This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as RPC-710.
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Registered Phenomena Code: 365
Object Class: [ACCESS DENIED]
Registered Phenomena Code: 365
Object Class: Gamma-Purple

Hazards: Aggression Hazard, Climatological Hazard, Ecological Hazard, Geological Hazard, Sentient Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-365 is to be put under continuous surveillance in Site-85, which is built around its imprisonment within a cavern in the Israeli desert. All chains holding onto RPC-365 are to be routinely checked for wear or corrosion and examined. Under no circumstances may RPC-365 move its wings.
All fossil evidence of RPC-365 is to be preserved in the storage facility of Site-85. The archaeological community is to be infiltrated in order to prevent the spread of any media or information regarding RPC-365.
Description: RPC-365 is a large reptilian bird resembling an Archaeopteryx.1 It measures approximately 100 meters from head to tail, and exhibits blue and green feathering, with bright orange scales surrounding its beak. RPC-365 secretes water from its nostrils frequently. RPC-365 is currently within a comatose-like state, in which it is scheduled to awaken from in approximately 50 years. RPC-365 exhibits continuous hostility, constantly attempting to escape its containment.
RPC-365's jaw, wings, feet, midsection, and tail are all shackled to light purple chains attached to various parts of the cave wall. The chains and cave wall are all made out of an unknown material that has so far been impossible to reproduce.
RPC-365 is normally in a comatose state, showing no vital signs or movement. However, once every 10,000 years, RPC-365 will awaken and enter a state of perpetual flight. It will take off from its cave and fly over every human settlement in the world consisting of over 50 people. Via unknown means, the movement generated by RPC-365 propagates an increase in the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere by approximately 3,000% . This causes incredibly heavy downpours to fall wherever it flies. The sheer amount of rain and the speed at which it falls is enough to completely destroy any manmade habitation. Geological evidence shows that the rainfall is enough to increase the ocean levels by up to one kilometer, which anomalously dissipates after a few centuries.
The water produced by RPC-365 has unknown properties that encourage life. Plants grown with the water collected from RPC-365's jaw grow at approximately four times the rate as normal, and animals that drink the water mature twice as fast and are twice as fertile.
RPC-365 flies for approximately forty days according to archaeological evidence. During this flight, it will intentionally fly around any sign of civilization in order to wash it away. There is no evidence this flight can be stopped or impeded by any method available to the RPC Authority.
Fossil records in ████ show that numerous technologically advanced civilizations in the Mediterranean, Balkan, and mideastern regions all existed approximately 10,000 years apart from each other, suggesting that RPC-365 was the reason for their complete destruction.
Discovery: RPC-365 was discovered in its current state asleep in its cave guarded by an anomalous Jewish GoI sect "Blue Star" in 19██. The RPC Authority seized ownership of RPC-365 after doubts were raised by the Global Council on the sect being enough to contain RPC-365.
Addendum 1: Recently discovered fossil records show that numerous technologically advanced civilizations in the Mediterranean, Anatolian, North American, and mideastern regions all existed approximately 10,000 years ago, suggesting that RPC-365 was the reason for their complete destruction.
The archaeological data is shown below.
Location 1: Rome, Italy
Data Found: A crude, camera-like device. Object only has one photo inside. Photo appears to depict RPC-365 in flight. Carbon dating reveals the object to be ten thousand years old.
Location 2: Northern Tennessee
Data Found: A religious object of unknown purpose. It appears to be an exact replica of RPC-365, scaled down to two inches high and made out of turquoise. Testing reveals DNA of [REDACTED] along the head.
Location 3: Mount Ararat, Turkey
Data Found: A simple cave painting, depicting a boat in the middle of a massive storm. RPC-365 is visible in the clouds of the storm.
Addendum 2: Recent evidence for RPC-365 was discovered in ██████, Israel. Although clear archeological evidence for RPC-365's storms have already been discovered, the evidence collected in █████ has proven the existence of cults worshipping it in their civilization's last days. Numerous religious artifacts were uncovered, resembling a ram's skull, an egg, and a feather. Poetry was also discovered:
For so he comes, once again
To take us back to the days of old
Where our ancestors once ran, wild and free,
So too will we, of our pitiful bodies.
As ראבב2comes, to start again
Our blue god will wipe us free.
Addendum 3: RPC-365 has recently regained consciousness. All staff are to investigate the material shackling RPC-365 for any possibility of artificial creation.
Under the order of the Global Directors, Simeon ████, the leader of the Blue Star GoI, has been interviewed for a possible long-term solution for containing RPC-365.
Interviewed: Simeon ████, Blue Star high priest
Interviewer: Dr. H███
Foreword: Interview took place inside Site-85. Simeon ████ agreed to share information with the Authority about RPC-365. Dr. S██████ was assigned to translate between English and Hebrew.
Begin Log
Dr. H███: Alright, Simeon, so from what the higher-ups told me, you're the leader of the Blue Star group of interest. Is this correct?
Simeon: Yes, that's correct.
Dr. H███: Alright, so far so good. Now then, how long have you been containing RPC-365? And how have you contained it?
Simeon: Well, have you heard of ████'s ███?
Dr. H███: Yes, I have. I'm a protestant. What's the point?
Simeon: Well, the Blue Star was formed shortly after that tragedy. They did some investigating into what caused the rainstorms besides ███, and they came up with RPC-365. Of course, they used [REDACTED] to build the chains. The issue is, however, that it was basically dead while we were doing this. There was no way to know if what we were doing would stop it.
Dr. H███: Why did none of them try to kill it when they had the chance?
Simeon: Everybody was horrified! Even if they didn't show it, we all knew the risk. We all knew it could wake up. What if, in our attempts to kill it, we inadvertently woke it up?
Dr. H███: That's… reasonable enough.
Simeon: We're on your side here! Well, even if the Authority did remove us. Neither of us want to see 365 wipe out civilization again.
End Log
Closing Statement: The RPC Authority entered an alliance alongside the Blue Star GoI in an effort to learn more about a way to stop RPC-365. Research on RPC-365 is still ongoing.