King of Weapons
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Justiniano Roque Valencia
Codename: King of Weapons
Date of Birth: February 23, 1965 |
Hair: Black |
Height: 6’0 |
Place of Birth: ███████ (See Foreign Organization Files) |
Weight: 210 pounds |
Eyes: Brown |
Language: Spanish/English |
Sex: Male |
Nationality: Mexican |
Race: Hispanic |
Remarks: Valencia is currently a member of the Raven Mafia and is known to frequent areas where Raven Mafia activity is suspected.
Justiniano Roque Valencia
Previous Affiliations/Info: Valencia, prior to his affiliation with the Raven Mafia, was apart of the organization known as Destacamento Contranatural. He is confirmed to have aided multiple anomalous persons and objects with presumed connections to the Raven Mafia. When Valencia's actions were discovered by Destacamento Contranatural, he was promptly apprehended and held in a facility located in Mexico. Valencia stayed at the facility for 2 months until an armed group of anomalous persons from the Raven Mafia infiltrated the facility and broke Valencia out of his confinement. The group of escaped with Valencia and six other anomalous persons and objects contained at the facility; leaving seventeen (17) casualties behind. Destacamento Contranatural were able to pursue the group until the group crossed the US border.
Destacamento Contranatural contacted the OESA directly and information regarding Valencia was received.
Valencia is capable of creating weapons from thin air. Arms produced by Valencia are limited to firearms and certain bladed weapons.
Firearms created by Valencia are loaded to maximum capacity upon materialization. These weapons vanish upon depletion of ammunition, leading to the hypothesis that Valencia is unable to create additional ammunition for himself. Valencia has not been observed to reload his weapons but has instead been seen to discard them in favor of materializing new ones.
Approachment Procedures
Agents are advised to approach Valencia with caution as he is commonly surrounded by armed or highly anomalous persons. A joint OESA/RPC Authority task force, dubbed Team Alpha-Iota, has been created for the task of conducting a raid on a Raven Mafia apartment complex where Valencia is suspected to reside. Valencia is to be apprehended and transported to the Medium Value Humanoid Containment Facility in [REDACTED], Florida.
Information regarding his role and information about the Raven Mafia is to be extracted from Valencia. IEP-Beta (IEP: Information Extraction Procedure) is to be conducted on Valencia. Once the appropriate amount of information is extracted from Valencia, he is to be transferred to Destacamento Contranatural custody.
Organization(s) Involved
Raven Mafia
Organization Code: HCO213 (“Unkindness”)
Description: The Raven Mafia is an anomalous criminal group that is involved in human trafficking, creation, and distribution of anomalous and non-anomalous drugs, the distribution of firearms, the selling of anomalous objects and people, and the use of anomalous weaponry on US soil. OESA first encountered the organization on September 28th, 1959, where several agents raided an apartment building where several anomalous drugs of interest were being produced. Agents were not made aware of the anomalous persons in the apartment complex which resulted in several causalities.
Though OESA has only encountered the Raven on September 28th, 1959, released USM-DAO files reveal that the organization could have been operating since the beginning of the 20th century.
Relation to Valencia: The Raven Mafia is confirmed to have broken Valencia from an undisclosed Destacamento Contranatural facility in Mexico. Currently, Valencia has been assimilated into the organization and is used for a currently unknown reason.
Destacamento Contranatural
Organization Code: FGO129 (“Latin Allies”)
Description: Destacamento Contranatural is an organization dedicated to the protection of the Latin American people from anomalous threats. Destacamento Contranatural is based in all countries across South America expect Venezuela.
Relation to Valencia: Destacamento Contranatural arrested Valencia in Todos Santos, Mexico. Destacamento Contranatural agents reported that Valencia had manifested an unidentifiable assault rifle and murdered 15 armed persons. Destacamento Contranatural agents were able to subdue Valencia with minimal casualties. According to Destacamento Contranatural, identification of the 15 armed personnel revealed them to be gang members with connections to both the Mexican Mafia and the Sureños.
Foreign Organization Files
On 12/01/2004, Destacamento Contranatural gave OESA several files related to Valencia. The following files can be found below:
Anomalía: Justiniano Roque Valencia
Código: ████-[MEX]
Descripción (Translated(Eng)): ████-[MEX] is a man of Mexican nationality that goes by the name of Justiniano Roque Valencia. ████-[MEX] is 1.8 meters in height and weighs a total of 95.3 kilograms. Prior to ████-[MEX] designation as an anomaly he was employed into the DDCP (Departamento de Defensa Contra la Paranormal) in Destacamento Contranatural (See DC personnel file).
████-[MEX] can create firearms and bladed weapons from the gases around him. It is observed that ████-[MEX] burns large amounts of calories when manifesting its weapons. It is theorized that the creation of weapons with a lot of mass would cost ████-[MEX] thousands of calories. Transfer of ████-[MEX] to a trusted scientific organization is being considered. Currently, La Institution de la Paranormalidad is offering to research ████-[MEX].
████-[MEX] is currently detained in a medium-security cell at ACS-001-MEX. Due to a lack of security personnel, security rotations around ████-[MEX] cell has been lowered. Currently, ████-[MEX] is restrained using Class II restraints.
Name: Justiniano Roque Valencia |
Age: 39 |
Date of Birth: 02/23/1965 |
Sex: Male |
Place of Birth: Viernes, Mexico |
Justiniano Roque Valencia was born in the remote town of Viernes, Mexico to a Roberto and Valentina Valencia in the Viernes Bueno Hospital. Background checks done on Mr. and Mrs. Valencia, at the time, revealed them to have no connections to any group of interest. Roberto and Valentina Valencia both worked as janitors at the only school in the town. It is believed that the family lived below the poverty line.
Justiniano Roque Valencia study at the Viernes Bueno Escuela for six years until his parents could no longer afford to pay for his education. At the age of 16 he joined a local gang known as “Los Mariposas” (Update: Current investigations into the group reveals that the leader of the gang, Marco Bodoque, has connections to a group of interest known as the “Raven Mafia” through an entity known as “Mujer Muerte”.) .
Justiniano Roque Valencia lived in the town of Vienes for 18 years until the Viernes Incident of 1983.
Viernes Incident: On May 1st, 1983, the town of Viernes began to experience various anomalous happenings across the town. Various humanoid demonic-class entities appeared across the town slaughtering the civilian population. A joint operation between the RPC Authority and Destacamento Contranatural was conducted upon the town to evacuate civilians and combat the anomalous threat. The DDCP, during an evacuation operation, discovered Justiniano Roque Valencia alongside the other gang members fighting the incurring demonic entities within a local Catholic Church. The body of the leader was found crucified to the cross of the church. The gang members were extracted and when interviewed revealed their interactions with an entity known as “Mujer Muerte“. A majority of the gang members, including Valencia, were listed into Destacamento Contranatural’s DDCP. The town of Viernes was eventually deemed a lost cause and the local government was contacted to conduct a bombing run upon the town due to the growing presence of the demonic entities upon our reality. The town was completely destroyed alongside the demonic threat. (For more information on the “Viernes Incident“ see the Viernes Incident file.
Status: Excommunicated/Contained Uncontained |
Designation: DDCP ████ ████-[MEX] |
Stationed: ACS-001-MEX |
Assignments Involved: 999-[MEX], 1001-[MEX], La Corazón Incident, ████-[MEX] |
Justiniano Roque Valencia was enlisted into the DDCP’s Orphaned due to Paranormal Events Program (OPE) and given basic training. Valencia partook in the apprehension or termination of various anomalies. He also partook in the Corazón Incident of 1999.
Incident ████-[MEX]
On ██/██/2004, claims of an entity with the description of 1950-[MEX] “Mujer Muerte” spread throughout the town of ████. An Assault Team (AT) was sent to locate the entity and terminate it. The AT tracked down 1950-[MEX] to a run-down facility in the town that is known for its gang activity. The AT discovered several voices conversing within the facility including that of 1950-[MEX]. The AT breached the facility only to find Valencia gunning down several gun members. Valencia then turned upon the AT attempting to terminate them. The AT observed Valencia manifest several assault weapons out of thin air. Upon manifesting his twelfth assault weapon Valencia fell into an unconsciousness. Valencia was apprehended and taken to ACS-001-MEX. The incident cost the lives of seven soldiers of the AT.
Update: On ██/██/2004, Valencia was designated ████-[MEX] and will be kept at ACS-001-MEX until further notice.
Interview Log: ████-[MEX]-A
Date: ██/██/2004
Interviewer: Sgt. Cabeza
Interviewee: ████-[MEX]
Sgt. Cabeza: What were you doing at ████.
Sgt. Cabeza: Speak up traitor!
████-[MEX]: Traitor? That would mean I’d have to be apart of this organization to begin with.
Sgt. Cabeza: What the hell are you talking about Valencia?
████-[MEX]: When the demons invaded my hometown, I stood and fought with my gang.
Sgt. Cabeza: We helped your town. We evacua-
████-[MEX]: You lie! You completely destroyed our town and left it but a rumble in the middle of nowhere.
Sgt. Cabeza: We had no choice.
████-[MEX]: But we did. Mujer Muerte came to us and gave us our gifts to defend the town and all we had to offer was our loyalty to the Raven.
Sgt. Cabeza: The Raven?
████-[MEX]: I sold myself to the Raven Mafia to protect the town you burned.
Sgt. Cabeza: What is the Mujer Muerte?
████-[MEX]: She is a living saint of the mob and I am in their debt.
Update: February 6th, 2005
A joint raid operation was conducted by Team Alpha-Iota. The team tracked Valencia to an apartment complex located in Riverside, California. The apartment complex appeared had no identifying markings or signs. The team observed the residents within the building for two weeks. Authority personnel within the team were able to identify a majority of the residents within the apartment as members of the Raven Mafia.
On 01/21/2005, the team commenced their operation. The team divided itself into four groups to surround the complex.
Six casualties sustained during the operation with 4 on the Authority side. The operation was a success and resulted in the capture of Valencia. A transcript of the event can be found below:
Operation Code: JO542 (“Operation Raising House”)
Date: 01/21/2005
Location: ██rd st ██ ave, Riverside, California
OESA Personnel: 25
RPC Authority Personnel: 15
Total Personnel: 40
Foreword: This transcript starts one hour and forty-nine minutes into the operation five minutes before the capture of Valencia. The transcript is from the perspective of AI-Cap and his group.
AI-Cap: Move up ahead.
Gunfire is heard.
AI-01: Cap! We can’t move on. This [REDACTED] is shooting fire at us.
AI-04: I see him.
A loud gunshot is heard among the back noise of gunfire.
AI-02: Finally.
AI-01: Good job 04.
AI-Cap: We need to continue down the hall and breach the room at the far left corner.
AI-01: Alright.
Footsteps can be heard as the group approach their target.
AI-Cap: Remember to tag and bag.
Silence for 10 seconds.
AI-Cap: Ready?
AI-Cap: Throw a choke inside in three, two, …
A door is heard opening and closing. Coughing and gunfire can be heard.
AI-Cap: Duck and go!
The sound of gunfire intensifies.
Unknown Voice: I can’t [REDACTED] breathe!
Valencia: Protect me. They are hear for me!
A loud roar is heard followed by gunshots.
Unknown Voice: Get off me or I’ll crush yo-!
Cracking his heard.
AI-01: Valencia spotted!
Valencia: [REDACTED] stay back!
A loud crash is heard.
Valencia: Get off me!
AI-Cap: Everyone report!
AI-01: Valencia is apprehended, but I’ve been shot. I bleeding real bad here.
AI-Cap: [REDACTED]. We need medical evac!
Post-Operation Review: Valencia and several other anomalous persons of interest were successfully apprehended. The RPC Authority were able to apprehend several hostile and highly anomalous entities and objects kept within the complex. 80% of the residents of the unidentifiable apartment complex are currently under OESA or RPC Authority custody with 20% having been killed. Valencia has been sent to the Medium Value Humanoid Containment Facility in [REDACTED], Florida.
Operation Status: Success
Update: February 20th, 2005
On 02/09/2005, Valencia was put in a state of temporary sensory deprivation to prohibit him from using his anomalous abilities. This has shown to have been completely successful.
On 02/15/2005, Valencia was taken out of sensory deprivation for interrogation on his connections to the Raven Mafia. The transcript can be found below:
Interrogator: Black
Subject: Justiniano Roque Valencia
Black: Wakey wakey Mr. Valencia.
Valencia: huh…
Valencia: Are you the one who’s supposed to intimidate me?
Black: Wrong. I’m here to ask you some questions before you go back to Mexico.
Valencia: Do you know who you’re talking to? I can shoot you to pieces!
Black: You’ll have some trouble with that as your restraints are meant for you to not be able to use your ability.
Valencia: [EXPLECTIVE] you!
Black: Your just like any average Joe right now.
Black: Tell me. What did the Raven Mob want with you?
Valencia: You are crazy if you think you can actually make me talk to you [EXPLECTIVE] dog.
Black: I can change that.
Black: Begin Procedure-IT4!
Valencia: [REDCATED]! I’ll talk! I’ll talk!
Black: Please. Answer my question. What did the Raven Mob want with you?
Sobbing can be heard.
Valencia: I was apart of their scam.
Black: Scam?
Valencia: You know… I was to create guns and weapons… and….
Black: And?
Valencia: I would create a crate full of weapons and we would…. sell these weapons to certain groups.
Black: Groups? You got any names?
The room is silent for fifthteen seconds.
Black: I said you got any names!
Valencia: Al-Qaeda, the Triad, the Inquisitive of Malthus.
Black: So you’ve been smuggling weapons to terrorist organizations.
Valencia: That’s not the full story.
Black: Then enlighten us.
Valencia: The weapons I create disappear when not being looked at. So they give us money and we give them an empty crate.
Valencia chuckles.
Black: Is there something funny?
Valencia: No- No sir.
Black: Good.
Valencia: Is that all?
Black: Yes, actually.
Black: Looks like our time will have to be cut short as we have to transfer you back to Mexico soon.
Valencia: Good god yes.
Post-Interrogation Review: Sufficient information was extracted from Valencia including during Procedure-IT4 related to the Raven Mafia. Valencia was transferred to Destacamento Contranatural custody during an exchange near Cancún, Mexico.