Winter Entry: Rebirth of Babel

This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as RPC-362.

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Registered Phenomena Code: 365

Object Class: Gamma-Orange

Hazards: Infectious, Self-Replicating

Containment Protocols: Samples of RPC-365-A are to be cryognenically preserved for testing purposes. Confirmed instances of RPC-365-B are to be sedated and processed for usage in experimental procedures. Any suspected instance of RPC-365-B must be reported immediately upon discovery.

Personnel interacting with RPC-365-A or RPC-365-B are required to wear Class-4 Hazardous Material suiting. In the event RPC-365 is unintentionally released, Class-3 Biohazard protocols are to be engaged. Personnel are authorized to use deadly force to incapacitate any hostile RPC-365-B instances.

The area surrounding RPC-365-C has been surrounded by a large security perimeter. Under no circumstances are unauthorized individuals to be allowed within a 1km radius of RPC-365-C. Personnel assigned to RPC-365-C must be screened daily for signs of RPC-365-A infection. In the event that RPC-365-C becomes hostile towards assigned personnel, the use of defensive weaponry is permitted.

Description: RPC-365 is the designation for 3 related components: RPC-365-A, RPC-365-B, and RPC-365-C.

RPC-365-A is the designation for a type of pseudo-protozoan1 parasite found exclusively within RPC-365-C. RPC-365-A is primarily bloodborne, although it has developed apparatuses to aid in facilitating transmission. Comprised of a single simple cell, typical of protozoa, RPC-365-A also possesses a modified flagellum that has been layered with chitinous material; RPC-365-A utilizes this to create microlacerations in potential hosts that serve as intermediates for transmission. Upon entering a suitable host, RPC-365-A will navigate through the circulatory system until reaching the heart. RPC-365 will then fuse itself to the muscle tissue of the heart using a series of specialized enzymes.

Once successfully fused to the host, RPC-365-A will passively begin consuming nutrients dissolved in the host's bloodstream. In addition, RPC-365-A will begin to construct micro-webs of neural tissue utilizing genetic data obtained from cells throughout the host. RPC-365-A will continuously expand this network until it has covered the entirety of the circulatory system of its host.

Following this, through a series of unknown processes, RPC-365-A will initiate Circulatory Displacement2. Once this process is complete, the entirety of the host's circulatory system will be expelled through soft-tissue orifices3, causing the death of the host. Upon being expelled, the circulatory tissue becomes an instance of RPC-365-B and enters its free-living stage of life.

RPC-365-B is the designation for the form taken by RPC-365-A after successfully infecting a host and being expelled from the body. RPC-365-B are initially comprised solely of the circulatory tissue expelled from the former host. Instances will move in a function similar to a Nudibranch4, using series of contractions to move in a linear direction. Approximately 24 hours after expulsion, RPC-365-B will begin to regenerate tissue around itself via unknown means. This process typically takes 1-2 weeks. Once the process is completed, RPC-365-B will resemble a near-perfect replica of the host it originated from. Most notably, instances of RPC-365-B will typically display slight defects in the replication of the facial features of its host, causing a slight distortion of the original features.

Dissection of RPC-365-B have found that the reproductive organs of instances do not produce the typical gametes of humans, but produce instances of RPC-365-A instead. There have been a few cases of RPC-365-B instances attempting to engage in forceful intercourse with personnel, believed to be intended to spread RPC-365-A.

RPC-365-B are capable of emitting loud, highly sonorous shrieks, believed to be a form of communication with other instances. Despite this, instances are incapable of coherent communication5. RPC-365-B display signs of limited sentience, engaging in behavior most commonly associated with two functions: spreading RPC-365-A, or assisting in the construction of RPC-365-C.

RPC-365-C is the designation for a large, monolithic structure6, constructed in the form of a tiered spire7. RPC-365-C is constructed by instances of RPC-365-B out of the corpses of former hosts. RPC-365-B will forcefully reshape corpses, even dismembering them to allow for better structural coherency. Structural components added to RPC-365-C are typically fused together using a specialized enzyme to provide stability for the structure. Instances of RPC-365-B will perform regular maintenance of RPC-365-B by patching imperfections8 with a clay-based mortar typical of the region.

RPC-365-C is, at the time of speaking, approximately 130 meters tall, and is located closest to ██████, Kazakhstan.

RPC-365-B instances will utilize RPC-365-C as shelter, and appear to move about it in a fashion similar to colonial organisms. RPC-365-C is constantly being expanded vertically by RPC-365-B, with no apparent goal as far as has been discerned. Instances will continue attempts at building upward9 despite structural failures. On a few occasions, A series of constructions protruding from RPC-365-C have been used as a type of "cannon" towards personnel attempting to contain instances of RPC-365-B. These constructs will launch large, fleshy spheres containing RPC-365-A towards personnel, often times bursting upon impact. The large number of RPC-365-A instances typically causes large-scale laceration and abrasion of affected personnel.

The continued presence of unidentified instances of RPC-365-B despite containment attempts has led to the belief that there is a small population of humans kept within RPC-365-C to ensure a constant supply of building material.

Addendum: RPC-365-B suddenly displayed uncharacteristic behavior consisting of hostile displays between individual instances. Personnel observed the apparent rapid decay of the previously established hive-mind behavior. In an attempt to determine the extent of the situation, a large scale attack from RPC-365-B was accidentally prompted.
The destruction of RPC-365-C has been authorized to prevent further losses. Any salvageable instances will be captured and brought into custody for use in testing.


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