The Treaty is more or less a formal agreement to do unto others what you'd want done to you. Parties who refuse the Treaty are not subject to its protective rights. A lethal option when alone in a dark, hostile universe.
Council Races
Wayxer - 1st Administrator of the GT - Founder of the Psychic Defense Corps
- Webwork Humane and good-hearted race of brain-like creatures suspended in mechanical fluid-filled robots. Wayxers, a mighty race, have an expansive catalog of memetic abilities. With their skills in insight, they've specialized in the Research of interstellar phenomena.
Articles of appearance:
- Psy Corps saves Human Ark ship.
Karza - 2nd Administrator of the GT - Founder of the Protection Corps
- New Karzyioe' Republic An elusive and mysterious cabal of space wizards called the Karza. Powerful proto-"reptilian/avian bipeds, the Karza put great importance into concepts such as fate, entropy, and destiny. With their powers of foresight, they naturally involve themselves in the Protection of others.
Articles of appearance:
GRP-002 — "That's All He Wrote"
- Introduces a powerful Karza artifact
- States the location of the Karzyioe Republic (Orion Nebula).
- Long ago, the Karzyioe Empire of old had enslaved the Iskoins.
- GD-FRONT, aka Oxýees Pterión, makes her first appearance.
- Administrator Gl'da makes his first appearance.
- Gl'da demonstrates his ability of foresight.
Hermiter - 3rd Administrator of the GT - Founder of the Travelers Corps
- Exuvian Houses A paradoxical race of xenophobic xenophobe proto-crab. A very secretive race, the Hermiters don't openly share their secrets or locations with strangers. Due to their innate paranoia, their advice in trapping and Containment is highly sought after.
Articles of appearance:
Document — "Zidophant Alien Report"
- An excerpt by the Travelers Corps advises tourists on how to vacation in a high-gravity world.
Other Races
Humanity - Starborn Vagabonds
- Free Systems of Monoceros A nearly extinct, yet still a major player. The Humans of the Free Systems are refugees. Exiled from their home system after a bloody Interplanetary War. Those evicted have taken refuge in the Monoceros Constellation proper. It's from these wayward men and women that the GRPC pulls most of its Human cadets. The culture within each Ark ship of the FSM is heavily dominated by its respective international pre-60s origins. With an added mix of modern interstellar sensibilities, the FSM does its best to integrate quietly into the Galactic Treaty while desperately scrounging for lucrative business prospects.
Articles of appearance:
GRP-010 — "Dream Aliens"
Mentions FSM Ark Ships in the Alfirk Systems
- (Titanic) Origin is Belfast, the Capital of Northern Ireland.
- (Aurora) Origin is Letterkenny, a North-Eastern city in Northern Ireland.
- (Carfax) Origin is Cork, a city on the south coast of Ireland
GRP-014 — "Temple of Psyche"
Mentions the FSM Ark Ship 4.2ly from the Vega System
- (Big Apple) Origin is the city of New York on the USA's East Coast
GRP-020 - "Septeds"
GRP-243 — "The World Eaters"
Mentions the FSM's Capital Station, an O'Neil Cylinder
- (Endeavor)
GRP-026 — "Cosmic Randy"
GRP-112 — "The Moribund Wish"
Mentions the FSM Ark Ships
- (Hilo) Origin is the largest settlement Hilo in Hawaii County
- (Hollywood) Origin is the city of Los Angeles in Southern California
- (The Rock) Origin is Detroit, a City in North Eastern USA.
GRP-239 — "Bobo the Clown"
Mentions the FSM Ark Ships
- (Beehive) Origin is Salt Lake City, in the Southern USA
Androids & Gynoids - Children of Humanity
- Free Systems of Monoceros Machine Human hybrids. These man-made creatures operate off an organoid brain, a freakish mix of biological neurons intertwined between mechanical switchboards. Androids (male) and Gynoids (female) are generally seen beneath their Human counterparts. While employed by the GRPC, their status can vary from temp-CSD to Galactic Director.
Articles of appearance:
- Introduced to Gynoid NCC1701-D aka GD-NULL.
- An Anti Tech anomaly kills Gynoid News reporter Jane Crocker.
- Android Ranger A-A-77244 gives his life killing 2D holographic aliens.
- Chief Officer Garcon of the GRPC states that GRP-112 considers Humans and Androids the same race.
- Ranger A-A-78934 is made to talk to a hostile killer alien robot.
- Android-A-78934 shows signs of self-preservation when said alien robot starts a self-destruct countdown.
Slyth - Counts of the Free Systems
- Free Systems of Monoceros The Slyth are an enigmatic race originating from the planet Nyx, which orbits the blackhole "Unicorn." Hurt by direct starlight, the Slyth have opted to live in dark environments, finding their way around through electromagneticsensors. This adaptation has made the Slyth favor aliens who naturally or cybernetically emit electrical fields.
Articles of appearance:
- Slyth GRPC researcher is immune to GRP-239's Human mind control effects.
- 25 Slyth are killed aboard the Ark Ship (Beehive).
Iskoins - The Galaxy's Harlot
- United Clans of Heurískō Iskoins are a 20-legged, four-armed, 3-meter tall, centipede/mantis-like alien. Originating from the high-oxygen desert world of Heurískō Prime, Iskoins are naturally adept at arid and jagged terrain combat. The species is hermaphroditic, requiring an instinctual worldview of dominant/submissive to achieve communal stability. Forced into servitude by races that see Iskoins as a threat, some young Iskoins take the opportunity to assert themselves as The Man by enlisting in the GRPC.
Articles of appearance:
GRP-002 — "That's All He Wrote"
- The GRPC is helping the Iskoins build a Lithium refinery on Heurískō III.
- Ranger Fleeb tries to urinate on GRP-002 to exert dominance.
- Ranger Viss Sarkio plays the role of the snarky, gung-ho protagonist.
- States that Iskoins are good climbers
- Rangers draws visual connections between Sarkio's appearance and a prehistoric centipede.
Alfirkian - First Victims of the Parasomnoids
- Alfirkianian Planetary City Native to the Alfirk System, the Alfirkians were enslaved by a race of memetically hostile nightmare aliens. This takeover was easily achieved because Alfirkians cannot dream about positive things.
Articles of appearance:
- 1/3rd of their home planet is destroyed by a powerful Neutron Bomb
- Freed and integrated into the GT by Psy Corps.
Aqua Trunci - A One Man Army
- GRPC The Aqua Trunci is a small race of 0.75-meter blobs originating from Poul III. A naturally evolved shapeshifter, Aqua Trunci can take the form and memories of any creature they eat. Due to this powerful anomalous effect, Poul III and its inhabitants have been cordoned off by the GRPC.
Articles of appearance:
- Ranger Randal Sinclare becomes a clone template for the Aqua Trunci.
- Randy Clones are integrated into the GRPC.
- Randy Clone #3142 dies taking out a Soshi ship.
- GRP-112 recognizes Randy Clones and Humans as different species.
Hopkins - Ship Scrappers and Skivvies
- NOT STATED The Hopkins are a race of proto-amphibious bat-like creatures, standing at 1 meter tall. While some Hopkins are members of the GRPC and GT by proxy, most operate as mechanics for hire. Driven by a simple pursuit of growing their technological understanding. This drive is often all-consuming. Hopkins cannot design technology from the ground up, oblivious to imaginary concepts or social situations.
Articles of appearance:
- A Hopkin "nicknamed Chuck" is kidnapped from a Space Pirate hydroponics lab.
- Chuck is skilled enough to crash a ship despite being locked in its lavatory.
- The Hopkin Tonny fails to understand the concept of cruelty when asked.
- Ranger Tonny can recompile a 3D environment in his head seconds after seeing a 2D breakdown.
Document — "Laknoctua Alien Report"
- The Laknoctua despises Hopkins due to an attempted sacking of their Library/Generation Ship thousands of years ago.
J'ba Fo - Stubborn as a Muel
- NOT STATED The J'ba Fo are a race of ten-legged spiders with a camel-like head. Each arm is triple-jointed, terminating at a hand with six fingers. The J'ba Fo are a stubborn species, refusing to change their minds once it has already been made, and possess a near-perfect photographic memory. They are Rangers in the GRPC, taking the role of scouts.
Articles of appearance:
- Ranger Uttu Tuut plays the role of a straight man and historian.
- Uttu Tuut recollects on a visit to Earth he had decades prior with.
Tibicen - Hell Dogs of the Corps
- NOT STATED A Tungsten - Dimethyl Sulfoxide-based lifeform. Due to their unique physiology, Tibicens are immune to temperatures exceeding 650C-2,500C. However, due to their high-density composition, worlds with gravity that exceeds 1.5g pose a risk to their health.
Articles of appearance:
- Ranger Altisimo plays the role of a self-interested scoundrel.
- Altisimo requires a personal null gravity generator on his person to move around in normal gravity.
Kymen - Born Again Barbarians
- Kymenna Body The Kymen are a race of short-lived moth-analog life forms. Lacking an emotional gradient or transitional states of mind, Kymen are often misinterpreted as being bipolar or quick to anger. Responsible for many bloody wars in the past, the Kymenna ruling body has upheld a strict zero-violence policy for the last fifty thousand years. Kymen worlds within the Rosette Rebula are off-limits to all GT members except the GRPC's Rangers. All Kymen are required to wear emotion-hiding masks. Photographing the face of a Kymen, deliberately or accidentally, is a punishable offense.
Articles of appearance:
Document — "Kymen Alien Report"
- Have advanced hard light technology used exclusively for defense.
- Specifics on culture, behavior, and
- Researcher Iluiktal is characterized as a caring but slightly detached mission prepper.
- Ohtli is a Krovo, a designated butcher, and outsider within Kymenna society.
- POPS mentions that Non-Ranger Kymen are prohibited from owning military books.
- A Kymen raising their wings is analogous to blushing.
- A Kymen is strong enough to rip someone's arm off accidentally.
- 25 Kymen were killed by a killer robot clown while visiting the Ark Ship Beehive.
- Kymen Researcher ████ ████ easily restrained a fellow Human researcher controlled by by GRP-239.
Document — "Laknoctua Alien Report"
- The Laknoctua worship the Kymen as Moth-like Gods due to their inadvertent rescue of them thousands of years ago.
Salkai - Victorian Era Fishman
- NOT STATED A race of amphibious aliens with fish-like traits originating from the rocky river world of TRAPPIST-1f. Salkai-Human relations are quite high, with both having similar thought processes. The Salkai advanced to an early industrial state of civilization before losing their homeworld. While having rudimentary space travel, a total evacuation of their planet required the aid of the GT. This great act of generosity has made many Salkai feel indebted to the races of the GRPC, primarily Humans who made first contact.
Articles of appearance:
- Jackson asks Captain Nemo about his heroic efforts in the evacuation of Salkai from TRAPPIST-1f.
- The Salkai Purpura Family pioneered early-era space travel on TRAPPIST-1f, which boomed shortly after its loss.
- Lucet Purpura, the 24th daughter of the Purpura family, expresses her willingness to join Captain Nemo's crew.
- The Salkai ranks as 0.9 on the Human psychological likeness scale.
- There were 373 casualties between Humans and Salkai during the destruction of TRAPPIST-1f.
Penganoids - Children with a Radioactive Glow
- Observers Of Life A race of 3-meter tall machines powered by fission reactors. The Penganoids are dangerous, posing a radioactive health risk to anyone around them not properly protected. Created for the express of burning all life in the Galaxy by a long-gone race. Despite this, these machines demonstrate a childlike wonder and an unwillingness to harm others. Led by their living ship and leader, Great Unit, the Penganoids have slowly begun integrating into the GT.
Articles of appearance:
GRP-774 — "Alien Robots from Outer Space"
- Observers Of Life are situated in and around the WASP-33 System.
- Penganoids gift the GRPC high anti-rad protective gear.
- Penganoid Rangers help in the containment of highly radioactive items.
Laknoctua - Historians of the Ages
- Council of Ba A race of illusive but well-meaning psychic record keepers. The Laknoctua, based out of their library/generation ship, The Vimana, came to the Milky Way thousands of years ago. A once pacifistic race that came only to explore, a chance run-in with the Hopkins and Kymen has shifted their views. In the modern era, Laknotua are active members of the Psychic Defense Corps, protecting the minds of the GT in exchange for safer travels. While their relationship with Humanity is tenuous, they are slowly becoming more acquainted with the idea of having them be leaders of the GRPC.
Articles of appearance:
Document — "Laknoctua Alien Report"
- Their Society is broken up into four casts. Ba, Ru, Shiv, and Kai.
- No one, except Kymen and fellow Laknotua, is permitted within The Vimana.
- In 1952, two Laknoctua children accidentally ended up on Earth after a portal mishap. Blue Book would later kill them.
- 9,824 Psy Corps Agents died in the Alfirk War. It's not specified how many were Laknoctua.
Qu. What Does Humanity Offer the Galactic Treaty?
— from Dattop
- Ans. While many longer-lived aliens look down on the insignificant race of Man, the Karza saw an opportunity. Using their extra-judicial power, they founded the GRPC and put Humanity in charge of its management. Since then, the Rangers of Humanity have aided the defeated, downtrodden, and destitute aliens of the cosmos. By offering their assistance, the GRPC now hosts an impressive roster of loyal worlds who aid Humanity and its humanitarian endeavors.
Qu. What Does the Galactic Treaty's Supply Chain Look Like?
— from Generic3
- Ans. While trade is not forced or mandated by the Galactic Treaty, many of its members voluntarily exchange goods with each other. Elements such as water, iron, and magnesium are common within systems and traded in bulk for cheap. If a species's home system is particularly low in metals, it'll be more likely to mine the closest metal-rich system rather than trade with a foreign power. The primary interests of the Galactic Treaties market are rare elements, such as uranium, helium 3, and anti-matter. In addition, produced goods, such as ray guns, rocket ships, medical devices, robots, etc, are regularly traded. Services like indentured servants, military assistance, and IOUs are highly valued. The most lucrative items on the GT market are anomalous utility items, such as FTL devices, super alloys, or mystic artifacts.
Qu. Does the Galactic Treaty have a Universally Recognized Currency?
— from Capitano Nox
- Ans. Yes, those in the GT who partake in the open market utilize an agreed-upon currency. Jettons, as Humans refer to them, are tokens with a registered quantum signature. They can not be replicated. These coins can be used at any GRPC Embassy, Hermiter Call House, or Sanctioned Relay Station. When inserted into a "payphone" at the previously stated locations, an FTL call can be made to any radio wave-receiving device in the Galaxy. These calls are not instantaneous, utilizing a network of automated switchboard operators who bounce the FTL signal to the caller's designated target and then back to the caller. Most GT aliens utilize this mode of communication, so a Jettons' intrinsic value is constant and unchanging.
- As of 12/26/2023
1 Jeton = 500 USD $ / 452.80 EUR € / 392.95 GBP £
Qu. What is the Galactic Treaty's Policy Regarding Foreign Negotiations?
— from Bro dude
- Ans. The Galactic Treaty, as the name implies, is a formal agreement between two parties that have already negotiated for mutually assured peace. Any foreign body can sign the Galactic Treaty, but the offer is only extended to organizations one of the three in the Administration Council deems deserving. While each council member has different criteria for opening negotiations, some logical and stated actions will not win a faction any favors. Space pirates, interstellar conquerors, and xenophobic exterminators are some examples of alien groups who will not get the option of signing the Galactic Treaty. Depending on the damage caused by the aggressor before their defeat, a Council member can make a GT signing mandatory. This ensures the defeated party's safety from other GT races, who will seek retribution. Once integrated into the GT, the offending party may be forced to compensate those they offended before enlisting. While the payment method, amount, and time frame are all decided by the GT Council, the sentences are often considerate of the offender's capabilities and proportional to their crimes.
“‘In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.
I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves.
And then, in that very moment when I love them-….. I destroy them. I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again. I grind them and grind them until they don’t exist.’”― Ender Wiggin, Enders Game
Selohssa - Rulers of the Empire
- Omega Centauri House The Selohssa are a race of reptilian-analog lifeforms. Utilizing cells similar to Chromatophores found in octopuses, a single Selohssa can spell out a book's worth of content in the color pattern of its skin. As an ancient race, the Selohssa have had thousands of years to perfect the art of slavery. This desire to own others is subconsciously innate due to an odd quirk of their psychology that forces them to see everything in an owner/owned dichotomy. To a Selohssa, if they can't own their family, the world, or history, it must be destroyed.
Articles of appearance:
- Snee mentions how the Soshi ruined her plans by invading Earth in 1969.
GRP-077 — "Whispers Beyond Light"
- In 1967, they abducted the leader of a UFO cult.
- One of their ships is destroyed by overloading its Anti-Matter generators.
- Actively goes out of their way to destroy an anomalous planet.
Document — "Ectype Alien Report"
- Invaded the Earth in 1938.
- Their Second Invasion wiped out all of Earth's space-based military assets.
Sub-Karne - Right Hands of the Empire
- Disciples of Karne A small brain-like creature with technopathic abilities. This creature is the last of his species, a Biological AI construct of the powerful psychic Karne. Sub-Karne is the mad scientist and leading engineer in the extermination campaign of Humanity. While his anomalous implements don't always operate as intended, he is still a dangerous mastermind.
Articles of appearance:
GRP-077 — "Whispers Beyond Light"
- Orders the Soshi to abduct a Human cultist in 1967.
- Constructs a "friendly" clown robot that kills 50 Humans.
- Attempted and failed to mind-control an Ark Ship full of Humans.
Ectypes - Traitors of Humanity
- Red Wake The first Ectype was a French-German man named Torrent Schuyl. A thaumaturgist, medium, and coroner by trade, Schuyl would unlock the mysteries of corpse possession. This ritual, "Walking the Grey," gave the possessor a total understanding of their puppet. With a need to go further, Schuyl, with the aid of his cult, the Red Wake, would abduct his fellow men. These missing persons would be modified into Ectypes. These modified Humans could project their consciousness into the cadavers of things lightyears away. The Ectypes would learn about new technologies through their escapades across the cosmos, mostly from the Soshi. After Humanity lost Earth, the Soshi would take those Ectypes who had survived and modify them into a state devoid of self-consciousness or awareness.
Articles of appearance:
Document — "Ectype Alien Report"
- Schuyl and the Red Wake archives interstellar travel 1906.
- Most of German Space Tech was built off their discovered alien designs.
- The Ectypes supplied the Soshi with the 'Schuyl Report,' a comprehensive list of most Earth defense tech.
Qu. How Does the Soshi Slave Empire Maintain Cohesion?
— from Mr Makor
- Ans. The Selohssa maintain control of their conquered systems through noble houses- akin to medieval fiefdoms- each swearing fealty to the emperor and the imperial religion and ruling over one or multiple systems via mass-produced military robots. Each House patrols their conquered worlds and ensures the slave races are kept in line. Usually, each family will have a pseudo-"liaison" from the church, who oversees the production of these religiously sanctioned hunter-killer machines. These machines range from interstellar crafts with onboard rudimentary AI to self-replicating war machines who can lead entire campaigns by themselves to, in some cases, modeled after the local slave populace's fears and religious beliefs.
Qu. How do the Alien Civilizations of the Cosmos Perceive the Soshi?
— from H F Dummie
- Ans. The short answer is that they hate them. However, while the Soshi Slave Empire might be a cosmic alien horror to most, to some, it is a form of salvation. Alien races suffering from chronic genetic disorders, societal instability, or too primitive to survive alone may accept Soshi slavery willingly. To many others, integration into the Soshi means the end of one's self-autonomy, bodily rights, and legacy.
Q&A Misc:
Qu. Do Aliens and their Civilizations Adhere to Borders?
— from Generic3
- Ans. Yes, and no.
- To paint a clear picture, imagine a vast, untamed valley with rivers, forests, and grasslands. Within this landscape, random settlements and towns exist. A town mayor might claim he owns the whole valley or everything south of a river. In addition, the mayor may claim trespassers in his territory will be shot. The Mayor may have a hundred armed men, but the valley is vast. Any swift-footed explorer could traverse the valley in relative peace if he didn't stop and rest for too long.
- Now, imagine the valley at the interstellar scale. Each town is a star system, isolated, light years away from its closest neighbor. Even with an FTL drive, patrolling all the space between your stars would be a fool's errand. Like the traveler, movement with an FTL drive makes the user invisible to normal means of detection, as they can exceed the speed of their reflected light. The only true way to maintain a border is by consolidating one's weapons in or around your Star Systems. In addition, fast response FTL capable ships or stationed garrisons ensure that unsuspected attacks can be repelled.
- TL;DR Due to how expansive the universe is, borders are confined to systems. A quiet and unexpected explorer can travel through the empty gaps between a civilization's conquered systems.
Rule #1: Respect What Has Been Written Before
Applicable to Vapor Lore?
- Ans. No. Unwritten lore, conceptual concepts, or info in drafts/docs will be judged as non-Canon until officially published on the wiki. Discussions and private agreements regarding soon-to-be Non-Canon concepts can be had, but no writer will be expected to uphold their privately made promises.
Filling in the gaps?
- Ans. In cases where a story has been told or is unfolding over multiple articles, there can be times when some aspects of the narrative are implied or left blank. This "Implied Lore" sits somewhere between "written lore" and "Vapor Lore" in terms of its importance. If someone wants to "continue" another's story, they will be expected to understand the writer's written work and obtain the original writer's permission.
Mass Canonization events?
- Ans. Staff-sponsored or group-coordinated lore-defining projects are permitted. However, single articles written by a lone writer can not drastically redefine lore.
- To add a major GoI (a coalition of at least 100+ systems or four+ civilizations), the group must have four+ articles or tales written by three+ writers.
- Additions of alien civilizations are limited to one max per article. (two if a collab) (references to pre-established alien civilizations are allowed)
Rule #2: No more than One of a Kind
What is this applicable to?
- Ans. Anomalies, FTL drives, Planets, Aliens, Faction Goals, and customs. The universe is massive, and this is a creative writing site. Every writer must strive to make their written work unique from their peers. Concepts can be shared across works, such as visited planets and modes of FTL, but if a concept is already established, don't copy it.
How different must things be?
- Ans. Differences/Similarities can be classified by two metrics, Conceptually and Thematically, which will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Concepts are easily differentiated, corresponding directly to each other (Spider-like aliens, desert planets with red forests, quantum teleportation, etc.). Suppose a concept is similar to another writer's posted work. In that case, the original writer or 2/3rds of CE Moderators can force its creator to make literary alterations to include distinctions. If two articles have nearly identical themes, all CE moderators must agree for changes to be made.
- If the accused disagrees with the accusations of plagiarism, they can appeal to RPC Lore Staff.