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Registered Phenomena Code: 004
Object Class: Beta-Purple
One of 37 water damaged drawings found during recovery. Presents the closest depiction out of all recovered drawings of 004-1 instances.
Containment Protocols: The 8 49 161 162 instances of RPC-004-1 are to be split in groups of maximum 10 members. Each group will be stored in its own 5m x 5m x 3m quarantine containment unit lined with lead and equipped with a number of scrambled Rubik's Cubes appropriate to resident 004-1 instances, two way looking reinforced glass and lamps that mimic the sun's wavelength spectrum. (Currently all RPC-004-1 instances are contained at Site-062)
An instance of RPC-004-2 is to assign the solving of the unit's Rubik's cubes to RPC-004-1 instances. 004-2 instances are to verify their behavior at least every 6 hours. Multiple 004-2 are to work in day an night shifts. Solved Rubik's Cubes are to be thoroughly scrambled before being put back in containment and a 004-2 instance reassigning the task of solving the cube. Once every week, 2 male personnel in Class-4 Bio-Hazard Hazmat Suits must check the unit's structural integrity and sterilize it. If signs of a breach is found, a 004-2 is to order the RPC-004-1 instances to move to a temporary Containment Unit while using disinfectant on themselves and everything [the instances] touch while the maintenance crew repair the containment unit.
If behavior not matching any in the Behavioral Analysis Document-004 (Unattached) is observed then offending instances are to be isolated and the cause of the behavior to be found.
As of Protocol-17, infected individuals that do not qualify for 004-2 instances (including female individuals) are to be quarantined and administered testosterone, steroids and anti-viral medication on a 24/7 drip.
Description: RPC-004 is a viral pathogen similar in structure and behavior to "Zaire Ebolavirus" that targets only humans has no other known natural carriers.
Once RPC-004 infects a human it will take 3 different evolution paths based on the host's characteristics:
Host is Male, ratio of muscle to body mass <50%:
Day 1 since exposure: No symptoms.
Day 2 since exposure: Subject suffers of a high fever.
Day 3 since exposure: Subjects suffers severe head aches and abdominal pain.
Day 4 since exposure: Carcinogenic phase. RPC-004 can cause upward of 50 individual cancers throughout the body per day from here on out. Believed to be causes by the virus trying to create a RPC-004-1 instance.
Day 5 since exposure: Subjects begins to suffer from seizures.
Day 7 since exposure: Typical point of expiration from varying causes.
Mortality rate is 78%. Subject remains contagious at least 3 hours after death.
Host is Male, ratio of muscle to body mass >=50%:
Day 1 since exposure: Virus migrates towards the subject's muscle and avoids the lymphatic system.
(Note: In this case, its growth rate is severely slowed down as RPC-004 can only proliferate using certain immune cells present in high quantity in the lymphatic system)
Day 4 since exposure: Subject suffers flu like symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, etc)
Week 2 since exposure: Immune system repels RPC-004. Subject now has immunity towards future RPC-004 infections.
Mortality rate is 2%. Subject is still contagious and should be put under quarantine till the disease passes.
Subject is Female:
Day 1-2 since exposure: No symptoms.
Day 3 since exposure: Subject suffers from dizziness.
Day 4 since exposure: Subject will suffer from mild confusion throughout the day and itchiness. At this point, RPC-004 is flooding the body using the Lymphatic System and is rewriting DNA on mass.
Day 5 since exposure: Subject suffers from slurred speech. The excretory and digestive system are degrading. Parts of the subject's skin begin to harden and turn black while others grow frill like protrusions (The protrusions are made out of living cells with chitinous membranes despite them lacking nerve endings. They have a similar texture and firmness of fungi).
Day 6 since exposure: Subjects now appears to be wearing a maid's outfit. The vocal chords, digestive and Excretory systems become vestigial while the lung undergo [REDACTED]. The skeletal and muscular structure (including that of the face) shift and morph, hair falls out and are replaced by white strands in order to be identical to all other RPC-004-1 instances.
Day 7 since exposure: Subject is now structurally and genetically identical to all other 004-1 instances and is reclassified as such.
Mortality is rate is 100% 0% undefined. Subject remains contagious for the rest of its life.
Female humans in the final stages of RPC-004 infection are classified RPC-004-1. 004-1 instances appear to be wearing a stylized maid's outfit. The "outfit" is in fact malformations of the subject's dermis, the black leather being hardened sections of the epiderms, while material that makes up the dress and the red bow (present around all 004-1 instances' necks) is made out of living cells with chitinous cell walls which are supplied with blood but are not part of the neural system. 004-1 instances feel no pain when these parts are damaged, cut or otherwise removed. These are henceforth referred to as "frills" due to their resemblance.
004-1 blood does not clot. Instead the frills when suffering oxygen deprivation will use all available resources to produce various enzymes that accelerate the healing factor in humans. 004-1 instances will often fashion makeshift bandages out of them (unless instances are attacking a female human, in which case 004-1s will attempt to smear the target with blood). Frills regrow 1 cm each day.
All instances are genetically, structurally and psychologically identical with measurements of 165 centimeters in height, weight of 52 kilograms and white "hair" (which are in fact of similar composition to the frills) that maintains a constant length of 20 centimeters. Instances require no sustenance, sleep and can perfectly operate in low light conditions. 004-1 don't display emotion, unless ordered to by a 004-2 and as a result, will have a constantly blank expression.
RPC-004-1s will follow orders from any human male that has a muscle to body mass ratio higher than 50% to the best of their ability. When not ordered individually, 004-1 instances will attempt to establish a "dominant" instance that is presumed to coordinate and assign tasks to the other -1 instances (this position is contested by the subservient 004-1s once every week). RPC-004-1 are believed to have the necessary intelligence to communicate (aprox. IQ of 100) but they will not communicate unless ordered to spead, despite the fact they communicate with each other trough unknown means (004-1 instances are capable of communicating with limited range even trough walls. The "signals" instances send is blocked by 1 cm of lead).
Left to their own devices 004-1s will wander aimlessly, however a dominant instance gains increased initiative to breach containment the more 004-1 instances it can communicate with (trough normal atmospheric conditions this equates roughly to 1 km radius. It does need to dominate all instances it can communicate with). Dominant instances also become more likely to attempt a breach the more times passes since the last task completed (this process is exacerbated in the absence of sunlight).
The reproductive system of 004-1 instances is perfectly functional. Infant girls are genetically identical to their mothers (and are therefor 004-1 instances). Infant boys are classified -3 (see Test Logs Primary File).
Test Logs:
The following file contains archived logs that yielded the most results. For a full list of all test logs consult the Site-062 archive.
Test Purpose: Initial testing to determine effects of RPC-004
Assets: CSD-2134 (female), CSD-2136 (male)(note: subject was very muscular at the time), CSD-3245 (male), CSD-2043(female), four syringes.
Result: Infection progressed trough case C for 2134 and 2043, case A for 3245 and case B for 2136.
Notes: In seems different individuals respond differently to the virus.
Later testing determined the progression cases and the 50% muscle to body mass ratio.
Test Purpose: Behavior of RPC-004-1 instances
Assets: CSD-9865 (female), CSD-2136 (male)(note: subject was very muscular at the time), 3 instances of RPC-004-1.
Result: The -1 instances attacked CSD-9865 for 5 minutes resulting in 136 bites and 1034 scratches (which infected subject). Afterwards the subjects ignored her completely as they approached CSD-2136. He, panicking, shouted "Get away from me!" while backing away in the corner of containment. All 3 instances than backed into the opposite corner of containment while maintaining eye contact with CSD-2136. Test Terminated.
Notes: Further testing advised. 004-1 instances not behaving the same as during recovery.
Test Purpose: Behavior of RPC-004-1 instances
Assets: CSD-2136 (male), CSD-3456 (picked for having less than 50% muscle mass), 3 instances of RPC-004-1, one table, one blender, one portable stove connected to a gas canister, one sack of potatos, a packet of carrots and table salt.
Instructions: CSD-2136 and CSD-3456 were instructed to order the 004-1 instances to prepare [them] (specifically they were instructed separately to order the 004-1 instances to prepare to only themselves) food.
Result: The RPC-004-1 instances "rough-house" (each instance attempted to render all other instances pinned to the floor) for 5 minutes. The 2 "losing" instances then prepared smashed potatoes with boiled carrots on the side while the third instance watched with arms crossed. Upon completion, the meal was served to CSD-2136 and they continued to ignore CSD-3456 even as he was screaming more orders he was not instructed to.
Notes: Male individuals with more than 50% body muscle mass reclassified as RPC-004-2. Requesting one security personnel qualifying as 004-2 instance to aid in testing.
After the test, CSD-2136 attempted to breach containment by ordering the 004-1 instances to "break [him] out of this dump" after which the 004-1 instances attempted to break the door down with the gas canister. Subject terminated by security guard that entered the room via ceiling panel to prevent a containment breach.
Test Purpose: Reaction of RPC-004-1 to multiple RPC-004-2
Assets: Containment with 2 way looking glass, 3 instances of RPC-004-1, RPC-004-2-A and RPC-004-2-B (both on site security personnel not previously infected with RPC-004), various household appliances and items.
Instructions: -2-A and -2-B were to both give separate but not conflicting commands, additionally they were to order to have these done as soon as possible.
Result: 004-1 instances did not "rough-house" and instead begun working on both tasks. The previous "dominant" instance assisted in the more difficult task.
Notes: What happens if the commands are conflicting?
The -1 instances in this test were the same ones from the previous test.
Test Purpose: Reaction of RPC-004-1 to multiple RPC-004-2 (this test was repeated 18 times)
Assets: Previous containment , 8 instances of RPC-004-1, RPC-004-2-A and RPC-004-2-B (both on site security personnel not previously infected with RPC-004), 1 red flag, 1 blue flag, 2 flag poles
Instructions: -2-A order to protect the red flag and to capture the blue flag, -2-B ordered the opposite.
Result: -1 instances rough house for an average of 9 minutes. Each instance appears to "pick" one of the -2 instances trough unknown criteria, whichever the dominant -1 instance picked is the one whose orders are executed.
Notes: None.
Test Purpose: What if a woman has more than 50% muscle to body mass ratio?
Assets: Previous containment , 1 instance of RPC-004-1, CSD-5000 (female, selected for 50% muscle mass ratio)
Result: The -1 instance attacked CSD-5000. CSD-5000 retaliated. Test Terminated. RPC-004 moved to the muscles as presumed but then continued to the lymphatic system and case C infection continued. CSD-5000 reclassified as RPC-004-1-11
Notes: We should've thought of this sooner, but…dammit.
Test was hastily put together after Dr. Liang had an epiphany.
Test Purpose: What if a woman has more than 50% muscle to body mass ratio but filled with testosterone this time?
Assets: Previous containment , 1 instance of RPC-004-1, CSD-1345 (female, selected for 50% muscle mass ratio, injected with testosterone to achieve ~700 ng/dl), one rag, 100mg shoe polish.
Instructions: CSD-1345 was instructed to order the -1 instance to polish her shoes.
Result: The -1 instance attacked CSD-1345. CSD-1345 shouted the instructions while defending herself. Test Terminated. CSD-1345's testosterone levels were maintained during disease progression resulting in a case A progression.
Notes: Dr. Liang has since been reprimanded for unprofessional record keeping and rewarded for laying the groundwork for Protocol-17. Test results used to create Protocol-17.
Dr. Liang reprimanded for unprofessional record keeping.
Test Purpose: Reproductive ability of RPC-004-1 instances
Assets: 10 instances of RPC-004-1, long term containment equipped with hospital beds, 10 Rubik's cubes, tools to artificially inseminate -1 instances
Result: All of the 10 instances carried to term resulting in 11 children (Instance 004-1-56 produced twins). 7 infant girls and 4 infant boys. All of which had apparently been infected while in the womb. The infant girls resembled infant versions of 004-1 instances, down to the miniaturized and simpler maid's outfit. These 004-1 instances will grow normally, with the "outfit" growing and becoming more complex as they age despite the fact teenage girls infected with RPC-004 suffer accelerated growth in the event their frame is smaller than a one of a normal004 -1 instance.
The infant boys had somehow undergone a case B infection. Furthermore the infant males are genetically "flawless" and present almost every beneficial mutation currently present in the human gene pool, including: a fast metabolism, Apolipoprotein AI-Milano, increased bone density, genes associated lower rates of cancer, malaria resistance, among others (see report RPC-004-3-Genetic Analysis)
Notes: Males reclassified as RPC-004-3. Since they are genetically perfect I wonder what happens if we selectively breed them? ████ ██ ██████ █ ████ ██ █████-██████?
Project concluded on 02/03/2019. 004-3 instances and young 004-1 instances are aprox. 8 years old as of time of writing.
Incestuous breeding between 004-1 and 004-3 instances is banned per order from The Board.
This series of test was done with RPC-004-1-42 (formerly Dr. Lauren Amari, previous head researcher on RPC-004 project)
Test Purpose: [REDACTED]
Assets: One Class-4 Bio-Hazard Hazmat Suit, CSD-1987.
Result: [REDACTED]
6 Casualties
RPC-004-1-42 no longer allowed contact direct contact with humans per order of the Site Director.
Test Purpose: Interrogation
Assets: RPC-004-1-42, one fold-able metal chairs, one laptop with only one text processing application installed, one metal table, one speaker system.
Result: [REDACTED]
Notes: Further interrogation of RPC-004-1-42 suspended until you found out how the [expletive] she knew that.
Test Purpose: [REDACTED]
Assets: One straitjacket, One remote controlled robot (Note: Machine used was made out of steel), 500 ml of sedatives.
Result: [REDACTED]. Containment breached shortly thereafter
Notes: RPC-004-1-42's "hair" changed to a deep black and now maintains a constant length of 280 centimeters. Sharp enough to cut steel, containment measures revised.
12 casualties.
Test Purpose: [REDACTED]
Assets: One remote controlled robot made out of titanium alloy and equipped with industrial saw blades.
Result: [REDACTED]. Containment breached shortly thereafter
Notes: Following the test, RPC-004-1-42's frills now produce a new enzyme that multiplies human healing factor by aprox. ██████% percent when starved for oxygen. They have also changed (presumably permanently) a dark red color and regrow at 30 cm per second.
44 casualties.
Test Purpose: [REDACTED]
Assets: One containment chamber equipped with ceiling mounted napalm throwers.
Result: [REDACTED]. Containment breached at this point.
Notes: Exposing RPC-004-1-42 to extremely high temperatures is now forbidden per order of the Site Director. Transfer to facilities in colder regions under consideration.
████ casualties.
Test Purpose: RPC-004-1-42's reaction to extremely low temperatures
Assets: One thermally insulated containment chamber equipped with a system to be flooded with liquid nitrogen.
Result: Upon start of the the test. RPC-004-1-42 showed great distress and attempted to breach containment. However it was unable to as its movements became slower proportional to the drop in temperature. Once the subject froze, a remote controlled robot took samples of the instance's tissue which was rock hard and brittle. Study of samples show the entity's metabolic processes slow down to a hibernation level when under 223 kelvin.
Notes: Containment protocols revised.
Test Purpose: Termination
Assets: One thermally insulated containment chamber equipped with a system to be flooded with liquid nitrogen, one remote controlled robot carrying a demolition charge.
Result: [REDACTED]. The test was presumed successful, however 6 hours after the test was over when the pieces of RPC-004-1-42 thawed, they effectively "reanimated" and begun reconstituting . Considered a containment breach. Thawed tissue samples display similar properties following the incident along with blast resistance.
Notes: Extreme cold has become 32% less effective at stopping RPC-004-1-42's metabolic processes, containment temperature lowered to 100 kelvin.
███ casualties.
Dr. Oliver requested and was subsequently transferred to "as far away as possible" to the AEDFS Lagrange Summit.
Test Purpose: [REDACTED]
Assets: [REDACTED]
Result: [REDACTED]
Notes: Due to RPC-004-1-42's increasing lack of resemblance physically and psychologically to normal 004-1 instances. Requesting to reclassify RPC-004-1-42 under an independent registered phenomena code.
96 casualties.
Request officially denied per order of the Site Director
Due to RPC-004-1-42's response to our tests. Testings, or even allowing it to thaw, is forbidden per order of Site Director Andrew Menas.
Anyone in disagreement is free to request the relocation of RPC-004-1-42 to a different site to The Board because I refuse to be responsible if that maniac becomes immune to the liquid nitrogen.
Incident logs:
A maintenance failure that occured between 100 hours and 300 hours led to a member of the janitorial staff be infected with RPC-004. This resulted in the contamination of ███ staff members and the conversion of 41 female personnel into RPC-004-1 instances.
Janitor terminated by Dr. Hermann in ensuing emergency quarantine. Dr. Hermann survived infection since he was a hobbyist bodybuilder. He was not reprimanded.
On ██/██/19██ (roughly 6 months after the recovery the first 004-1 instances) an outbreak of RPC-004 occured in the remote village of █████, Egypt (approx. ██ km. from the residence in which the first 004-1 instances were discovered) infecting roughly █043 individuals before Authority officials quarantined the area. Out of █043, 64% were male (3% of which survived RPC-004 infection) and 36% were female (most of which terminated by the survivors as "witches" or "zombies"). 112 instances of RPC-004-1 were recovered and are in Authority custody.
The outbreak was traced to a modified species of Scotophilus dinganii (African Yellow Bat) for both longer distance flying and aggressive behavior towards humans. The bat population was then exterminated by MST Sierra-9.
In the residence in which RPC-004 was discovered was found an empty 1m x 1m x 1m cage presumed to be housing the modified Scotophilus dinganii. Authority testing was unable to find another animal host for RPC-004.
At current time, containment protocols held all -1 instances in a collective empty warehouse devoid of tasks outside of testing as left to their own devices 004-1 instances simply wander aimlessly.
██/██/2008 100 hours
6 hours till breach: Dominant -1 walks around the walls of the containment and is spotted by surveillance to run her hand across the frame of the metal sliding door of the airlock.
5.5 hours till breach: 6 004-1 instances walk to the center of the containment area, dominant 004-1 stands 6 meters away with her arms crossed. 5 minutes afterwards all other 004-1 instances walk towards the 6 instances and begin stripping their flesh by biting.
10 minutes till breach: 004-1 instances begin propping the door open using primitive bone tools before 7 instances used their combined strength to continue keeping it open. The 004-1s then repeated this with the second airlock door.
Breach event: Remaining 004-1 instances began pouring out the containment zone. Due to difficulties the instances had with the airlock. Site security was able to evacuate the wing and the promptly closed the blast doors constructed in the event of a RPC-███ containment breach.
After separation, the dominant 004-1 instance seemingly lost all previous initiative and problem solving skills. A series of emergency testing demonstrated that 004-1 instances are incapable of self assigning of task unrelated objectives while undergoing tasks assigned by a 004-2. Containment protocols were revised.
A fight broke out between Dr. Oliver (a researcher assigned to RPC-004) and Dr. Hermann in the site cafeteria over the mortality of CASE C infections of RPC-004. This argument has since divided the much of the Site staff. Dr. Hermann's wife was converted into RPC-004-1-42 during Incident-004-A.
To date, 352 researchers believe -1 conversion to be equivalent to death due to erasure of personality and 241 researchers believe 004-1 instances are to be protected until a "cure" is discovered.
The proposal to comb the 004-1 population to 25 instances for ease of containment from an anonymous source on 02/12/2012 has since brought the argument back in the spotlight and at a melting point. Aprox. 1217 non-research staff joining either side of the argument, █ are administrative officials.
Henceforth no researchers outside of RPC-004's research team are to make changes to this document either underlining evidence supporting their views or introducing false information.
The following researchers ON RPC-004's research team are banned from contributing to this file due to repeat offenses: Dr. Liang, Dr. Freizer, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Freizer (referring to the spouse of the aforementioned Mrs. Freizer) and Dr. Louise.
-Director of Anomalous Research Dr. Dhruv Rajput
RPC-004-1-42 reportedly [DATA EXPUNGED]
Uncharacteristically, these instances were completely obedient to 004-1-42 and attacked the security team producing approximately 50 other instances. The breach was subdued by MST Delta-72 in an ambush at Gate C12. All -4 instances terminated, 12 MST casualties, 0 site staff casualties ( 004-1-42 was unable or unwilling to undo the lockdown and most of the staff was either unreachable or not in the path to Gate C12), 004-1-42 apprehended.
Containment Protocols revision: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Registered Phenomena Code: RPC-004-4
Object Class: Neutralized-Black Gamma-Black
Containment Protocols: There is no need to contain 004-4 instances, entities are to be terminated on sight with extreme prejudice. Knowingly creating a 004-4 instance is punishable with a memory wipe of all knowledge of the Authority and life sentence in Site-009.
If the number of 004-4 instances reaches critical mass, a nuclear strike is to be called in and all on personnel on site are deemed KIA.
Description: RPC-004-4 instances are the result of a RPC-004-1's sex cells being fertilized by its own offspring. Normally RPC-004-1 instances are outwardly hostile to offspring or parents attempting to mate with them. However, if the embryo is allowed to develop for even 15 minutes it will undergo rapid development and reach maturity in 6 hours. At which point the new RPC-004-4 instance will seek carbon based life weighing at least 1 kilogram and inject them with its offspring using a modified male homo sapiens sapiens reproductive system, each additional 500 grams over 1 kilogram allowing the development of one additional 004-4 instance within the host from the same "egg" (structurally it resembles an embryo). Coupled with an upwards max speed of 60 km/h and abnormal strength for their muscle mass (which is <50% of their total body mass ironically), a single 004-4 instance could in theory wipe out all higher forms of life on Earth in as little as 3 months.
If no prey is seen by a 004-4 instance for 12 weeks, it will prey on other 004-4 instances (adult instances weighing between 90 and 130 kilograms). Since 004-4 instances do not consume biomass to grow, populations of 004-4 will increase exponentially. The event of a 004-4 population preying on itself is considered "Critical Mass" and the resulting population will attempt to rapidly increase its territory to maintain a set population density of 6000 individuals / km2. Note: 004-4 will attempt to maintain a population density of 6000 individuals / km2 even if prey is plenty.
Incident Log-██████ (Only First Instance of RPC-004-4 developing):
[REDACTED]. Due to this a nuclear warhead from the SSN Barrier Reef was launched at Site-███.
This resulted in the destruction of Site-███, 900 staff casualties, the unwanted neutralization of █ RPCs that were not successfully evacuated, the loss of MST █████-19 and an unestimated number of civilian casualties resulted from radioactive fallout. Fortunately Site-███'s cover story was an nuclear power plant in the "middle of nowhere" due to RPC-███'s cooling mechanism and as such misinformation campaign "Nuclear Mishap" was put in effect with the aid of the ████████ government.
Incident Log-004-E (Second Instance of RPC-004-4 developing):
RPC-004-1-42 reportedly stopped solving the Rubik's Cube and became unresponsive for 11 hours. It later challenged the dominant 004-1 instances (despite a week not elapsing since last challenge), won and then breached containment at 1200 hours. All other004 -1 instances in containment with it patiently waited for the site security force.
Most importantly 004-1-42 walked calmly in the direction of the breeding lab and only starting running when security (all which qualified for 004-2 instances) ordered her to stop where she was. She ignored all female staff on the way. Once she entered the lab, she executed a site lockdown (Procedure-117B that most notably locks all doors, normally executed when RPC-███ breaches containment) from the lab terminal (using the credentials of another female researcher not infected with RPC-004, one she passed on the way to the lab. It is unknown how she acquired this information). She then created 8 RPC-004-4 instances using her own egg cells.
Uncharacteristically, these instances were completely obedient to 004-1-42 and attacked the security team producing approximately 200 other instances. The breach was subdued by MST Delta-72 in an ambush at Gate C12. All -4 instances terminated, 12 MST casualties, 0 site staff casualties ( 004-1-42 was unable or unwilling to undo the lockdown and most of the staff were either unreachable or not in the path to Gate C12), 004-1-42 apprehended.
Containment Protocols revision: Instance 004-1-42 is now to be held in its own separate containment unit that follows the Site-009 "Cell Regulation Document" and under 24/7 surveillance, no female personnel are to be in the same wing as her at any time. 4 agents from MST Delta-72 are to be stationed in front of the containment unit in case of a breach. This is to be redacted from official Containment Protocols available to staff members under level 4.
Addendum-1: RPC-004-1-42's surveillance cameras are to be mounted in such a way they are outside 004-1-42's reach at all times.
Addendum-2: RPC-004-1-42's containment unit is to be kept constantly at a temperature of 223 100 kelvin or lower.
Incident Log-██████ (Clandestine Instance of RPC-004-4 developing):
A later confirmed to be alternate universe counterpart (affiliated with GOI - RPCA) of Dr. █████ sealed himself inside RPC-004's breeding lab with a sperm sample of a RPC-004-3 and a pallet trolley with a container later found to house a Gorrila. After he prepared the embryo, he fled trough a vent before sealing it with a expanding foam grenade.
Thankfully the real Dr. █████ was found in time for the correct assumptions to be made and Delta-72 was prepared for the ensuing -4 outbreak. Only 44 non-MST casualties were taken and ~2000 -4 instances were terminated.