This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as RPC-880.

Registered Phenomena Code: 880
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazardous Properties: Sapient, Transmutation (Self)
Containment Protocols: Staff assigned to the subject and who regularly work in the areas it can traverse through are required to be briefed on the nature of the anomaly and its behavioral properties for avoiding possible incidents that may arise from the first impression of the anomaly. This applies to each member of staff, regardless of division or clearance level, as well as any possible guests that have arrived at the Site.
RPC-880 is to inhabit one of Site-168’s isolation rooms, with the necessary furnishing to accommodate a comfortable psychologically easing lifestyle. Although the anomalous nature of RPC-880 prevents or rather makes it so that most of the furnishings are unnecessary for the subject, they are still required to be kept within the room for morale purposes and increasing the sense of normalcy.
Interaction with RPC-880 is allowed as a rehabilitation technique and is actively encouraged. While the subject expresses slight distrust towards anyone presenting him or herself as a doctor,1 it is remarkably compliant with security protocols and programs intended to help. Due to this, it is allowed limited freedom throughout the site provided two ASF officers accompany it for its protection. RPC-880 is also allowed to participate in simple maintenance tasks with the appropriate personnel to encourage compliant behavior and assist staff in developing a more direct understanding of working with anomalies. Should the subject prove a hindrance to some activities, such as leaving behind small amounts of debris during floor cleaning, smudging vertical areas, or accidentally breaking objects, the staff is advised to gently redirect its attention to another point of interest without increasing its stress. As per protocol, Maintenance personnel is to be called for cleanup afterward.2
Biweekly sessions with a designated therapist will be conducted and recorded to Authority standards. Transcriptions of the same are to be attached to and available at all times within this folder.
Staff suspecting misdemeanor towards the subject are to report to the proper department as instructed in training.
Description: RPC-880 is the designation for Errika Renosdottir, a Swedish adolescent abducted by Kabushiki Kawaii and had her body modified through extreme means.
The only remaining body part the subject has left is the upper skull, which is noticeably modified with a chassis bound around it, serving as a method of protection and identification. The Kabushiki Kawaii logo is engraved on the surface of the left pterion chassis. The right pterion chassis holds the Kabushiki model number: ServiPro-SURAIMU-0612008375-0001.3

Recovered receipt
The main anomalous property regarding RPC-880 and, by extension, any other subject belonging to the same product series, is the anomalous artificial goo the subject is encased within. Surrounding the skull is approximately 270kg of an unknown, regenerative, slime-like substance that can change its shape, density, coloration and possess limited control over texture and temperature. Testing has not revealed any comparable material nor a means of reproducing the goo. Sampling has also proven difficult, as the substance will quickly evaporate after leaving the main body. This is presumed to be both a design choice for the anomaly and a method of preventing individuals outside of Kabushiki Kawaii from replicating or analyzing the substance. Regardless of a lack of chemical understanding, a grasp of the general properties of the substance has been noted.
The goo will change its properties in response to brain it has been grafted upon. Serving as a replacement and an arguably specialized improvement, the goo will act as a method for movement within, observation of and interaction with the outside world.
Although capable of entirely changing its shape in a small window of time, it has been noted that the subject prefers to stay in a humanoid shape. Logic dictates the nature of the anomaly, and its reason for production would make it that creating and using legs would not be difficult. Nevertheless, it has been noted that the subject has shown, although never expressed, difficulty when walking, often wobbling and shifting too much of the weight on one limb. At times, it has been known for the subject to even fall or hit passing items – something that is extremely unlikely to harm the subject physically but did cause a sense of embarrassment. The reason behind this awkward movement has been theorized by staff that the product’s properties were not designed with the intention of comfortable locomotion but for a different purpose – one more suited for “aesthetic” use in a horizontal rather than a vertical position.
The next property is the yet inexplicable perception method of the outside world. The theory of common perception using ocular organs and machinery has been discarded in the initial analysis. RPC-880 lacks any kind of known method to perceive any kind of surroundings accurately. There are no eyes or similar tools of any kind present within either the goo or the skull,4 researchers have failed to identify any recognizable cells (such as chromatophores) that would help identify the coloration surrounding it. In short, there are no artificial or (para)natural means of recognition or at the very least one’s staff has been able to identify.
Regardless, the subject has shown no major difficulties interacting with its surroundings. RPC-880 is capable of, as mentioned above, shifting itself into a humanoid form with its height depending on the chosen density. It should be noted that the preferred height of the anomaly is mostly ~160cm – presumably to mimic the height before the modification. The subject rarely changes its appearance for any reason.5 The humanoid form itself is described as featureless and “accented” – While lacking details such as individual strands of hair, intricate facial features or even developed fingers and muscles, the subject instead presents itself through either heavily simplified or outright leaving out these elements.
An example would be the way the face is shaped: the head is almost perfectly round, with a “hairstyle” resemblant of long wavy hair on top and finally, two large, black, orb-like “eyes” which make half of the face. These orbs serve no actual purpose, aside from an aesthetic one – RPC-880 can regularly see with any “part” of its body. It is presumed the subject merely prefers such a look as a way to preserve a sense of normalcy for itself or as a way to make any interlocutors more comfortable in interaction with it, something that was possibly taught by Kabushiki handlers as a method of easier interaction with owners.
Regarding social interaction, RPC-880 has been noted as an extremely collaborative and civil subject. Although lacking vocal cords, speech is possible through a vibration of the goo, allowing for an extensive and realistic vocal range. Despite the endured trauma, the subject has not shown any attempts or wishes to isolate itself or avoid human contact and interaction. The subject has accepted every request for physical testing by doctors from various Research Departments, has not asked for any pause in psychological screenings,6 assisted Protection staff with explanations of the inner security workings of Kabushiki laboratories, and always adhered to requests given by the Containment officers assigned for protection.
On 01.05.2011. during a scheduled therapy session, ASF officers assigned to RPC-880 were disturbed by panicked vocalization originating from within the therapy room. While assessing the situation through the door, fighting and RPC-880's cries for help could be heard. As the officers attempted to breach the room the struggle suddenly ended. Upon entering the therapy room, RPC-880 was found huddled in the corner with the body of Dr. Pesvogrin Leisskovitz lying next to his table. The subject was in a state of shock, initially not reacting to any questioning from the officers. Only when the body was removed did RPC-880 return to a more stable state of mind and began answering the ASF personnel.
According to the subject’s recounting of events, the session started regularly but soon regressed into an argument between the patient and doctor. The argument escalated, and finally climaxed into a short physical encounter between them which was resolved through Dr. Leisskovitz losing balance and breaking his neck against his table. Recovered session audio (available further down within this folder) only confirmed these claims and can be accessed within this folder.
Due to the incident, RPC-880 now lacked a trained therapist to continue the sessions, leading to regressions in the therapeutic progress should there be a larger pause between the sessions. Concerns arose even further as it was realized that Site-168 was in a deficit for sufficiently trained therapeutic personnel meaning a replacement was needed to be imported from another location and needed a temporary one until his arrival.
After careful consideration, it was decided that the most suitable replacement, albeit a temporary one, would be clinical psychologist Dr. Vanessa Milner. There are many disagreements regarding this choice, some coming from Doctor Milner herself. However, the Site Assignment Committee has decided that the doctor would be the optimal choice due to her experience in psychology and a high degree of loyalty to our organization. The subject’s insistence of not requiring any psychological assistance is acknowledged, but not heeded.
Therapy is to continue according to its regular weekly schedule, regardless of complaints or requests.
Psychological session 13 – Audio written record
Subject: Errika Renosdottir (Designation RPC-880)
Designated therapist: Doctor Vanessa Milner, Research clinical psychologist
[ Recording begins. The subject is already seated, conversing with ASF officers within the room. ASF-1 is leaning onto the table, while ASF-2 is standing about a meter away from his partner.]
ASF-1: -nd from what I could tell, she didn’t even take a look at it. Just dusted the thing and gave it back, saying there was nothing wrong with it. Some armorer she is.
ASF-2: Oh don’t be like that; she’s new. If you really think there is something wrong with the thing, just wait until-
[ Errika shakes her head, getting the attention of the two guards. ]
RPC-880: No, no. If she can’t help, it’s on her, not you. The least she could have done is call up her… what’s the word?
ASF-1: Superior?
RPC-880: That’s the one! Thank you, you should teach English or something. But yes, call her superior. Ask for advice. It’s the least she could do for you.
ASF-1: Yeah… yeah, I guess you’re right. Thanks for listening to my rants, I know-
RPC-880: Please, it’s the least I could do.
ASF-1: That being said… Where’s the shrink? Shouldn’t she be here by now?
ASF-2: I dunno.
ASF-1: Talk about first impressions.
[ The subject laughs. ASF-1 continues to speak, but is interrupted by the door opening. Dr. Milner enters, and pauses to look at the guards and her patient. ]
Dr. Milner: The two of you should wait outside.
[ The guards move away from the subject, out of the room. ASF-1 stops midway and looks at Dr. Milner. He looks back at Errika who gives a thumbs up. ]
ASF-1: We are right outside if anything happens, doctor.
Dr. Milner: I am aware of that. Your concern is noted.
[ ASF-1 leaves the room. Dr. Milner closes the door behind him and seats herself across Errika. She takes out a small notepad, and begins writing in it. ]
Dr. Milner: I apologize for my tardiness. A colleague held me back.
RPC-880: Oh no, it’s fine, really, I hope you didn’t find Rock rude, or-
Dr. Milner: I didn’t.
RPC-880: Oh. Oh, OK. He’s just-
Dr. Milner: I understand the situation fully. You were attacked by your previous therapist. Security has already gotten a smudge on their reputation, they are not willing to let it happen again.
[ Dr. Milner raises her eyes from the notepad, looking at the subject. Errika remains silent, and then laughs nervously. ]
RPC-880: Yes, uhm, that’s one way to put it.
Dr. Milner: If you have any concerns regarding my behavior, you needn’t. I was assigned to you specifically due to the trust in my loyalty to The Authority and its goals.
RPC-880: And due to your social skills?
[Dr. Milner remains silent. The subject shifts herself in the chair. ]
Dr. Milner: No.
RPC-880: That was… That was a joke.
Dr. Milner: I assumed as much.
RPC-880: You really didn’t want this job, huh?
Dr. Milner: I am to do as I’m told. So, let’s begin. How do you feel about the death of your previous therapist?
[ The subject snorts, and immediately stops her laughter. ]
RPC-880: That wasn’t a joke?
[ Dr. Milner remains silent. ]
RPC-880: Wow, you, you really aren’t like Leisskovitz.
Dr. Milner: And what was he like, to you?
RPC-880: I mean. He… he was alright. At first at least, but then he started getting more and more intense, like, I don’t know. Just more intense. Abrasive, almost rude. You saw the transcriptions, probably.
Dr. Milner: Yes.
RPC-880: Then you know what I’m talking about. By the end, by the end of it all, he was… He…
[ The subject grows silent. ]
Dr. Milner: Do you think you somehow caused his transformation?
[ The subject stutters, struggles with speaking. ]
RPC-880: I, what, I, I don’t under- do people, do they-
Dr. Milner: Calm down. Please.
[ Dr. Milner removes her glasses. Leaning toward the subject and locking eyes. ]
Dr. Milner: I have studied cases where the patient sometimes berated himself over a change in his therapist’s behavior, which was sometimes as little as frowning due to a headache. It is a real occurrence within this field even with regular cases, let alone one as extreme as yours.
RPC-880: I… alright. At least warn me when you are going to drop something like that. You’re good at pulling the rug under people, you know?
Dr. Milner: Please answer the question.
RPC-880: No. As in, no, I don’t think I changed him in any way during our time spent together. If anything-
Dr. Milner: What about others?
RPC-880: What others? Oh, you mean the rest of the guys working here? No, they seem to be pretty supportive, bless them. Lots of them have been hearing me out, which [ Voice slightly raised ] REALLY MEANS A LOT, SO TO WHOEVER READS TRANSCRIBES THIS BE SURE TO LET EVERYONE ELSE KNOW!
Dr. Milner: Do not do that, please.
RPC-880: Sorry, sorry, wanted to try it out. Won’t happen again.
Dr. Milner: You wanted to add something before.
RPC-880: Hm? Oh, yeah. If anything… I honestly think the guy was already kind of… you know.
Dr. Milner: Mentally ill?
RPC-880: Crazy, yeah. It just started seeping through as he started to know me. Something about me clicked with him, and he just… descended into this insane, dangerous guy whom no one stood up for after his death.
[ Silence. The subject stares at the floor as Dr. Milner continues writing into her pad. Renosdottir sighs. ]
RPC-880: It’s difficult to live with a mental illness. Sometimes it just appears out of nowhere and ruins your relationship.
Dr. Milner: You speak from personal experience.
RPC-880: I have a- had? I don’t know at this point. I had a, I had a sister who had a really big problem-some developmental issue. We had a fight as kids, and the entire thing terrified my pappa. To the point he actually started isolating me from her, taking care of me more, even letting her move away young. I don’t, I don’t…
[ The subject trails off, passing a hand over and into her face. The slime moves as the mechanism within is “massaged”. ]
Dr. Milner: You do not wish to speak about her.
RPC-880: No. No. She brings up things I don’t want to think about.
Dr. Milner: You should know we will speak about her at some point.
[ Subject smiles weakly. ]
RPC-880: Well, here’s to hoping we never come to it.
Dr. Milner: Unlikely. Although, our session for today is finished. I will call your security-
RPC-880: Oh no, please, let me. No need to get up.
Dr. Milner: As you wish.
[ The subject moves towards the door, turning back before opening it. ]
RPC-880: I really hope we’ll get along. I want to help you as much as I can, and I hope you will let me.
Dr. Milner: It is my wish as well for you to show me yourself. Enjoy your day, Ms. Renosdottir.
RPC-880: See you!
[ The subject leaves the room. Greetings and chatter can be heard before Dr. Milner sighs and shuts off the recording. ]
The following is a log of the last therapy session RPC-880 had with Dr. Pesvogrin Leisskovitz, catalogued as Incident ILA880-I. Any other session logs will be available outside of this folder.
[ Record begins. ]
Dr. Leisskovitz: -e can begin now.
RPC-880: Oh, alright.
Dr. Leisskovitz: You can sit down now if you-
[ Dr. Leisskovitz chokes up and begins loudly coughing. ]
RPC-880: Doctor!
[ The coughing continues, with a thud emanating as Dr. Leisskovitz descends his arm on his table to lean on. ]
RPC-880: Are-are you alright? Do I need to call a doctor, someone? Wait here, I’ll get you some water-
Dr. Leisskovitz: No, cough, no. It’s -cough- it’s alright. I think I’m, I’m getting a bit better. Dammit…
[ Dr. Leisskovitz coughs some more, managing to regain control. ]
RPC-880: Are you sure you don’t want me to call someone?
Dr. Leisskovitz: No need. I’m better now.
RPC-880: I… All right.
Dr. Leisskovitz: Anyways. Miss Renosdottir, I have been meaning to talk to you about something for some time.
RPC-880: Oh please, don’t bring up your problem with me helping around again. I have been trying so much to relax, but I just can’t, I need to-
Dr. Leisskovitz: No, no, no. Regardless, cough, regardless of that. It doesn’t matter anymore.
RPC-880: Doctor?
Dr. Leisskovitz: Miss Renosdottir, do you enjoy being here?
RPC-880: In the sessions? I guess? It’s, um, it’s alright to have someone to talk to.
Dr. Leisskovitz: Not the sessions. The Authority. Having your movement restricted, being told what to do, being forced to do one thing after the other…?
RPC-880: Well I, I don’t see it like that. I understand I need to stay here, for my own safety and for others’, it’s the only way.

Doodle found among Dr. Leisskovitz’s notes.
Dr. Leisskovitz: But what if it wasn’t? If someone gave you a chance to leave all of this – the interviews, the barren rooms and hallways, the endless tasks – would you accept? If you could live a normal, if isolated, life once again?
RPC-880: Doctor, where are you going with this?
Dr. Leisskovitz: Errika, what if I told you I can give you this chance?
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: …W-what?
Dr. Leisskovitz: I have been trying… No, I have managed to contact people that could help us, help you get out of here and somewhere safe. You wouldn’t need to do anything, just agree to this.
RPC-880: But doctor, I can’t possibly- I, I, I couldn’t. This is, this is too much!
Dr. Leisskovitz: Don’t you want to leave? Don’t you want to lead a normal life again? The Authority could never provide it to you, just a cheap, transparent imitation of it. And across it, constant spying and control. But you can leave that. You don’t have to endure them anymore.
RPC-880: I don’t want to leave.
[ Silence. ]
Dr. Leisskovitz: What?
Errika Renosdottir: I don’t want to leave.
Dr. Leisskovitz: But, all the-
RPC-880: I don’t want to leave! I want to help them, why can’t you understand that! I just want to help!
Dr. Leisskovitz: You can’t just allow people to take advantage of you! The Authority will try and milk you of all you are worth for, and what do you think will happen then?!
RPC-880: No!
Dr. Leisskovitz: They’ll lock you back in your room, and leave you to rot! Do you seriously, do you seriously think they want you around and your help without some ulterior motive? They don't want you! They don't need you!
RPC-880: Doctor, doctor please, I didn’t mean anything-
Dr. Leisskovitz: Quiet! Do you have a clue what I would sacrifice? Years with the Authority, my life, my work – all of it, all I would give it away to let one of you get your life back, to escape this prison! And then for my effort-
RPC-880: Please!
Dr. Leisskovitz: -For my effort! I am rewarded with, rewarded with being told: “I don’t feel like getting out!” How can you even allow yourself to think like that?
RPC-880: I don’t!
Dr. Leisskovitz: I won’t, I can’t allow someone to suffer unknowingly like this, I beg you! You need to-
RPC-880: No!
[ Sounds of struggle are heard, mingled with non-descriptive shouting. Muffled banging against the door from the ASF officers outside of the room can be partially heard. Suddenly, the subject screams out. ]
Errika Renosdottir: Look out!
[ Dr. Leisskovitz yells out, followed by a loud smash. The audio immediately cuts out, due to the recorder falling onto the floor. ]
[ Record stops. ]
Note: Initially, it was believed that Dr. Leisskovitz intended to destroy the recorder, as well as the recording after the session. The main argument behind this claim was that activating the recorder was an attempt at reassuring RPC-880 that this would be a regular session, with the destruction of the recording being an easily achievable task. During questioning, RPC-880 revealed that while Dr. Leisskovitz did touch the recorder button,7 the subject noticed that the recorder was not activated. Believing this was a mistake on the doctor's part, RPC-880 activated the recorder without him noticing and inadvertently reordered the kidnapping attempt.
Due to this incident, recorders in session rooms have been upgraded and will automatically begin recording at a set time, requiring manual work only to shut them down.
Psychological session 14 – Audio written record
Subject: Errika Renosdottir (Designation RPC-880)
Designated therapist: Doctor Vanessa Milner, Research clinical psychologist
[ Record begins. ]
[ Dr. Milner sits at the desk, organizing and comparing notes. The door opens, the subject entering halfway, still talking to Jr Research Juniper. ]
Jr Rsr. Juniper: The doc will probably want you to come over again after the sesh, to see if all’s good. You sure you-
RPC-880: Of course I am. It was just a diet change, no need to spend all that time just sitting in his office while he is doing something else. Might as well go and take care of the session, keep myself busy, you know.
Jr Rsr. Juniper: Great, great! I have to tell you though, that was a pretty underhanded way to blow me off. I’m gonna have to find some other way to amuse myself while the old doc does whatever he does.
RPC-880: Oh, if there is anything I know for sure about you is your ability to always find some victim to listen to your gossip.
[ Dr. Milner stops organizing her notes and clears her throat. The two at the door stop speaking, both looking at Milner. ]
Dr. Milner: If you would, we need to begin.
RPC-880: Oh yeah, my bad. See you soon, Junes.
[ Jr Rsr. Juniper stays at the door, staring at Dr. Milner. ]
Dr. Milner: Can I help you, Miss Juniper?
RPC-880: Junes? You good?
Jr Rsr. Juniper: Yeah. I’m all good. Was just surprised to see her this close. Or see her here at all.
RPC-880: What are you-
Dr. Milner: If you have an issue with my presence here, Miss Juniper, you can always discuss it with our supervisors. Maybe you will get a different result than I did. Otherwise, I would ask of you to leave. I am sure that Doctor Shah will notice your lack of presence, regardless of his age.
[ Jr Rsr. Juniper stands where she is for a few moments, before turning around and leaving. Dr. Milner returns to her notes the moment she leaves her sight. ]
RPC-880: Is… everything alright? Between the two of you?
Dr. Milner: Yes. As much as it can be, given the circumstances.
RPC-880: I can talk with her, maybe you can-
[ Dr. Milner puts down her notes, massaging her head as the subject closes the door and seats herself. ]
Dr. Milner: No, no need. All that will do will just cause more trouble.
RPC-880: Seriously, we talk a lot, I can-
Dr. Milner: Miss Renosdottir, I am more than capable of dealing with Junior Researchers. You should not concern yourself over my problems or try to get involved.
[ Silence. Dr. Milner accidentally pushes a pen off the table and leans to pick it up. The subject begins opening a large, mouth-like cavity on her head, stretching it towards Dr. Milner. ]
Dr. Milner: I apologize. I have been under a lot of stress recently.
RPC-880: It’s all right. Just relax and it will all be better soon.
[ Dr. Milner raises herself and notices the subject, outstretched towards her. She yells out, pushing herself away from the subject and getting on her feet. ]
RPC-880: What?! What’s-?
[ The subject looks behind her, confused. Dr. Milner calms down as she turns back, and points at her “mouth”. ]
RPC-880: Huh? Is there- ohhhh. OHHHHH, my bad. I just thought-
[ The subject retracts the outstretched parts, returning to her regular form. Dr. Milner warily returns to her seat. ]
RPC-880: I was just stretching.
Dr. Milner: Stretching?
RPC-880: Yeah, I know, sounds ridiculous. But it’s honestly the only way to explain it. Sometimes I just feel… tense at times and just kind of letting myself stretch out kind of makes it feel better. Like a sore muscle or getting rid of something equally bothersome.
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: Oh I just realized how unnerving that sounded.
Dr. Milner: It’s alright.
RPC-880: Hope that doesn’t create a problem with the psychological profile or whatever you’re making. [ Laughs ] Believe me, all I want to do is help.
Dr. Milner: I will keep that in mind.
RPC-880: Do we… Do we have a topic to talk about? Today?
Dr. Milner: Yes… yes. For today, I wanted to talk to you about the time before arriving at the Authority.
RPC-880: What, like my childhood? I don’t think, don't think I want to talk about it.
Dr. Milner: Due to your sister?
RPC-880: Yes.
Dr. Milner: Could you tell me exactly why you want to avoid talking about her? If your files are correct, her name is-
RPC-880: It doesn’t matter what her, what her name is. I refuse to talk about her.
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: Sorry. Sometimes the thought about her just… ugh. You know how siblings sometimes feel like they can ruin your life?
Dr. Milner: I can say I have experienced something similar, yes.
RPC-880: Well, that. Just stronger. So let’s just not talk about her.
Dr. Milner: You do not need to upset yourself. We weren’t going to talk about that period yet.
RPC-880: Then what?
Dr. Milner: Your time at Shetland’s mansion.
RPC-880: Oh that. Nothing really to talk about.
Dr. Milner: Another topic you wish to avoid?
RPC-880: No, I mean… It wasn’t really that eventful as you guys think. Most of the time I was just underneath in my room while his staff was in the house. Got food from him every day, never grew hungry. Couldn’t grow cold or sick. At least, I think so. I’ll have to tell you if Shah finds anything. [ Laughs ]
Dr. Milner: I understand. Now, to warn you, you don't need to immediately answer the following question. I will understand if you feel uncomfortable, or need some time, or-
RPC-880: Nah, nah, go ahead.
Dr. Milner: How often were you taken advantage of by Shetland? And how do you, in your own words, feel about it?
[ The subject cocks her head to the side, shakes it and shrugs. As she talks, she pulls up her legs to her chest, encircling her arms around them. ]
RPC-880: I don’t know. I did have… I did sleep with him if that is what you mean. A lot of the time he seemed satisfied with just watching. It was just me an him there every time.
Dr. Milner: You still haven't told me your emotional outlook on it.
RPC-880: I mean, I don't really have anything in me. Feel anything. Don't feel anything. It's, it's kind of just dried out and fell off. I don't know if I am making sense.
Dr. Milner: No, it's alright. Please, continue.
RPC-880: Every time I think about it - and I try not to think about it, you know - I just don't get any sort of response back. Like I'm waiting for anything to come back, rage, sadness, depression, anything but it's just a flatline. Like something just, just came in and scooped it out of me. I mean, more than they already did. Sorry for the joke, you must think I'm just blowing hot air.
Dr. Milner: Humor is another method of coping for what you went through. It is alright.
RPC-880: Yeah. Thanks. There is always this nagging thought, though. Every time I think of that period, this single thought pops up. "At least I helped in some way". It's kind of fu- messed up. But that thought kept me kind of going. I want to help people, and doing so keeps my thoughts off of things. If they are willing to accept me, I'll be as happy as they can be. Am I making sense?
Dr. Milner: Yes, I do understand you. Thank you for your input.
RPC-880: Oh, no reason to thank me, aren't I the one who is supposed to thank you?
Dr. Milner: We can proceed with the next question, if you are capable.
RPC-880: Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'm good. I feel like my heart would be beating a bit faster now, feel a little nervous, but this helped. I think I can continue. Shoot.
Dr. Milner: Alright. How did you react to his departure?
[ The subject pauses and shifts in her seat. ]
RPC-880: I'm not, I'm not sure. I don't know.
Dr. Milner: Was he violent prior to him leaving you?
RPC-880: He didn’t hit me.
Dr. Milner: Do you blame yourself for him leaving you?
[ Silence. The subject slowly puts down her feet back onto the ground, stares at Dr. Milner. ]
RPC-880: What?
Dr. Milner: Do you blame yourself, or do you think there was something you have done to make him leave? It doesn’t have to-
RPC-880: I did nothing. I did everything, everything he ever asked me to do-
Dr. Milner: I understand, but you need to-
RPC-880: -and-
Dr. Milner: -understand that it is a small chance to be that way which-
[ Knocking on the door as security attempts to assess the situation. Dr. Milner attempts to reply, but is cut off by the subject. ]
RPC-880: I did everything I was ever told to do there, I never left my place, I never approached any of the staff, I never disobeyed ANYTHING! I was only hungry, and he was gone and, and and…
[ Knocking becomes more intense. Security calls out to the subject. ]
RPC-880: Why would he ever leave if it wasn’t my fault? Why couldn’t you find him? I don’t know. I don’t know! I DON’T KNOW!
Dr. Milner: Miss Renosdottir, you-
[ The subject falls onto the ground, loudly sobbing. The door is opened, and security enters the room, ASF-2 approaching the subject and ASF-1 raising his weapon at Dr. Milner. ]
RPC-880: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m-
Dr. Milner: Calm down, she’s most likely having a panic attack! Put that thing-
[ ASF-1 turns the safety off on his weapon. Dr. Milner stops talking, raises her arms and slowly backs away from the subject and ASF-2. The subject is still shaking and sobbing on the ground. ]
RPC-880: -sorry, I’m sorry, it wasn’t my fault, I’m so—
[ Record stops. ]
Note: The subject was extracted out of the room and taken to her room. After hearing the audio recording of the session, Dr. Milner was cleared of any suspicions. The subject requested that no disciplinary measures or punishments are given out to Dr. Milner, claiming it was her own fault of underestimating the level of stress the previous line of questioning caused.
Concerns about Dr. Milner's approach were still voiced by Site-168 Psychology department members. Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw assured the committee that the safety of the subject will be a priority from this point forward. A proposal of a third party being physically present during the session was pushed forward and met with skepticism - while the proposal matches the department’s wishes going onwards, members voiced concern over the extreme nature of such a decision.
At the time of writing, the proposal is still pending, dependent on future developments.
Discovery: RPC-880 was found within the summer mansion of Brock Shetland8 after staff reported unusual behavior in regards to their employer. Due to Mr Shetland previously being on an Authority watch list for possible KK connections, the news of unorthodox events was quickly reported back to assigned ACI agents.

Summer Shetland mansion, 5.4.2004.
The behavior in question that raised suspicion was the sudden unwillingness to leave his private quarters for any possible reason. Staff knew Mr. Shetland would consistently patrol his home when they were present out of a fear that small precious items of his were being stolen. But, on 08.03.2011, Shetland refused to leave his bedroom quarters, stating to the lead housemaid he was experiencing intestinal pains and wished to remain in bed, undisturbed. He refused any medication offered to be brought to him as well as any medical attention, citing he “only needed to stay in bed for a while.” It should be noted that Shetland always made sure to conduct his patrols, even when injured – this included the instance in which he was in an accident that fractured his kneecap, forcing him to use crutches for an extended period of time.
After 9 days of his staff not seeing Shetland, the ACI concluded a more direct approach was needed. DEP-036 was assigned to conduct a covert operation: Select agents sabotaged the sewer system underneath the mansion, creating a safe albeit extremely discomforting flooding and odor within the premises. When mansion staff attempted to contact a plumbing service ACI agents intercepted the call and booked an appointment. Once the disguised agents arrived at the premises, they managed to remove staff easily. The privacy allowed them to position a number of recording devices on select areas within the mansion, after which they managed to fix the sabotaged equipment. Contact with Shetland was somewhat confirmed during this process, as one of the agents did knock on the door of the private quarters of Mr. Shetland to notify him of their presence within the abode. No answer was received, and the door remained locked for the duration of the visit.
Agents retreated after fixing the sabotaged equipment and waited for further development. Nothing occurred for the rest of the day, staff returning between 16:00 and 17:00 in the evening. At 22:00 Shetland staff left for their respective homes, leaving the mansion to their employer. It was not until later in the night that suspicions of anomalous presence were confirmed.
At 22:32, the door to Shetland’s quarters opened. A large, semi humanoid mass of goo-like substance exited the room and proceeded to slowly slither down to the ground level of the abode. The substance stopped at every change in lighting and sound such as from passing cars or the home creaking, moving only after approximately a minute had passed. After 17 minutes, the anomaly accessed the freezer within the kitchen and began aggressively gorging itself on various foods from within. Satisfied, the anomaly then returned to the Shetland’s quarters and locked the door behind it at 23:04, presumably remaining there for the remainder of the night.
Suspicions confirmed, a raid request was submitted and approved. A cooperative raid led by DEP-036 agents and exacted by MST Kilo-4 operatives was executed: The raid began with the expulsion of present staff from the premises with an aggressive approach to increase confusion within them. Staff proceeded to breach Shetland’s quarters. Conducting a search revealed a hidden entryway underneath the queen bed present within the room, leading into a basement area through a spiral staircase. Descending into the area, Kilo-4 found a system of separate prison-like cells. All but one were locked and unused with the last one containing the anomaly, pressed into the corner and attempting to hide away from the operatives. Through an amount of goading, the anomaly was successfully identified as sapient and convinced to comply with a rescue. The anomaly was brought up the stairs, with the bedsheets used to partially cover its form. Finally, it was brought out of the Shetland mansion, placed within an Authority vehicle, and driven off to a more secure location.
Staff were interrogated by remaining ACI agents. It was found out it knew nothing about the anomalous dealings of their employer nor the existence of the anomaly within the home they worked within. It was mainly assumed that the recent behavior was the result of a possible new eccentricity and was handwaved as such. Satisfied, the staff was then exposed to G-1 Amnestics and led to believe that their employer was using the summer home as a safe house for sex trade victims, his sudden absence “implied” to be due to him possibly receiving a warning from one of his coworkers. Staff were let go and interrogated separately the following days without the use of amnestics or glyphs to further increase their conviction of the story implanted by Authority operatives.
The current status of Brock Shetland is unknown and presumed to be in hiding from the statements of both RPC-880 and staff. RPC-880 additionally claimed that Shetland’s departure was extremely sudden and without warning, him insisting on being tracked down by an organization - unknown whether he spoke of The Authority, Kabushiki Kawaii, or a third party.
RPC-880 was recovered and sent to Site-, in which the initial interview was conducted – Available below.
Psychological evaluation
Subject: KK-88O9
Interviewer: Doctor Laevin Kreshaw, Senior Research psychiatrist.
Relevant information: See Discovery.
The following is an excerpt from the initial interview and psychological evaluation with the subject upon arrival to a more secure location.
[ Cameras activate and begin recording. The interview room is equipped with the standard furniture consisting of a table and chairs. Additional equipment, such as potted plants and lighting is present as a method of easing possible tension. Dr. Kreshaw was given a neutral-colored sweater to wear along with other semi-casual clothing – the only remaining symbol of authority being his ID card. ]
[ The present anomaly, from now on titled KK-88O, has shown no interest in its surroundings, and has shown no attempt to communicate with either raid members or any other staff it encountered during its quarantine procedure. Medical examiners were unable to determine whether the subject is in a state of shock, or entirely incapable of speech as in some other cases of Kabushiki victims. In either case, Dr. Kreshaw was briefed upon the situation and lead to the room. ]
[ Dr. Kreshaw enters the room. After the door closes behind him, he sits down opposite of KK-88O. The only reaction he gets is the subject following his movements and staring at him. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Good evening, miss…?
[ Silence. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Or is it misses?
[ No reaction. Kreshaw scratches the back of his head. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Um. Mister?
[ No reply. Kreshaw coughs in slight discomfort, looking at the camera within the room. As he does so, KK-88O’s head slowly begins turning to the left. The doctor notices the motion and snaps his head back at the subject. The head moves faster, and then turns to the opposite side before returning to a neutral position. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: …Miss?
[ KK-88O’s slowly looks up, then down. Kreshaw takes out his clipboard and notes down something on the paper. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Well, alright. I hope my colleagues treated you well?
[ The subject nods. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Great. I know this must be extremely confusing to you, but I would like it if you could answer some questions for me now. Nothing too much, and we can stop at any time. Just to see how you’re holding up, and then you can rest a while. We prepared a room for you.
[ Subject tilts head to side as Kreshaw pulls out a pencil and notebook. He puts both on the table, and pushes them towards KK-88O. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: I know it might be difficult for you to speak. If you can speak at all in your current… state. That is. Um. So, can you tell me your name? Do you remember it?
[ KK-88O stares at the pencil and notebook. It picks up both, dragging them closer, but does not use them. Instead it looks back at Kreshaw, locking eyes. The lower part of the “head” begins bubbling, prompting the doctor to tense up but remain seated. A “jaw” opens, forming what seems to be a mouth lacking any teeth or tongue. A hole can be seen boring itself deeper into the anomaly, stretching and squashing itself. ]
[ KK-88O begins hissing, to which Kreshaw slowly begins rising himself from the chair. The subject continues staring at him, as its “mouth” begins moving and smacking. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: I, uh, see that maybe you are not, um, in the mood t-to talk, miss. I will now exit the room, and al-allow you to, uh-
[ KK-88O begins speaking. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: HHHHHHHHhhheeeerikkaa. Eeerrik-k-ka. Errika Rrrenossdottir.
[ Dr. Kreshaw stares in shock. KK-88O extends its mass towards the pencil, as well as towards the clipboard Kreshaw left on the table. It reads its contents and begins filling it by itself. ]
[ After a short while, KK-88O stops writing and places the items back on the table. The subject expectantly looks at the doctor. Realizing Kreshaw still wasn’t sure how to react, KK-88O picks up the clipboard and begins moving closer to him. The doctor takes a step back, away from the anomaly. ]
[ The subject stops in its tracks, still looking at Kreshaw. It slowly extends the limb with the clipboard towards him, stopping at arms length away from him. He carefully raises his hand and takes the clipboard. A smile stretches across KK-88O’s face as it turns its back and embeds itself back onto the chair, waiting for the doctor to sit as well. ]
[ Dr. Kreshaw gathers himself, and sits down as well, reading through the filled out paper. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Well, it’s… nice to meet you, Miss Renosdottir. Hopefully I didn’t embarrass myself too much, I apologize.
[ KK-88O shakes its head, still smiling. ]
KK-88O: It’s fine. I understaaand. Nowww. Howww can I heelp youu?
Psychological session 16 – Audio written record
Subject: Errika Renosdottir (Designation RPC-880)
Designated therapist: Doctor Vanessa Milner, Research clinical psychologist
[ Record begins. ]
[ Dr. Milner is using her phone, waiting for the subject to arrive. The door opens, and the subject enters, followed by ASF-1 and ASF-2. The personnel wait by the door as the subject seats herself and Dr. Milner puts away her device. ASF-2 turns and exits the room, followed by ASF-1. ASF-1 halts at the door and turns around, looking at Dr. Milner. He hesitates, prompting the subject to turn around. ]
ASF-1: Milner… Doctor, I just wanted to say that I-
RPC-880: Oh c’mon, don’t start anything. What’s done is done, there is no reason to add anything on top of it.
[ ASF-1 stutters. He quiets down, and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. The subject turns back towards Dr. Milner, sighs. ]
RPC-880: I’m sorry about him. I really hope he didn’t cause any problems. I tried helping any way I can, but-
Dr. Milner: It is fine. He can’t think straight at the moment.
RPC-880: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Poor guy.
Dr. Milner: Are you ready to begin this session?
RPC-880: Yep!
Dr. Milner: Are you in a good state of mind?
RPC-880: Uh… Yeah?
Dr. Milner: Should you feel uncomfortable -
RPC-880: Hey, what’s up with that?
Dr. Milner: With the inquiries?
RPC-880: Yeah. You usually just get right into the questions.
Dr. Milner: After last time’s episode I was required to attend a meeting with my superiors. They had an issue with my approach, and suggested I have a more considerate demeanor. For your safety.
RPC-880: Oh! Well, you’re doing great.
[ The subject laughs. ]
RPC-880: I mean, I guess you can’t do any worse than Leisskovitz, can you?
Dr. Milner: No. I guess not. Although, that reminds me. They asked me to notify you of another thing. But it can wait until the end of the session.
RPC-880: If you say so. What are we supposed to talk about today?
Dr. Milner: I was instructed to suggest you decide the initial topic.
RPC-880: Well, will you?
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: Oh come on, that was just a joke. Lighten up! Come on…
[ The subject leans forward, smiling widely. ]
RPC-880: Ask me.
Dr. Milner: Do you have something you want to talk about, Errika?
RPC-880: There you go! Now that wasn’t that hard, was it?
Dr. Milner: I'll ask again. Do you have something you want to talk about, Errika?
RPC-880: Well, since you asked so nicely… Why don’t we talk about you?
[ Silence. The subject leans back into the chair. ]
RPC-880: I usually talk about myself here. I get it, that’s the purpose of these sessions, but I think it might help if we, you know, exchange information. Talk it out.
Dr. Milner: And what do you believe you will get from that?
RPC-880: I dunno. There is no higher meaning, I just want to get to know you better. Actually, let’s make a deal.
[ The subject pauses, signaling with her hand for Dr. Milner to react. ]
Dr. Milner: And that would be?
[ The subject claps her hands in excitement, sending parts of the goo flying. ]
RPC-880: Great! Oh! Oh, sorry about that, here, let me-
Dr. Milner: It will dry.
RPC-880: Oh yeah. So, anyways, why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself, and I’ll give you something in return? Think of it like a game.
Dr. Milner: If you wish so.
RPC-880: Yes, yes I do! [ Laughs. ] So, do you want to start or…?
Dr. Milner: You can begin.
RPC-880: Alright, soooo… Where are you from?
Dr. Milner: I was born and raised in Scotland.
[ The subject forms and cocks her eyebrow, gives a smile. Stays silent. ]
Dr. Milner: I was born in Scotland. Ayr, to be specific. Southwest coast city. Spent most of my early life there, then moved after I was accepted for university.
RPC-880: Which university?
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: Oh, my bad. Your turn.
Dr. Milner: Edinburgh. How would you describe your life and the treatment while in Kabushiki custody?
RPC-880: Direct as always. It was… I don’t know. What can I really say besides what I’ve already said to the Protection guys?
Dr. Milner: Whatever you feel relevant.
RPC-880: Alright. It was… monotonous. After a while, all the days I spent there seemed to blend into each other, the faces… the faces as well. If you asked me to describe what the other ones, the, the… friends. What the friends looked like, I couldn’t tell you.
Dr. Milner: Friends.
RPC-880: The doctors, or at least the handlers, they told us to call each other that. Said it kept up morale. I just wanted to help them with the entire thing. It’s a long, difficult process.
Dr. Milner: And you stayed there for a much longer time than the others?
RPC-880: Yeah. Most of them were in and out by… three to six months? It depended on what sort of routine they would go through. They kept telling me I helped everyone a lot. That I was a good friend. I was good to them, and they trusted me.
Dr. Milner: Did you think about your old life?
[ The subject smiles, waves her hand. ]
RPC-880: I think it is my turn. Just remember that question. How did you join the Authority? I imagine there is quite a story there.
Dr. Milner: It isn’t really an anecdotal kind of story.
RPC-880: It can’t be that bad.
Dr. Milner: … A few years into my practice, one of the usual patients stopped coming. I became concerned about his well being and decided to visit his home. As I found out, he came in contact with an anomaly. He… the patient attacked me. And I managed to defend myself. I notified the authorities and managed to hold the patient off until their arrival. The Authority came with. Contained the anomaly afterwards. I was recruited shortly after - a common practice from what I lately learned.
RPC-880: Yeah, I know. You’d be surprised how many of the guys here came here the same way. I could introduce you guys to each other if you-
Dr. Milner: Not interested.
RPC-880: Suit yourself! But I’ll get through to you at some point, I’m sure of it. What was your question again?
Dr. Milner: How often did you think about your old life during your imprisonment?
RPC-880: I didn’t.
Dr. Milner: You did not think of a single thing from your old life? Not even work associates, friends, fami-
RPC-880: No.
Dr. Milner: The sister.
RPC-880: Yes.
Dr. Milner: If you wish, we can postpone the discussion relating to your family at a later time. Today’s session is nearing its end as well.
RPC-880: I’d rather, would not rather talk about it at all.
Dr. Milner: We will have to. I think it is time for your last question.
RPC-880: All right… Who did you work under here?
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: The guys told me that every time someone from the outside comes here, they, like, have some sort of teacher. To help them get a hang of all the anomalies and all that.
[ Silence. ]
RPC-880: Doctor? Are you alright?
Dr. Milner: I am. You just reminded me to tell you, that’s all.
RPC-880: Uh, about what?
Dr. Milner: My old superior has passed away recently.
RPC-880: Oh. I’m sorry, I’m sure he was a great guy. Or girl.
Dr. Milner: He was a great man, yes. We did not see eye to eye on many things, but we respected each other’s work greatly.
[ Dr. Milner raises from her chair and walks towards the door. She places her hand on the handle and turns her head towards the subject. ]
Dr. Milner: I was told to inform you that my old superior was the late Doctor Pesvogrin Leisskovitz. Do with that information what you will. Have a nice day, Miss Renosdottir.
[ Dr. Milner leaves the room and leaves the door open. ASF-1 and -2 enter the room as the subject stares at the door. ]
[ Recording ends. ]
Psychology department employee meeting
Attendees: Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw, clinical psychologist Doctor Vanessa Milner
[ Begin meeting ]
Dr. Kreshaw: How are you doing, Vanessa?
Dr. Milner: I would ask you to skip the formalities, Kreshaw.
Dr. Kreshaw: Please, indulge me. I just want to talk.
Dr. Milner: I have no interest in “just talking”. I have work to do. If you want to inform me of something, I have an email.
Dr. Kreshaw: It’s related to Errika.
Dr. Milner: Respectfully, that did not stop you from excluding me from the previous meeting.
Dr. Kreshaw: I apologized for it, you need to understand-
Dr. Milner: -that my colleagues believe that my senior went insane? That I might follow in his footsteps? That his request for me acting as his replacement in the case of his untimely death is part of some great plan?
Dr. Kreshaw: You know as well as I do how that sounds.
Dr. Milner: What do you want from me, doctor?
Dr. Kreshaw: I want to talk with you, Vanessa. I want to help Errika as much as the next guy, but I need your help.
Dr. Milner: I am doing my job.
Dr. Kreshaw: God damn it Milner, you think I am not trying to do the same?! We get this poor girl from Kabushiki of all people, the poor thing has probably pushed the shit she went through deeper than any one of us can guess, and what happens? The man in charge of seeing if she is well turns out to be a goddamn insurgent!
Dr. Milner: I am sure there is a highlight to that situation.
Dr. Kreshaw: No, but there is a cherry on top of that fecal pile - turns out, when someone like him bites the dust, the department still has to respect his wishes in case he stated his preferred replacement.
Dr. Milner: Unless there is a unanimous decision not to do so.
Dr. Kreshaw: Correct. And now here we are. I avoided mentioning anything relating to this to Errika-
Dr. Milner: There have been no logs of any lengthy interaction between you and the subject.
Dr. Kreshaw: Well, there is no surprise there, since we did not record sessions, but had actual conversations like two human beings. Nevertheless. I did not mention anything about this to her. I want her to feel safe here. She deserves to be treated well, after she has gone through so much. And even now, she tries to help.
Dr. Milner: No one requested that from her. We do not need to feel obligated to owe her anything. The services the Authority provides are -
Dr. Kreshaw: -not services that can or need to be paid by either favors or money. I was in the same lecture, you don’t need to quote to me. The point… the point I am trying to say, Vanessa, is that there is no need to be so abrasive when a kinder approach has been proven to work.
Dr. Milner: It works to keep her calm, not help her.
Dr. Kreshaw: OK, alright, fine, agree to disagree.
Dr. Milner: Do you need me for anything else, sir?
Dr. Kreshaw: Yeah, one, no, two more things. First thing, I’ll be accompanying you on the next session. Don’t look at me like that, Errika asked to try that out since you’re approaching some touchy things.
Dr. Milner: And who told her that that was an option?
Dr. Kreshaw: I guess she overheard it somewhere, yeah? Anyways, she thinks that the two of you might have something more in common than you might think, but just need some outside help to make it work.
Dr. Milner: We’re patient and doctor, not two friends. Sir.
Dr. Kreshaw: She is not some sociopath, Vanessa - she’s some poor kid trying to make sense with what is happening around her the best way she can. She is as dangerous as we make her out to be.
Dr. Milner: And those who disagree? What happens to them?
Dr. Kreshaw: Nothing. They are simply reassigned to a different job, there is no need for any… severe punishment.
Dr. Milner: How do you even identify these people?
Dr. Kreshaw: It comes up in conversation. People tend to notice when someone behaves a certain way, and they talk about it. Keep that in mind.
Dr. Milner: What was the other thing you wanted to ask me, sir?
Dr. Kreshaw: …Is your brother doing alright?
Dr. Milner: He’s doing fine from what I’ve heard.
Dr. Kreshaw: If you think there is something I can do, I can pull some strings, give a ring to some of my old friends-
Dr. Milner: It is alright, sir. Thank you for your offer, but I trust in the capabilities of my colleagues.
Dr. Kreshaw: Are there any developments in his condition?
Dr. Milner: You know as much as me, or anyone else with the proper clearance. Is that all?
Dr. Kreshaw: That is all, Vanessa. I will see you next session you have with Errika.
Dr. Milner: Goodbye, sir.
[ End meeting. ]
Psychological session 17 – Audio written record
Subject: Errika Renosdottir (Designation RPC-880)
Designated therapist: Doctor Vanessa Milner, Research clinical psychologist
Other Attendee(s): Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw
[ Record begins. ]
[ Dr. Milner is seated at her table, using the computer. Dr. Kreshaw is standing in the corner of the room next to his seat, observing the bookshelf. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: These are quite a collection, Vanessa.
Dr. Milner: Thank you. Although, most of them were already here when I arrived. Only a scant few were brought here by me.
Dr. Kreshaw: Oh, well, nevertheless, these are some good books. Would you mind if I…?
Dr. Milner: I would. Eight-eight-zero should arrive at any moment, and I would prefer it if you stayed seated.
Dr. Kreshaw: Well, since you asked so nicely…
[ The door opens. Dr. Kreshaw seats himself as the subject enters. The two greet each other, the door is closed and the subject seats herself in front of Dr. Milner. ]
Dr. Milner: As you see, Dr. Kreshaw will be accompanying our sessions for the foreseeable future. I hope this won’t be a problem.
RPC-880: Oh, no, it’s completely fine. Lev and I get along great, there won’t be any problems between the two of us, no worries.
Dr. Kreshaw: Right you are!
[ Dr. Milner shoots a glance at Dr. Kreshaw. He motions zipping his mouth shut and shows a thumbs up. The subject giggles, Dr. Milner redirects her attention to her. ]
Dr. Milner: With Dr. Kreshaw being present, we can now freely talk about the topics we have avoided so far. Regarding your family-
[ Dr. Kreshaw silently clears his throat, interrupting Dr. Milner. She pauses for a moment. ]
Dr. Milner: Would that be fine with you?
RPC-880: Yes, it’s fine. I think I can talk about it.
Dr. Milner: Regarding your family, you only had a younger sister and your father. Do you remember your mother?
RPC-880: No. Not really. She was gone by the time I was two, three? I remember my dad keeping pictures of her in the office.
Dr. Milner: Why was she gone?
[ The subject looks at Dr. Kreshaw. He opens his mouth, but Dr. Milner cuts him off. ]
Dr. Milner: Alright, if you don’t want to speak about it, we can talk about it later.
[ The subject looks at Dr. Milner, surprised. ]
RPC-880: I, uh, thanks. Thank you.
Dr. Milner: Your father, what was he like?
RPC-880: He spent a lot of time home. With two kids, there was always work to be done, especially… especially…
Dr. Milner: Take your time.
RPC-880: Especially since one of the kids was… ill. It didn’t really show most, show most of the time. But my sister was majorly, well, fucked in the head.
Dr. Milner: Did you ever find out what her illness was?
RPC-880: No. My dad probably did, since he was into that sort of thing.
Dr. Milner: “Into that sort of thing”?
RPC-880: It was his job.
Dr. Milner: He was a psychiatrist, according to our research.
RPC-880: Yeah, that.
Dr. Milner: And he took care of your younger sister?
RPC-880: Laevin, I really don’t want to talk-
Dr. Kreshaw: Vanessa, would you mind if you changed the topic?
Dr. Milner: I-
[ Dr. Milner stares at Dr. Kreshaw. He returns the gaze. The subject is shaking slightly, gripping the edges of her seat. Dr. Milner sighs. ]
Dr. Milner: Alright, then tell me more about your father. What did you do together?
[ The subject stops shaking, releases the grip. ]
RPC-880: We used to spend a lot of time together. I think he was lonely after mom was gone. We didn’t really play a lot, we just kind of talked. When he didn’t have anyone visit him, he would call me over and I would sit on this big, leather sofa and just talk about what happened that day at school, or on the street, or just something that I liked at the moment.
Dr. Milner: Did he have any friends?
RPC-880: I think he did, but I don’t remember them. I think… I think a lot of them were doctors. And psychologists. People he worked with. As time passed, he kind of just became more and more lonely.
Dr. Milner: Do you think there was a particular reason?
RPC-880: It wasn’t because of me, if that is what you’re saying.
Dr. Milner: I didn’t.
RPC-880: Good. My dad was a saint. He always helped anyone he could, often at his own expense. The people around him were always so grateful, always willing to help him any way they could. I can’t count how many times my family would be helped because of his friends. It helped me a lot as well.
Dr. Milner: In what way?
RPC-880: I wasn’t really well for a lot of the time. I had headaches a lot, got sick easily. A lot of the money went not only to take care of my sister, but to keep me healthy as well.
Dr. Milner: What kind of medication did you take?
RPC-880: Oh, I took… uh. I can’t remember. It was this long, stupid name, something that started with an E, ett… ettie-something. Although I always just called them vitamins. They, they weren’t vitamins really, just, just saved me some time remembering their name and helped not having to explain it to my friends at school.
Dr. Milner: And you don’t take them anymore because…?
RPC-880: Well, I mean…
[ The subject waves her arms, showing off herself. She purposefully lets the arms go and they slap to her sides, momentarily fusing with her torso before reforming. ]
RPC-880: Look at me. I am not sure if I even need them anymore.
Dr. Milner: I assume it wasn’t as easy when you were taken by Kabushiki?
RPC-880: No. It wasn’t. I felt horrible for some time but I think… I think whatever they pumped me with kind of filtered out whatever made me hurt.
Dr. Milner: And you never questioned this?
RPC-880: Not that I had much time. From the, you know, experiments.
Dr. Milner: Alright.
Dr. Kreshaw: Well, I think that is enough for today. Errika, want me to walk you back to your room?
[ Dr. Kreshaw rises from his seat, walks towards the door. ]
RPC-880: Yeah, why not. Let’s-
Dr. Milner: There is something else I need to ask you.
RPC-880: Oh, uh, sure. Last question of the day!
Dr. Milner: Do you remember how your father died?
[ Silence. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: That is available in the investigation report, Milner. No need to-
Dr. Milner: What do you remember happened to your father?
RPC-880: I don’t… I can’t… I don’t want to-
Dr. Milner: Errika, this is very important. How did you feel when you saw your father die?
Dr. Kreshaw: Vanessa, this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. I am telling you to-
RPC-880: Nothing, I don’t remember anything, I don’t want to - he was, he, oh please, don’t-
[ Subject begins shaking, sits down on the floor and begins to curl up. ]
Dr. Milner: Do you blame yourself for his death?
[ The subject screams out and Dr. Kreshaw begins shouting at Dr. Milner. The two voices overlap, making it difficult to hear what they are saying. The subject additionally seems to slip from English to Swedish at moments, furthering the confusion. ]
[ The door is slammed open and ASF security enters. ]
[ Recording ends. ]
Note: After careful consideration and lengthy discussion, it has been decided that Dr. Milner will be reassigned from acting as Errika Renosdottir’s therapist after the following session. While it has been requested that her reassignment was immediate, members of the department were not unanimous in the decision.
Another factor in the decision was the wish of the subject itself to have a final session with Dr. Milner. While actively discouraged, an agreement was made: The session will be conducted, but only if Dr. Kreshaw's request of increasing the number of Security Officers as a preemptive measure against possible violent incidents is granted.
The subject, Dr. Kreshaw and Dr. Milner all agreed on the above mentioned conditions.
Purpose: Standard investigation into the background of newly discovered anomalous humanoid's (RPC-880, Errika Renosdottir) family member (Father, Renos Lokison).
Author(s): Agent C. Tamzarian
Commissioned By: DEP-036, Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw
To: DEP-036, Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw
Date: 14/03/2011
On 11/03/2011, a humanoid anomaly was recovered during a raid on A.S. (PoI-324A3) and subsequently questioned. During the questioning, the anomaly claimed a familial connection to Renos Lokison as his daughter. A standard investigation into the claim was launched per request of DEP-036 and Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw.
Relevant information:
Anomaly claimed it was kidnapped on 13/09/2007. While preparing for dinner, multiple armed men breached the apartment belonging to R. Lokison and assaulted the father and daughter. Father was initially knocked out, executed later using a pistol. Apartment was trashed and a number of valuables stolen - Modus operandi fits Kabushiki Kawaii kidnappings. Daughter was savagely beaten and tranquilized - little finger cut off during transport. Police records and newspapers confirm a robbery-gone-wrong case occurring at the same time, the little finger found 3 days in a public trash bin.
E. Renosdottir presumed to have been scouted by Kabushiki through frequent blood donations.
Authority Central Intelligence Actions:
1) Team deployed into the former residency of R. Lokison.
- Property was inherited by the late wife's brother, unused, put for sale. Agents posed as potential buyers.
- Apartment was cleaned and partially emptied. Old office/study left largely untouched
- Family picture (1 male (identified as R.L, 2 female (identified as daughter M.R. (Status Unknown), and daughter E.R.) found inside the bookshelf. Descriptions of family members, as well as the room itself, match the anomaly's.
- Folders with missing documents missing from table drawers. Believed in possession of colleagues.
- Door was newer, frame noticeably damaged - fits into the description of the kidnapping.
- View from windows matches the anomaly's
- No proof of any member having prior interactions with EoIs found.
2) Team deployed to question former (workplace and friendly) associates.
- Number of old colleagues found and contacted. Agents posed as and worked with allied law enforcement investigating a possible clue in a sex traffic ring case.
- Colleagues showed no signs of involvement with either Kabushiki Kawaii or other EoIs.
- Colleague W. Thorsdottir was revealed as the one who kept files on patients. Copies were made and archived - no abnormalities present within. R. Lokison primarily assisted patients who required treatment using antipsychotics.
- Hospital blood donation records confirmed frequent donations from E. Renosdottir.
3) Contact activated to recover relevant documents from Kabushiki Kawaii.
- Subject matching name and description of E. Renosdottir found in archives.
- ADDENDUM: Copy of receipt also found, matching the one discovered on PoI-324A3's property.
- Cross-reference with other sources matched anomaly's description of surroundings and events.
Subject's claims can be taken as true. No evidence to point to a false statement.
Psychological session 18 – Audio written record
Subject: Errika Renosdottir (Designation RPC-880)
Designated therapist: Doctor Vanessa Milner, Research clinical psychologist
Other Attendee(s): Senior Research psychiatrist Doctor Laevin Kreshaw
[ Record begins. ]
[ Dr. Kreshaw is standing next to his seat, looking at the bookshelf. Dr. Milner is seated at her table, comparing different notes. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: …You know, there is a chance you might lose your job.
Dr. Milner: I am aware of that.
Dr. Kreshaw: And it does not bother you in the slightest?
Dr. Milner: I am confident in my own choices, and more importantly, the Authority’s. If it believes I am of no use of it anymore, I will respectfully accept that decision.
[ Dr. Kreshaw removes one of the books and thumbs through it. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: What do you think happens to people who are fired from the Authority, Milner? Let alone on bad terms.
Dr. Milner: The proper procedure is-
Dr. Kreshaw: -mostly hogwash. I could bet my job that the amount of times the “proper procedure” was actually utilized can be counted with one hand in the past decade.
[ Dr. Kreshaw closes the book. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: What I want to tell you, Milner, is that most people die working for the Authority, or get targeted when they leave it.
Dr. Milner: Targeted by whom?
Dr. Kreshaw: It depends on the terms we and them part on. You’re a good employee, even with your issues and it would be a shame to lose you.
[ Dr. Kreshaw returns the book and approaches Dr. Milner. He leans on her table as she locks eyes with him. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: So make sure you play your cards right and stay safe, alright?
Dr. Milner: Thank you, Dr. Kreshaw. I will keep that in mind.
[ The door opens. Dr. Kreshaw returns to his seat, Dr. Milner places her notes down. The subject enters the room as security waits at the door. Once seated, the door is closed. The three sit in silence before the subject coughs. ]
RPC-880: So, uhhh… I guess… This is the last time we will talk?
Dr. Milner: If that is decided by my superiors, yes.
RPC-880: Do you feel, I dunno, nervous?
Dr. Milner: I am slightly anxious, yes.
RPC-880: Ha, the stoic Doctor Milner is a mortal after all! Haha, ha… ha.
Dr. Milner: Do you know what we are going to talk about today?
[ Silence. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Milner…
RPC-880: Yes. Yes, I do.
Dr. Milner: Then let’s begin.
Dr. Kreshaw: Milner…
RPC-880: It’s alright. I think… I think I might be ready.
Dr. Milner: Alright.
[ The subject shifts in her seat, Dr. Milner leans back. ]
Dr. Milner: Let’s talk about your sister. What do you remember about her?
RPC-880: My sister… She was small. Even for a younger sibling she always seemed so small and fragile to me.
Dr. Milner: How did you get along with her?
RPC-880: If I trust what my dad told me, we got along great the first few years. But from, but from what I remember, we…
Dr. Milner: Take your time.
RPC-880: We didn’t get along. She quickly became extremely timid, to the point where it looked like she was actively avoiding me. Dad… dad tried talking with her a lot. Helping her. Not just like a dad, but like, a psychiatrist. Sometimes I would walk in on them talking, and they would clam, clam up and stare at me. She would then get up, make some excuse and run out of the room.
Dr. Milner: Your father never explained her behavior to you?
RPC-880: No. I think he was just trying to protect me.
Dr. Milner: Do you know where she could possibly be now?
RPC-880: I really don’t know. She left early, like really early. Tried to get as far away from us as soon as possible. I think she was into engineering, the physical one. Mechanical engineering? That. Probably studied for that.
Dr. Milner: Could you expand on her relationship with your father?
RPC-880: Tense. From what I saw. As she got older, she got more and more angry, unstable and lashed out at dad. Sometimes I would, I would get home and be able to hear her screaming at him only for her to shut up the same moment she heard the lock open.
[ The subject grips the edge of her seat. ]
RPC-880: I was a good sister. I understood and helped her any way I could. But she would spit in every hand I offered and would run off, leaving me. She didn’t want to have anything to do with me.
Dr. Milner: Do you remember any particular event regarding her?
RPC-880: I really, I really don’t want to talk about that.
Dr. Kreshaw: Then we’re done here. Come on, let’s-
Dr. Milner: Sit down. Please.
Dr. Kreshaw: Milner, I must be crazy or did I hear you tell me to sit down?
[ Dr. Milner ignores Dr. Kreshaw and leans closer to the subject. ]
Dr. Milner: Please, help me understand you. I want to know what happened.
[ The subject stares at Dr. Milner. She slowly nods her head. ]
RPC-880: When we were little… I think I was eight at the time. We were playing in the kitchen. It had this big, fuzzy white carpet on the floor we’d drag from the living room. Dad would get angry at us because we could make it dirty and then he would have to take it to the dry cleaner. But he was happy we were playing. He…
Dr. Milner: Go on.
RPC-880: We were playing. I don’t remember what. Dad said he would go to the store. 5 minutes tops, it was right across the street. We were alone in the apartment.
[ The subject begins scratching her left arm. The motion only serves to sink the top of her limb slightly into the arm. The touched area begins to change color. ]
RPC-880: We continued to play. We were laughing. My head started, started hurting and she stopped laughing. I felt sick. I sat down and my head didn’t stop hurting, and she went outside my field of vision and she, and she, she…
[ The subject begins to scratch the arm more intensely, the area forming a long red line that begins to widen. ]
RPC-880: It hurt so much. My head stopped hurting and I was so scared, I wasn’t in the kitchen anymore, I was under the table and my arm oh God my arm was bleeding she was holding a knife screaming she hated me she wanted me to die she wanted me to leave dad she hated me, she hated me, SHE HATED ME-
[ The subject begins violently coughing, trying to calm herself down. The red area begins to drip onto the ground, instantly evaporating. Dr. Kreshaw gets up on his feet and slowly approaches the subject, places his hand on the headrest of her chair and kneels next to her. Dr. Milner nods her head and pulls out a folder out of a drawer, placing it on the table. ]
Dr. Milner: Do you know what this is, Errika?
[ The subject leans closer, looking at the folder. Dr. Kreshaw opens the folder. ]
RPC-880: This is…
Dr. Milner: Your father’s, yes. But do you know what this is?
RPC-880: I don’t know.
Dr. Milner: This is one of the files he kept on his patients. It is in Swedish, here, but I gave myself the liberty to have it translated and here is a copy… here. I would ask you, Dr. Kreshaw to take this one. I have already read it.
[ Dr. Milner opens the untranslated folder in front of the subject while she hands a copy to Dr. Kreshaw, not looking at him. Dr. KreshW picks up the folder and opens it. ]
Dr. Milner: Could you tell me if you notice something strange?
RPC-880: I don’t know, I never read anything like this. What are, whate are you trying to do?
Dr. Milner: What is the name of the patient?
RPC-880: Midner Tot?
Dr. Kreshaw: That doesn’t sound like a real name.
Dr. Milner: Because it isn’t. Recently, I went through the copies of your father’s files on a hunch. This- [ Dr. Milner taps the papers. ] -is the only file in an impressive collection of patients that has a fake name.
[ Dr. Kreshaw reads through the folder, his eyes becoming increasingly wider. ]
RPC-880: Then what does it mean?
Dr. Milner: By itself? Absolutely nothing. It’s gibberish. But, if I would make a safe assumption that your father didn’t use any complicated code, I think I could conclude it’s-
Dr. Kreshaw: -an anagram.
Dr. Milner: Yes.
RPC-880: It’s…
Dr. Milner: Yes.
RPC-880: “Dottir min”.
Dr. Milner: A bit direct, but I don’t think we can blame him.
RPC-880: My, my daughter.
Dr. Milner: Yes. Dr. Keshaw, would you please read the diagnosis. It is on page three.
[ Dr. Kreshaw lists through the pages using one hand. The other is picked up by the subject and squeezed. Dr. Kreshaw mouths the words on the paper and begins speaking. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: “The patient… the patient has been confirmed for symptoms comparable to schizoaffective disorder. Extreme mood swings, delusions, mania and troubles with differentiating between acceptable and unacceptable social behavior is prevalent in the patient’s actions.”
RPC-880: Oh God.
Dr. Kreshaw: “Symptoms present from an extremely young age. Violent incident confirmed the need for medication. Antipsychotics are recommended to abate symptoms.”
RPC-880: I didn’t… I could have never guessed it was ever this bad.
Dr. Milner: You were never told. I cannot blame you.
RPC-880: Why are you showing me this?
[ Dr. Milner stays silent. The subject grips Dr. Kreshaw’s hand tighter. ]
Dr. Milner: As much as Dr. Leisskovitz is controversial at this time, I am not ashamed to say that I never respected anyone more than him. The man was a great psychiatrist, and even a greater human being who saw the good in everyone. He did not deserve the death he had, nor the way he is being treated after it. I want to honor his death and clear his name.
RPC-880: I don’t, I don't understand? What-
Dr. Milner: Dr. Kreshaw, can you please turn to page six and read the second, no, third entry?
[ Dr. Kreshaw quickly thumbs through the folder. He begins reading, but immediately stops. ]
Dr. Kreshaw: Is this supposed to be some sick joke, Milner?
Dr. Milner: I am afraid not, sir. You can confirm that the file has been appropriately translated and-
Dr. Kreshaw: You absolute, sick, FUCK!
RPC-880: What is going on?!
Dr. Milner: You can read it as well.
Dr. Kreshaw: NO!
[ The subject opens the folder to the appropriate page. Dr. Kreshaw attempts to close the folder, but yells out in pain as the subjects grip intensifies upon reaching the page. ]
Dr. Milner: Please read it out loud.
RPC-880: I, I, I, I don’t want to, I-
Dr. Milner: Do you want me to?
RPC-880: Please, don’t, plea-
Dr. Kreshaw: Milner, I am warning you!
[ Milner leans closer. ]
Dr. Milner: “Patient has shown improvement in behavior after the departure of the sibling.”
[ Silence. The subject stares ahead of her as Dr. Kreshaw struggles to remove his hand, which becomes more ensnared in the subject’s form. ]
Dr. Milner: You lied.
RPC-880: I didn’t.
Dr. Milner: You used Dr. Leisskovitz, manipulated your owner-
RPC-880: I didn’t!
Dr. Milner: -exploited the poor kids in Kabushiki, siphoned off of your own father-
[ The subject screams. Dr. Kreshaw yells out and falls onto his knees, trying to pull back his hand. The veins in his arm visibly bulge and darken, the limb inside of the subject begins to twist and shrivel. ]
RPC-880: I DIDN’T!
Dr. Kreshaw: Please, Errika, you’re-you’re hurting me, let me go!
Dr. Milner: -but worst of all, you blamed your poor sister. Your poor sister who put up with you, helped her father more than you ever did, and all she asked for was the well-being of the man who refused to give you to an asylum to keep you with your family.
[ Silence. Dr. Kreshaw’s arm is completely absorbed, with the subject’s form slowly expanding across his neck and chest. He attempts to speak up, but can only gurgle. Dr. Milner raises herself to her feet, and leans into the subject with her hands on the table. ]
Dr. Milner: You could never have been half as much as anyone you caused misery for. Especially not your sister.
[ The subject’s head splits into a large mouth and lets out a screech. Her form twists and she attempts to hit Dr. Milner with Dr. Kreshaw. Dr. Milner manages to throw herself to the side, the subject’s attack only succeeding to break the table with an audible snap. Dr. Kreshaw begins twitching as he hangs from the subject’s form. ]
[ Security breaches through the door and raises their weapons. They stop and stare at the subject and Dr. Milner. The subject is ignoring security, focusing entirely on Dr. Milner. ]
Dr. Milner: Do something, goddamnit!
[ The subject let’s out another howl and rapidly extends her “neck”, using her limb to sweep the legs of security with the body of Dr. Kreshaw. Dr. Milner rolls on the ground, but the subject manages to bite into her neck. Dr. Milner screams out in pain, while the subject begins screaming out through multiple cavities that begin forming through the body. Seemingly a mix of English and Swedish, it turns into complete gibberish, yelled out in multiple different voices. ]
[ Dr. Milner gags as she drags herself across the ground. She manages to reach the room’s fire extinguisher, aims it at the subject and releases the foam. The subject emits choking noises from the cavities not hit by the foam, and pulls back. Dr. Milner continues her assault and manages to push back the subject far enough to get back on her feet. Heavily bleeding from the scars, Dr. Milner continues releasing the foam as she retreats towards the door. The subject manages to extend part of its form and crush the handle, prompting Dr. Milner to retreat into the hallway. After filtering out the foam, the subject gives chase. ]
[ Dr. Milner trips the breach alarm outside of her office and begins running down the hall. The subject is quickly closing the distance between them. Dr. Kreshaw has been completely absorbed into the form at this point. Dr. Milner turns around the corner and sees a group of ASF officers running towards her. They stop, raise their weapons and order her to halt. She continues running towards them as the subject rounds the corner, momentarily shifting to her known form. ]
RPC-880: Stop her, she’s getting away!
[ One of the officers splits from the group, moving in to tackle Dr. Milner. At the same time, the subject extends her torso into a sharp point as she is moving in, aiming at the officer and Dr. Milner. The doctor notices the attack and pushes the officer in front of her to the side, falling onto the ground. The subject hits Dr. Milner in the shoulder, penetrating it. ]
[ The officers stop. Dr. Milner crawls towards the wall, towards the fire hose positioned at the wall. The subject drops the known look and begins dragging Dr. Milner towards her. Officers begin opening fire, momentarily distracting the subject. The rubber bullets prove ineffective as the subject makes an advance, scaling the walls and ceiling, continuing its vocalization. ]
[ Dr. Milner uses the distraction to grab the handle of the fire hose. Before she opens the valve, she is dragged away from it by the subject. Dr. Milner begins screaming. The officer that was pushed to the side leaves his rifle, and runs to the valve, opening it. ]
[ Dr. Milner activates the fire hose, blasting the subject with water. The pressure does significant damage to the subject’s form, melting it apart. The subject screeches out and attempts to distance itself unsuccessfully. Dr. Milner continues her discharge, washing away the subject. ]
[ After a few moments, Dr. Milner shuts down the hose. The subject is completely reduced to the skull, the gooey mass lying in static, unmoving clumps on the ground of the hallway. Dr. Milner drops the hose and falls onto the ground as officers move in. ]
[ Recording ends. ]
NOTE: This document has been identified as out of date. Click here to access the most up to date version.