Nothing's ever gonna make me forget her

This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as RPC-365.

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anon@008term97:~$ query: 'incident,injury,dead,coma ++ rpc-365 -- canton' -sm

including similar phrases …

showing (10) results, extraneous data removed

Marcus Seib

Site Occupation: Janitorial Staff

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 7 meters

Notes on Discovery: Collapsed in Medical Wing.

Additional Notes: Mentioned visual anomalies shortly before expiring.

Celia Davis

Site Occupation: Medical Staff

Current Status: Comatose

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 18 meters

Notes on Discovery: N/A

Additional Notes: N/A

Norman Hickman

Site Occupation: Medical Staff

Current Status: Comatose

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 16 meters

Notes on Discovery: Found collapsed in Break Room 8A.

Additional Notes: N/A

Javier Cossio

Site Occupation: Senior Medical Staff

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 9 meters

Notes on Discovery: Discovered deceased in his home.

Additional Notes: A hastily drawn picture of what appears to be a celestial body was found next to his corpse.

Sascha Cratt

Site Occupation: Medical Staff

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: Unknown, assumed less than 10 meters.

Notes on Discovery: Collapsed during entry to Site-008.

Additional Notes: N/A

Elias Boothman

Site Occupation: Maintenance Staff

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 5 meters

Notes on Discovery: Found at his home.

Additional Notes: In a room adjacent to RPC-365 during activation, fixing electrical issues.

Dana Keir

Site Occupation: Security Personnel

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 9 meters

Notes on Discovery:

Additional Notes: Patrolling hallway during RPC-365's activation.

Linden Harrison

Site Occupation: Assistant Researcher

Current Status: Comatose

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 2 meters

Notes on Discovery: Collapsed during the study of an unrelated anomaly.

Additional Notes: N/A It is currently unknown why Linden was not subjected to a more severe outcome considering his short distance from RPC-365 upon its activation.

Garret Elliston

Site Occupation: Research Personnel

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 9 meters

Notes on Discovery: Found collapsed in a hallway.

Additional Notes: N/A

Caroline Afton

Site Occupation: Research Personnel

Current Status: Deceased

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 1 meter

Notes on Discovery: Unknown, moved to Medical Wing

Additional Notes: Underwent severe mental deterioration in a span of four years following RPC-365's initial activation.

Document has (1) attatched file: cantonlog1.doc

anon@008term97:~$ pwd


anon@008term97:~$ cd /home/s008/files/reports/365misc

anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ cat cantonlog1.dov

-bash: cantonlog1.dov: No such file or directory.

anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ cat cantonlog1.doc


Interviewed: Nicholas Canton

Interviewer: Dr. Emile Nowak

Foreword: N/A


Emile Nowak: Evening, Nick.

Nicholas Canton: How goes it?

Emile Nowak: Bland, usual day. You know how it is.

Nicholas Canton: You can say that again.

Emile Nowak: I presume you know why you're here.

Nicholas Canton: Caroline?

Emile Nowak: Mhm.

Emile takes a drink of coffee.

Nicholas Canton: So do you want a general background of her personality?

Emile Nowak: Just a brief summary of the past four years would be good.

Nicholas Canton: Honestly, since that event, she hadn't been acting too off. There was the memory, however… Dementia at thirty, that must've been hard.

Emile Nowak: Anything more specific?

Nicholas Canton: Like?

Emile Nowak: Conversations you didn't have over email. The uh, ones we have are few and far between.

Nicholas Canton: On breaks, she would constantly ramble about space and philosophy, but I mostly tuned that out. I guess I subconsciously tried to push her away.

Emile Nowak: Space and philosophy?

Nicholas Canton: Yeah, she would always tell me about the stars she saw when she dreamt and how each one is linked to a person. Something along those lines.

Emile unlocks his phone and scrolls through his notes.

Emile Nowak: Stars huh?

5-second pause.

Emile Nowak: That will be all Nicholas. Thank you for your time.


anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ ls

anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ cat 365report11.doc

Nicholas Canton

Site Occupation: Research Personnel

Current Status: Alive

Relative Distance to RPC-365: 20 meters

Notes on Discovery: N/A

Additional Notes: Claims to have been "leeched into a collective conciousness by [RPC-365]." Mentioned stars and memories.

anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ rm 365report11.doc

rm: cannot remove '365report11.doc': Permission denied

anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ sudo rm 365report11.doc

[sudo] password for anon: *************

Sorry, try again.

[sudo] password for anon: **************

rm: successfully deleted (1) file

anon@008term97:~/home/s008/files/reports/365misc$ sudo poweroff

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