This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as {$title}.
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Should this exist? Is there a point to this? Does anyone care? No they don't. Shut the fuck up, eat your pancakes and get back in the box.
Site News
I'll live with the social implications you don't scare me
God, look at you people go. Rambling on and on, endlessly, like children. I can see the way you people act reflected in you're writing, the egotisticalness, it's irritating. You search for justification on criticism when the only real justification is that someone from outside your little bubble has hopped in and witnesses the pure idiocy going on in this community.
Featured Articles
RPC-866: The Faceless God
Stop shilling fifth
RPC-866: The Faceless God
Stop shilling fifth
RPC-866: The Faceless God
Stop shilling fifth
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Blairin | |
televisionist | |
ThermicLine | |
theRPCoperator | Master Administrator |
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The Jannies are gone.