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Registered Phenomena Code: 639
Object Class:Gamma-Black |
Responsible Departments: |
Department of Anthropology Department of Engineering Department of History Department of Physics Department of Psychology |
Hazard Types:
General Properties:
Containment Protocols:
Because of the temporal capabilities and the probability of causing a SE-6 "Paradoxical Chaos" to the space-time continuum, RPC-639 is stored in a highly supervised containment room with a direct level-5 hand scanner. A team of the on-site AST is to guard the entrance of the containment chamber at the Gamma sector in the Terran level of the Containment Level of Site-001.
Daily checks are to be performed in the containment chamber to ensure that RPC-639 hasn't breached containment. The process involves spraying black dyed water and/or using an echolocation sound check inside the room. All personnel guarding/analyzing RPC-639 are to have the appropriate credentials and a bomb collar attached to them at all times; personnel who do not have their designated bomb collar/credentials are to be detained for termination.
In the case of an internal/external containment breach not caused by RPC-639, the containment wing must be closed off to avoid any infiltration by external forces and the containment chamber must be flooded with water. If the entity/object responsible for the containment breach was RPC-639, all personnel in charge of the containment and study of RPC-639 should be restrained and have their validation in the site checked. Personnel reported missing from the site or erased from the time continuum are to be located around the world and detained permanently.
Testing is only allowed with Level 4 personnel with the purpose of recollecting desirable notes and studies from RPC-639. All testing inside of RPC-639 should be recorded via recording devices and sent to for study. Unless it is necessary for the test subject to change minor events in the past/future it is forbidden to interact with RPC-639 and the time continuum Since the Incident on 30/07/202█ designated "Domino Butterfly", under no circumstances is RPC-639 to be tested on or even have personnel enter the containment area at the risk of being considered terminated. Entities who exit RPC-639 without any previous record of testing must be detained and put in permanent containment.
No voice recordings are to be taken from inside the chamber of RPC-639 and no personnel are allowed to listen to any previous voice recordings. Only personnel studying RPC-639 are allowed to have access to the recordings and notes taken pre-”Domino Butterfly” incident. All documentation generated from the analysis of RPC-639 should be stored in a level 4 case file.
RPC-639 is a non-euclidean time-bending divergence in the space-time continuum located in the containment area of Site-001. RPC-639 doesn't have any standard model of sight as it is not observable by normal light or any type of light related devices such as night vision or ultraviolet light. The only confirmed means to observe RPC-639 is by spreading any colored liquid on the apparent "surface" of RPC-639. To protect the containment chamber from the effects of RPC-639, a crystal sphere is built around RPC-6391.
While RPC-639 cannot produce mass or generate inside the containment chamber, it can send radiowaves encoded in morse code around itself usually containing 2 messages on constant loop ".. ... / ... --- -- . --- -. . / .. -. / - .... . .-. . ..--.." and ".. / -. . . -.. / ... --- -- . --- -. . / - --- / - .- .-.. -.- / - ---"2. These messages have been proven to be a psychological lure to humans since tests with CSD have proven to cause paranoia and sense of need to interact with RPC-639.
Once a material object is inside the containment chamber and in reach of RPC-639, the object will be subject to significant temporal progression or regression of its physical state i.e. a piece of metal oxidating or a piece of cooked meat regressing into recently cut off flesh. Once an object remains inside RPC-639 for 24 hours, the object will disappear from the containment chamber. It is theorized that the object gets transported to a different point of location in the space-time continuum.
Sentient entities with lesser neurological capabilities than an adult human, i.e animals and/or infants, who enter the containment chamber of RPC-639 will undergo full disintegration at a molecular level. Analysis of the chamber shortly after disintegration events indicates audio from the deceased entity can still be heard.
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Welcome Back Global Director
Status on Project Godsent Clock: Based upon the recent rediscovery of RPC-639 alongside documentation of a possible alteration not only in our dimension but in all of our collective realities, Project Godsend Clock is not only on a thin line but shall be given top priority for the purpose of collecting all information in relation with time-bending anomalies such as RPC-948 and RPC-107.
Testing with and/or manipulation of RPC-639 has been put on permanent hold until we can quantify all the damage caused by and its effects on our future. The current facade implemented to avoid testing with RPC-639 is the disintegration of a scientist while in containment at Site-001. Scientist who ascend to "level 4" in the areas of physics and/or quantum theory should be drafted to help with RPC-639 and related anomalies.
As a reminder to all Global directorates reading this document and the following Project Godsent clock; it is not only being put into existence to avoid the total destruction of our present but to ironically avoid changes to our past. Our purpose is to understand the real concept of time and try to bend it to the purposes of containment.
We can't risk ourselves and the existence of our universe at large to mindlessly try to change events that are meant to happen without a major reason. We are the first and only line of defense against the terrors that await humanity be it either an alpha-white or an omega-black anomaly.
Media ID#: M-1315 Incident "Domino Butterfly"
Foreword: This video recording was salvaged from the tablet of the now erased . Since the events presented here are only allowed to be seen by researchers of Project Godsent Clock, a smokescreen is to be put in place to avoid further interaction with RPC-639. The video was recorded by a helmet camera provided by the research department and the video feed was stored on the tablet.
<Begin Video>
00:00 - «Researcher is seen getting inside a protective hazmat suit and testing the microphone» This is researcher for media recorder M-1315. Purpose of recording: interview and test of sapience with RPC-639.
00:06 - «A voice from the intercom (Control) talks to » Alright , we've registered your heart beats and bio-readings in the monitor. You are clear to go once you give us the signal. Remember that this is a 2 minute mission before the suit disintegrates. Do you have your testing equipment ready?
00:14 - « holding a notebook and a portable tablet» Yes, control. I have all equipment ready. Now unlock RPC-639´s containment door.
00:20 - A loud crack accompanied by the door containing RPC-639 slicing below the frame is visible in the recording. RPC-639 is barely seen covered in the black dyed water. As gets closer to RPC-639 the containment door shuts
00:32 - « gets closer to the anomaly» Hello RPC-639. May I have an interview with you?
00:35 - «RPC-639 seems to be inert. After a period of 5 seconds, a radio-wave arrives at the tablet of . The device recognizes it as a Morse code containing the phase "I can understand you"»
00:44 - « to the anomaly» Thats very good that you can understand me. Now, my first question: what are you?
00:48 - «RPC-639 seems to be inert. After the same period of 5 seconds, a radio-wave arrives at the tablet. The device translates it to the phase "I don´t know"»
00:53 - « to the anomaly» Let´s try something else. Where did you come from?
00:58 - «RPC-639 seems to be inert. After the 5 seconds period, the device translates the radio-wave to the phase "By time itself"»
01:02 - « to the anomaly» This is getting complicated, lets try this. « draws an image of a tree on the notebook. After that it shows it to RPC-639»
01:02 - «RPC-639 grabs the notebook and disintegrates it. After the 5 second period, a radio-wave arrives at the tablet. The device translates it to the phase "The circle of nature itself, rebirth and decay"»
01:02 - « steps back in a state of shock» Control, this is requesting for the termination of this interview. RPC-639 has managed to destroy the notebook I had and my suit is being degraded.
01:12 - «Control responds to » Roger that, now step away from RPC-639. By our readings RPC-639 is emitting the energy we registered in RPC-899, so avoid physical contact with it.
01:24 - « puts his back against the wall in direct eye contact with RPC-639» Control, I'm taking pictures with the tablet, it looks like RPC-639 is changing in coloration.
01:27 - «Control responds to » We are not receiving anything unusual aside from the readings , are you sure «signal cuts off with static»
01:29 - « tries to call Control over the tablet» Control, are you there? I am not receiving anything from your end. «Radio static is heard»
01:29 - «The voice of several people speaking in synchrony can be heard» Don't worry about them, they are frozen, well, everything is.
01:29 - « turns his vision to the entrance to the containment chamber» Who is there?
01:29 - «The same voice speaks to » Look to the center of the room .
01:29 - « turns his vision to center of the containment chamber. The rooms seems to have changed in a cloud of dark blueish coloration with streaks of deep violet» What the fuck happened here?
01:29 - «The voice speaks to » I happened . I am what do you consider a divergence in your aspect of reality. You can call me the designation you have given me: RPC-639.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» So you are sapient after all? i thought your intelligence was none greater than an infant.
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » You in part are right, when I am in a cloud of time, my intelligence is the same as you or any other human. But when an object breaks the cloud barrier I rise once again, gaining the power of father time.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» So you are saying that you can bend time? How is that even possible?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Well, I can't fully bend all time, I just manipulate this current reality, for example I can show you all the past, present and future of the entirety of the human race. However, I become powerless in, let’s say, the RCPA Dimension or in the Remnants Dimension.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» How do you even know about those dimensions?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » I can read it in your memories, all those documents speaking about those dimensions. It feels strange that, even outside of these dimensions, there are endless versions of you with different ideas and different aspects.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» You can read my memories now? Even when I was born?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » You wish to see them? Here.
01:29 - «In front of the camera a cloud of smoke appears to mimic the life events of . RPC-639 appears itself in a humanoid shape at the side of »
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to while looking at the smoke» This is the moment where you were born, and this is the moment you married, and this is the moment where you had your son. All these events from your past and future are nothing compared to the unfathomable number of timelines in all dimensions. Oh! Look, this is the moment where your «RPC-639 pauses» oh, I am sorry for your loss .
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» Wait, why?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Well looking at your past and present you live a normal life, up until the future.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» What happens in my future?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » You really want to know? Well, here it is. Your immediate future.
01:29 - «In front of the camera the cloud of smoke reveals the remnants of a city burning. In the sky various helicopter and zeppelin-like machines bombard the city with air-to-ground missiles. The family of is seen being torn apart by what appears to be anomalous entities with rotten bodies acting as shells. goes into a state of shock and starts to cry»
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Well, it was bound to happen in some moment of your reality. What happened is that the few freed RPC-666 entities started to reproduce and have offspring. And that was just a spark, a little snowflake rolling in a sphere of chaos that ended up in several cities being destroyed. It could have been that malthus forces had upgraded RPC-666, or a genetic stronger variation mixed with the rest, thus giving a greater destructive power. And wait! It gets worse.
01:29 - «In front of the camera the cloud of smoke reveals a nuclear explosion in the middle of an ocean accompanied with S.O.S. calls from many authority sites around the world. enters into despair after the sight.»
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» IS THIS THE END OF THE WORLD?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Sort of, right after the incident with the RPC-666's, the ball of chaos elevated, some think it was the PCAAO launching nukes at nests of RPC-666's, others think it was the UNAAC punishing the authority due to their incompetence. It even hints at the RCPA invading this timeline at the most opportune time possible. But after that, the authority was disbanded and it's members are hunted like dogs.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» My family, my city, even my colleagues all dead, because of anomalies. IS THERE A WAY TO CHANGE THIS?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » No, all events that you have seen are in the future, and even if you change them, something far more dangerous can arise, on the upside, you can change them and the timeline will suffer nothing. It's all a big coin toss. However, I offer you an alternative.
01:29 - «In front of the camera the cloud of smoke dims a little and RPC-639 can be seen at the front of the frame creating what appears to be a ball of energy.»
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Abandon this timeline and be reborn into a new one where the anomalous doesn't exist. A timeline that is completely mundane.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» But why alone? Why can't I bring my family?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Think of it in this way, an entity can modify its timeline and many things could happen, imagine if you travel back in time and kill Hitler. So you know what happens next right? It can vary from another person rises to power and the fascist government rises and WW2 happens like normal to a new timeline where the Russians dominate the world to the most absurd where a temporal loop paradox is created. Do you see what I am getting at? If moving one person in time is a pain in the neck, moving an entire family will break time itself.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» But that means leaving everything behind, my son, my wife. Would they even remember me?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » No, because what I would do is avoid your birth in this timeline. So you will never meet your wife, you will never have a son and you will never experience the pain of losing them. You can create a new family in this new timeline. Time will take care of it. he only thing they will experience is a temporal misfire and poof!
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» And this new world, will I get another chance to be with them?
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » The possibilities are endless. You may even be the one who founds a multi million dollar franchise.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639» Fine, I accept this new timeline.
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Smart man. Now here, act quickly before the time cloud comes and covers me again.
01:29 - «In front of the camera the cloud of smoke dims and it reveals a bubble of light, RPC-639 appears at the side of it still in a humanoid shape»
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » Once you enter this timeline, there's no going back.
01:29 - « speaks to RPC-639> Thank you so much for this, may God find a way to pay this debt.
01:29 - «RPC-639 speaks to » It´s not a problem, just remember that all alternatives are possible.
01:29 - «The tablet is dropped on the floor and the helmet starts to degrade. As walks to the bubble of light, his clothes begin to disappear as time resumes as normal»
01:30 - «Because the helmet was caught in the area of effect of RPC-639, it disintegrates and RPC-639 "regurgitates" the tablet. Transmission from the camera is lost.»
<End Video>