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» Department of Personnel and Management «

Security Card
Full Name: Charleston Edward Cook
Personnel ID Number: 031-233-030121
Security Clearance: Level 2-A
Division: Presidium
Bureau: Office of Financial Affairs (2021-Current)
- Site-031's Financial Consultant (2021-Current)
- Site-031's Logistics Coordinator (2021-Current)
- Site-031's Kostian Representative (2021-Current)
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian / Kostian1
Height: 174cm
Weight: 18.6kg
Hair Color: None/Black
Eye Color: None/Blue
Birthplace: St. John, Canada (ALTR-AC18)
Date of Birth: 4th July, 1836 (ALTR-AC18)
Died:2 28th June, 1859 (ALTR-AC18)
Enlistment Date: 1st March, 2021
Education History:
- [Unclear Educational Background]
- University of Ottawa
- Multi-Spatial Economics and Thinking.
Occupational History:
- Informal role within the Red River Gatherers (Unverified)
- Officer cadet for the Canadian Defensive Militia
- Second lieutenant for the Canadian Defensive Militia
- Quartermaster for Fort Carlton
- Quartermaster for Fort Assiniboine
- Quartermaster for Fort Elizabeth
- Quartermaster general for the Koso-Canadian War
Early Life
Charleston Edward Cook was born to Everett and Maria Cook in St. John, Canada,4 the couple's immigration to North America being part of an economic incentivization program by the Great Pact of Hereward5 to encourage settlement and facilitate new trade routes.
Everett Cook founded the Red River Gatherers,6 a notable trading company engaged in the North American fur trade at the time, which prospered in the Canadian interior hunting wild creatures. Through his wealth, he was able to fund his children's education.
Charleston rarely divulged about his life before and after the FSN,7 and so, little is known about the period between his childhood and the Koso-Canadian War, though much hearsay has been gathered from close associates: it is likely that Cook and his older brother may have worked alongside his father's hunting business in the earlier days of Red River's founding for prolonged periods under the arctic winter. In his later years he was enrolled at the University of Ottawa in the study of Multi-Spatial Economics and Thinking. His education was however cut short by the Alyaskan unrest and subsequent Kostian-Canadian War.
Koso-Canadian War
The war initially flavored the Canadians, but gradually ground to a standstill, and would ultimately push Canadian troops into defensive tactics as more and more Tsarist forces arrived from the shorelines. Throughout the conflict, the Kostian soldiers would repeatedly make use of their unique physiology to pressure Canadian soldiers by attacking them through the subarctic region, the remaining issue of logistics and the Kostian susceptibility to moderate firepower would prevent the total capitulation of the Canadian government, strengthened by the global community as more and more nation threw their support.
Charleston himself was drafted along with hundreds onto the frontline on 31st July, 1858 following a Kostian surprise attack and subsequent capture of Fort Dawson in the Yukon. Under the Saskatchewan Militia, Cook partook in the defense of Fort Carlton, during which he proved himself to be a competent organizer. Though he showed no combat prowess, his role as the logistics coordinator for the defending company has earned him recognition for being quick-witted and decisive, and it wouldn't be long before he was assigned Quartermaster of the fort per the orders of Lieutenant Colonel John Luard. Cook went on to serve as Quartermaster for further forts at the changing frontlines, where Kostian soldiers met increasing defeat with the entry of Atlanta and the Pact into the war.
Cook's fortune would come to a sudden end during the closing days of the Koso-Canadian War. In a last-ditch surprise offensive, Kostian undead charged at and overran Fort Kenai within hours. In the ensuing chaos, Cook was stabbed to death by Joseph Connway, an army deserter executed just the day prior, now resurrected as a Tsarist puppet. Cook, along with the casualties of the Battle at Kenai, would all be reanimated as 416-1 instances.
Yet, the short-lived success at Fort Kenai did not help turn the tide of battle, with mounting pressure stemming from multiple fronts, including the "Norwegionaries'" raid of Moscow, the Tsar would make the decision to recall all of his subjects in Alyaska, abandoning the colony. Many of the recently deceased fighters from Canada would too be forcibly brought into Chukotka against their will. Charleston Cook would not get to return to his homeland until the death of Tsar Nicholas III.11
Imprisonment in Siberia & Revolution

Vladimir Ilyich Znatkost (circa 1900(?))
Upon reaching Kostian lands, the newly-dead were segregated into caste groups based on their ethnic background and renamed accordingly. Charleston Cook and other Canadian soldiers are assigned the surname "Femur", now renamed "Charleston Everettevich Femur".12 Cook was sentenced to Katorga labor works13 for 50 years.
His prolonged stay in Amur is a major contributor to his mental degradation, where he was subject to repeated torture by both guards and workers alike; Cook would be dragged out of his sleeping quarters late at night and his torturers would peel at his rotting flesh while guards watched — a symbolic gesture of stripping away the newly-dead's connection to their former lives. While this did not impact him physically as a RPC-416-1 instance, it is believed that he was greatly traumatized by the event and resulted in a dislike towards his Kostian identity and his obsession with maintaining a human-like appearance.
Cook met Vladimir Znatkost in 1886, the future leader of the Free Svith Necropolis, then still manager of the "Znatkost Tethers". The two would develop a friendship over the years and Cook became a close supporter of Znatkost's ideals to overthrow the Tsarist regime. This would finally come into play in the aftermath of the 4-Point-War.14 Through his connections, Cook was able to organize multiple labor strikes in the Governorate of Irkutsk, successfully taking over the local Kovalyov Steel Work factories. Using the knowledge of Znatkost's ritual that allows Kostians to be unbound from the Tsar, Cook was able to rally the workers to his cause and lead the rebels of Irkutsk as they slowly grow across Siberia.

The Legionary Express
With the taking of the Trans-Siberian Railway,15 Znatkost and Cook would reunite at the Ozena station,16 There, Znatkost would make an impassioned speech about the current decadence of the Kostian nation under the Tsar's rule, pointing to Ozena station's countless trapped victims as a symbol of Nicholas III's brutal oppression of the people, and that only through its total abolishment can a "truly free Necropolis" be established. The Nizhny Bestyakh station, with Cook's leadership, would become a major logistics hub responsible for the transportation of goods and supplies within Siberia. Charleston would continue to serve as the Znatkost Rebellion's logistics coordinator for the eight years period until the very last siege of Ivanosburg.17
Post-War & Authority Employment
Cook did not participate in the public hanging of the Romanov lineage on December 17th. Post-revolution would see him revert back to his original name and return to Canada, much to the dismay of Znatkost. Cook's unwillingness to commit himself to being a symbol for the Kostian state would cause a rift in the two's friendship.
Cook similarly refuses to elaborate on his situation within Canada, though it is known that he was able to reapply for and finish his education at the Ottawa University.18 Contrary to what he'd let on, Charleston did not end up staying in Canada for long, having returned to the FSN within just 5 years. When asked about his family in Canada, Cook refused to provide an answer. It is assumed that a general negative attitude towards Kostians as a whole across the world may have been the cause for Cook's departure.
On baseline 30th January, 2020, a spatial rift was opened up in Belokamensk, Yakutiya, linking the FSN to baseline reality. Following the brief altercations between the FSN and Authority forces, the two sides are able to broker the "Financial and Cooperation Act of Belokamensk", fostering economic cooperation between the 2 entities.
At the early onset of the 2021 budgetary reforms, FSN's Foreign Ambassador to the RPC Authority Tiburón Húmero reached out to the newly elected GD-EAST, proposing that Kostian citizens be contracted to the Authority to meet growing labor demand, all regional leaders of the Directorate, barring GD-SOUTH, rejected this offer, the latter's decision not uncommon of his policy on anomalous exploitation. Charleston Cook, along with 20 other Kostians, were selected by FSN leadership and were officially enlisted on 1st March, 2021, assigned to Site-031.19
Further Information
- Cook's employment in such an official capacity would mark the first time the Authority had enlisted openly anomalous personnel since 1979.
- Cook can easily be distinguished through his grotesque appearance; Cook wears a full-body, synthetic skinsuit daily during working hours. When asked about it Cook believes this to best allow him to "blend in with his fellow colleges". This is considered to be a cultural difference and should not be questioned.