International Authority Branches

Pax Auctoritas


The RPC Authority is a multinational operation, and to carry out its duties in efficiency the Authority must cooperate with the respective host nations. Over the years, many Branches have been established across the globe, overseeing the diplomatic dialogues between their governments and the Authority, as well as coordinating the facilities placed under its care. These Branches, encompassing countries on both a national or cultural level, serve to represent the Authority's entrusted mission in upholding the veil of secrecy between mankind and the anomalous.

Below is an abridged list of established Authority Branches in each of the Regional Commands.

For further information about the relevant International Authority Communities, click here

For further information on the extended list of Authority installations, click here

Western Command


Authority British Branch

British Branch


WEST/1 "British Isles"


Founded in the late 1460s as the English Order, the Auctoritas Imperata's attempt to spread across the British Isles was hampered by the interference of Her Majesty's Government and Catholic-Protestant divide within its ranks. Due to these factors, the English Order's only managed to gain prominence when Queen Mary I lifted prior royal decrees that limited its influence.1

Queen Elizabeth I's ascension to the throne undone many of the progress previously made, and was regarded as the historical low for the Auctoritas in the English realm, as she saw the organization's existence as a defiance to her kingdom. Countless historians agree that her aggressive attitude toward the Auctoritas largely stems from previous assassination plots and fears that the Papacy would use the Auctoritas in an unconventional way to create a new England from the ashes.

Despite the logistical challenges, King James I improved relations with the English Branch and assured them of greater autonomy within the territory. During his reign, King James I was a peacemaker who helped to stabilize religious tensions by forging a bridge of recognising between Catholics and Protestants. Successive monarchs would continue to support the Auctoritas as the issue of religion faded and shifted to sovereignty and rebellions.

The Irish Branch was the most prominent rebellious concern. Prior to the rebellion, the Auctoritas were unpopular with the Irish as they viewed them as “parasitical keepers” who believed in a coexistence philosophy with anomalies. Following the suppression of the rebellion by a joint effort of the British Army and the English Order, an agreement was drafted to grant Auctoritas reign over the Isle of Ireland.

The Authority continued to assist the British government and Monarch Security in counter-IRA anomaly activity during the Troubles well into the 1946s. Today, Anglo-Authority relations are stable, as both institutes regard each other as allies. To ensure that relations remain respectful, operations within the British Isles are frequently carried out with the consent of and in collaboration with Monarch Security.

A sub-branch dedicated to the British Subjugation Territory of Camelot2 was created as per earlier agreements to share research, security, and complete secrecy from the international community.


Site-005 England
Site-007 Scotland


Authority Irish Branch

Irish Branch


WEST/1 "British Isles"


The Irish Order to focus on domestic affairs that influenced Anglo supremacy on the Isle of Ireland, in part to influence Anglo supremacy on the island. While it was established to focus on Irish affairs, the English Order had a significant influence in the Irish realm. As linguistic identities commonly intruded on the Auctoritas mission, this created issues, and at times tensions, between the English and Irish.

Tensions persisted into the 17th century, when outside influences, such as the English Crown's plantation policies, had a drastic impact on the Irish Order's mission. Many of its Irish members staged a protest and moreover participated in rebellion activity, with the British Crown viewing the Auctoritas as a supporter of Irish republicanism.

Despite already strained Anglo-Auctoritas relations under the Elizabethan regime, the English Order decided to replace many of the Irish Order's "extremists," replacing many with Englishmen and effectively ending Catholic Irish staffing. The hierarchies of the Irish Order were not pleased as they perceived this as a plot to remove the Irish identity from the Auctoritas and were convinced that "the Auctoritas is tainted by the tyrant rulers of an English monarch.” Rumors of an internal rebellion quickly reached the English Order's upper echelons, which they couldn't afford due to weakened capabilities as a result of the Elizabethan regime's anti-Papacy policies.

The Nine Years' War began in 1594, when nearly 95% of the Irish Order defected to form the "Ulster Guards" in an aggressive campaign against the Auctoritas. Due to this defection, the Irish Order was quickly disbanded, and the Irish realm was taken over by the English Order. The newly formed Ulster Guards threatened the Auctoritas' presence in Ireland, affecting many aspects of the English Order's capacity within the Island for the next few decades.

The Auctoritas was replaced by the Authority in 1834, resulting in a jurisdictional conflict within Ireland. This conflict stalled containment operations, leaving Ireland rife with anomaly manifestations that increased unusually between 1801 and 1880.

In 1844, authority containment efforts in Ireland resumed, and the removal of Irish anomalies to England, which was frowned upon by the discriminated Irish in the British Branch, began. The Ulster Guards merged with the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) in 1858, presenting itself as an Irish republican movement that unofficially desired a self-ruling branch similar to its predecessor branch, which dissolved in the 1590s.

During the Fenian Rising in 1867, the Irish Republican Brotherhood carried on the aggressive campaign begun by the Ulster Guards. Greater tensions arose in 1916 during the Easter Rising, which was thwarted by the British army. In 1919, an agreement was reached between the Irish Republicans and the British government to establish an Irish Free State. Due to historical resentment of the Authority's predecessor, the Auctoritas, a clause in this agreement prohibited the Authority from interfering with Irish affairs relating to the veil.

Despite signing the treaty, the Authority secretly continued to operate in Ireland and aided the Irish Republican Army. This was discontinued in 1930 after [REDACTED]. The Irish Branch was re-established in 1949 to atone for its predecessor's involvement in controversial massacres and discriminatory actions against the Irish. Relations and activity in Ireland remain tense, with constant expressions of support from the Republic of Ireland, including the increasing manifestations during the Troubles and the Irish Republican Army in the 1980s.


Site-083 Connaught


Authority French Branch

French Branch


WEST/3 "Western Europe"


Created at the dawn of the 18th century, the French Order — or the Milites Christi — of the Auctoritas Imperata cooperated with the Kings of France to contain occult artifacts and persons. Lasting nearly a century, the French Order, in the end, saw its demise in 1793 when both the Auctoritas and the Gallican Church were expelled from France as a part of the National Convention's religious purge3 after coming into power through the French Revolution, the Branch lost considerable influence in the Republic.

Details were unclear as to the events leading into the Napoleonic Wars, but well-understood was the impact it had across the discontent Auctortias, its personnel growing more disillusioned with the Papacy. In 1834, the loose alliances of the First Directorate would convened at the 8th French National Exhibition, the "Authority Agreement" and the "Paris Declaration" laid out in clear terms of the vision of a new Auctoritas that is to come, and the short-lived French Order, reformed into the French Branch, would be the very first participant of this new system.

In the following years, the French Branch continues to work in parallel with the French Republic until relations were normalised in 1985, when GD-WEST and French President François Mitterand agreed on the Mitterand Statutes, granting French ethical authorities the power to inspect Authority sites, in exchange for which the operations of the FR Branch would be supported by the French authorities.

In current times, the French Branch operates on both a national and international scale, with operatives working across the greater Francophone areas in Quebec and Western Africa as well as the European Union; the Belgian Branch and Swiss Branch both cooperating with the FR Branch as associative members. Though historically centered in Paris, on ██/02/2019, GD-WEST has formally approved the creation of Site-048 in Brittany to administer operations relating to RPC-███ and serve as the main base for the French Branch.


Site-030 Dijon

See Associated Francophone Authority Community


Authority Italian Branch

Italian Branch


WEST/3 "Western Europe"


Founded in 1861, the Italian Branch was the result of an agreement between the Kingdom of Sardinia and Authority power brokers, who promised tacit support in the Risorgimento4 in exchange for the establishment of an Authority Branch under a unified Italy.

Operating with strong national loyalties, the Italian Branch served as a crucial center of operation in the concealment of mass anomalous usage during WW1 and the inter-war era.

In 1939, a significant number of Italian personnel joined Italy's campaign against the Allied Powers, and the Branch was reconfigured into the Divisione Ricerca Anomala Italiana.5 These personnel would later defect to the RAVAAF6 following Italy's occupation by German forces in 1943 and the RAVAAF would go on to recapture Italian Sites, re-establishing the Italian Branch under the leadership of Annibale ██████████████.7

Currently, the IT Branch has further expanded its jurisdiction to include San Marino and the Vatican City following agreements with the respective countries.8 Italy continues to be an Authority stronghold in Europe both strategically and culturally, a regional power free of an independent Agency of Interest.


Site-136 Tuscany

Northern Command


Authority North American Branch

North American Branch


N1 "New England", N2 "Quebec Peninsula", N3 "Southern Region", N4 "Midwest-Heartland", N5 "East Coast", N6 "Far North"


Created in 1988, the North American Branch is the result of a merger between the former American and Canadian Branches, themselves formed in the 1880s during early Authority expansion into the United States, following the Auctoritas's total eradication in the US by "the Union".9

Its current significance within the Authority structure should not mislead personnel into believing in any elevated value it had in early Authority history — Many American politicians had wished to reign in the Authority, being at its most pronounced during the 1920s when President Woodrow Wilson and the Overman Committee made legislations to suppress the Authority for 20 years until these decisions were rescinded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Though opposition from the United States continued into the Cold War, the Authority had, by then, became the most influential organization in the anomalous sphere.

The American and Canadian Branches are distinctive in that, in addition to being multi-district Branches, are some of the most integrated and successful branches across the entirety of the Authority internationally. By 1988, the NORTHCOM administration officially agreed to the proposal to merge the two Branches into a single, unified administrative structure, with only minor disagreements in the later decade resulting in the separation and creation of an associative Quebec Branch.

Accounting for nearly 70% of NORTHCOM activities, the North American Branch has come to be equated with the whole of NORTHCOM itself, holding a vast number of Authority Sites in its territory. The North American Branch continues to be recognized as the Authority's center of gravity in its commitment to research, protection, and containment of the anomalous.


Site-002 Nevada
Site-015 Arizona
Site-044 New York
Site-095 California


Authority Mexican Branch

Mexican Branch


NORTH/7 "Mexico"


Founded during the 1910s, the Mexican Authority Branch's history is perhaps the most tumultuous out of all other Branches. Tracing its lineage to General Porfirio Díaz's Científicos — an advisory group comprised of technocrats, among them are those knowledgeable in the occult and trusted Authority backers. Together these six "scientists" would, in the last year of the Porfiriato regime, establish the first iteration of Authority presence in the country. This was short-lived, as members soon fled Mexico at the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution, and contact with the Authority were thereafter lost.

In an attempt to re-establish a foothold, a new Mexican Branch was set up at Veracruz in 1914 and began the effort of recapturing lost Sites. Unbeknownst to the Global Directors, however, the previous Mexican Authority10 continued to operate during the revolution and now contested the authority of the new administration at Veracruz.11 Both sides, operating under their own spheres of influence, would engage in low-intensity clashes throughout the 1910s, vying for control whilst also having to maintain the integrity of containment in Mexico, the Científicos and Veracruz Authority would only agree to a ceasefire in 1920, forming the current iteration of the Mexican Authority Branch.

Even so, the Mexican Branch continues to suffer from great instability that has resulted in successive administrative changes. First being involved in the 1979 RCPA Rebellion and then becoming the epicenter of the subsequent 1980 Great Breach. Many Authority infrastructures and installations were lost as a result. The collapse of the former Central Command, along with the sudden death of GD-CENT, have also resulted in the MX Branch's absorption into the Northern Command by GD-NORTH.

To date, the MX Branch adopts a policy of "cooptation" in response to its circumstances. ACI operatives and low-level intelligence officers had extensively infiltrated the Mexican Cartels, turning it into a new "arm" of the Branch. The Branch's willingness to accept bribes from government officials has also garnered its infamy, to which the many administrative personnel argues for its importance in continuing Mexico's containment operations. With the evident role "cooptation" played in the suppression and dissolution of the Cartel de los Milagros,12 it is certain that the MX Branch will continue to employ such policies in its service to the Authority Maxim.


Site-046 Coahuila

See Associated Hispanic Authority Community

Southern Command


Authority Brazilian Branch

Brazilian Branch


SOUTH/2 "Brazil-Amazon"


Founded in 1889, Authority presence in the country of Brazil predates its founding under its primary precursor, the Autoritas Imperata, who had taken over many anomalies contained by locals under their own customary methodologies.

At the time of the 1834 Paris Declaration, Brazil had by then severed its ties to the Kingdom of Portugal, and the local Auctoritas personnel who remained loyal to the Papal cause were reorganized under Pedro II into the Brazilian Empire's "União Acadêmica para o Extraordinario".

The UAE's relations with the Authority remained neutral, and over a series of subsequent containment failures had led to strengthening cooperation between the two organizations, leading to the UAE's formalization as the "Authority Brazilian Branch" following the founding of the Old Brazilian Republic.

With the rise of authoritarianism in Brazil during the 20th Century, the Brazilian Branch initially adopted a policy of non-interventionism against the Vargas Regime. The founding of the CIA-backed South American AOI "Destacamento Contranatural", however, brought about the suppression of the BR Branch until its dissolution in 1983.

While working in major Brazilian states such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Bahia, the largest focus of the branch remains in Site-031 overseeing the Amazon Rainforests. The government continues to support the Authority in its exportation needs.


Site-031 Amazon Rainforest

See Associated Lusophone Authority Community


Authority Argentinian Branch

Argentinian Branch


SOUTH/4 "Southern Cone"


Prior to the Branch's founding in 1951, Authority-Argentine interactions were few and far between, thus much of Argentina's major anomalous developments before the Cold War effectively occurred independently of any Authority intervention.

By the end of the Argentine War of Independence in 1818, the Patriot Government had already near-fully evicted all Royalist Auctoritas presence from Río de la Plata, making Argentina unique in its isolation from either movement of the Pro-Authority Reformists and the Pro-Auctoritas Conservatives. Instead, Argentinian behind-the-veil development was encouraged by factions within the Logia de los Caballeros Racionales13 such as Jose de San Martín, which fostered a highly intellectual anomalous circle in the Southern Cone.

Beginning in the late 1940s, Argentina began to invite several anomalous organizations into the country. Under President Juan Perón, Argentina facilitated the transferal of GARD researchers through "Ratlines",14 whilst simultaneously partaking in the creation of the South American AOI "Destacamento Contranatural" in partnership with the United States government, as well as allowing for the establishment of an Authority Branch with minimal oversight.

While Perón had led Argentina into greater cooperation with the Authority, this relationship between the two sides fluctuated greatly during the Cold War over Buenos Aires's ownership over local anomalies as new administration come into power; The government under Isabel Perón was confrontational, with attacks against Authority personnel sanctioned by the "Occult Branch" of the Ministry of Social Welfare led by José López Rega.

Following the ousting of the el Proceso military Junta, the government entered new negotiations with the Argentinian Branch, settling several disputes and signing the Córdoba Agreement, enabling the AR Branch to continue operating as a pioneer in terms of Nihilic-Occult and Antimemetics Research, renowned in its intellectual and cultural focuses surpassing even its European peers.


Site-223 Andes Mountains
Site-254 Chubut

See Associated Hispanic Authority Community

Eastern Command


Authority Russian Branch

Russian Branch


EAST/1 "Moscow", EAST/2 "Siberia", EAST/4 "Caucasus", WEST/4 "Central Europe"


The Russian Branch of the RPC Authority was officially established in 1993 in response to the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the power vacuum left by the dissolution of the GKV "Iron Initiative" gave rise to the Anomaly Market Period, where the Authority engaged in covert competition with several other groups of interest to secure the anomalous assets left behind by the Iron Initiative.

Though initially reluctant to allow government intervention in this "third economy", President Yeltsin eventually conceded to the transfer of remaining GKV assets to the new Russian Authority Branch, hoping that it would help re-establish Russia within the anomalous world under the framework of the Authority.

The respite in Russian-Authority relations came into doubt once again with the ascendency of Vladimir Putin as the new President, who established the Ministry of Paranormality to sideline the conflicting interest between the Board of Directors and the federal government.

Tensions remain high among the RU Branch, with the Kremlin demanding high levels of transparency and bureaucracy in its dealings with the Authority, whilst also reliant on their continued support in shaping the containment and security of Siberia. The RU Branch continues to expand — though at a much slower rate — its operations, having since included the hostile Republic of Belarus, and the conflicted region of Crimea.


Site-009 October Revolution Island
Site-086 Urals
Site-115 Sakha

See Associated Russian Authority Community

African Command


Authority Congolese Branch

Congolese Branch


AFRI/4 "Central District"


Established in 1960, the Authority Congolese Branch was created in response to the withdrawal of the French and Belgian agencies of interest from their respective colonial states in the region, the Belgian Congo and French Congo. Prior Authority interactions with both states had been severely limited by each colonial nations' respective overlords, who expressed concerns about the Authority threatening their national interests in sub-Saharan Africa.

While the General Directorate of Abnormal Affairs quickly abandoned the region after the independence of the French Congo, the General Information and Security Service - Division X continued to defend colonial rule in the Belgian Congo. As a result of Belgian military intervention, a multisided civil war erupted in the new nation. It was not long before foreign occult agencies began backing factions in the conflict, such as PCAAO's support for the Kwilu and Simba sorcerer militias of the People's Republic of the Congo-Stanleyville.

In response to the Congo Crisis, the UNAAC issued a resolution calling for the withdrawal of Division X from the country, the transfer of its bases to the Authority, and the deployment of UNISAAF peacekeepers to assist in containment efforts. Subsequent military coups in the Republic of the Congo in 1963 and the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1965 provided regional stability for the Authority to repair and upgrade pre-existing site infrastructure in both countries.

The policy of 'Zairianisation' from the late-1960s and early-1970s led to deteriorating relations with the Sese Seko government, which now saw the Authority as an agent of Western imperialism. Attempts to dislodge Authority operatives from the country were largely unsuccessful due to the poor security situation within Zaire15 in which large pockets of the country lacked any effective government presence. While beneficial to the Authority, the lack of a central government also provided harbor for dangerous occult groups such as the AGLA16 and Guild of Nsaku.17

The outbreak of the First Congo War in 1996 and Second Republic of the Congo Civil War in 1997 saw large deployments of foreign African armies into both countries, and the use of anomalous mercenary groups such as those affiliated with Demonymless. A massive surge in the use of anomalous weapons of war against civilian targets triggered a second UNISAAF intervention during the Second Congo War in 1999, the largest authorized by the organization to-date. Despite the collapse of each nation's government, the Congolese branch was able to successfully avoid being dragged into the ongoing conflicts and defend its bases from multisided attacks.

The Congolese Branch remains the Authority's most cost-effective regional branch within AFRICOM through its successful administration of both the second-largest country in Africa and its neighbor combined through only a handful of sites. In many places, the Authority acts not just as the only stable employer in the region, but the only stable government. Many Congolese branch members express pride working for the Authority, describing their jobs as a source of light in the heart of darkness.


Site-105 Bas-Congo

Asia Command


Authority Chinese Branch

Chinese Branch


ASIA/3 "Sino-Himalayas"


Established in 1999, the current Authority "CN" Branch is recognized as the successor to the previous 1900 Authority Chinese Division, formed shortly after suppressing the Boxer Rebellion to replace the former "Demon Hunters"18 as the pre-eminent para-authority of China. The Chinese descent into unrest and wars thereafter left Authority's operation in East Asia stagnant for the following decades.

Faced with an evermore hostile China united under Communism, the national efforts of the PCAAO,19 Authority's hold in the country was slowly wrangled away and suffer heavy defeat during the Saitama-led20 "Operation Momotaro". In light of ASIACOM's failure to manage the Region, the Board of Directors intervened and the Chinese Division was abolished against the administration's wishes, giving way to a "Conflicted Chinese Zone" jointly operated by neighboring Authority branches.

Sino-Authority relations have since warmed up, allowing for the re-establishment of Authority presence in China under the 5th Authority-Committee Gulangyu Convention. As one of the largest Authority Branches, the Chinese Branch accounts for a disproportionally small influence both internationally and regionally, with most of its administrative efforts directed to the internal politicking between itself, the PCAAO, and the Chinese government.


Site-038 Hong Kong
Site-CN-005 Shanghai
Site-CN-006 Chengdu

See Associated Chinese Authority Community

Oceanic Command


Authority Malaysian Branch

Malaysian Branch


OCEA/3 "Philippines-Malaya"


Formed in 1964, the roots of the Malaysian Branch traced back to its precursor group the "Malayan Joint Response Committee". Operated by both the Authority and Military Intelligence Section XIII, the MJRC was created during the Malayan Emergency21 in response to purported anomalous involvement by the MNLA.22

Through the MJRC, the Authority is able to extend its reach into Sarawak and North Borneo. In particular, many from the Iban Tribes23 would be recruited into the Theistic Department, greatly aiding the Authority in understanding the local territory and the field of Animism.

By early 1960s, chronic financial issues forced the underfunded MI13 to withdraw their remaining presence from Malaysia, in turn, handing over full responsibility of the Malayan Joint Response Committee to the Authority. The MJRC continued to operate as a tentative proxy of the Authority until agreements were reached with the Malaysian government in 1964, authorizing the full-fledged formation of the RPC Malaysian Branch through the MJRC.

In the years of growing peace, the necessity of the Malaysian Branch would come into question by government officials, and the MY Branch continued to work under the resource constraints brought on by decreasing funding from Putrajaya and its military.


Authority Filipino Branch

Filipino Branch


OCEA/3 "Philippines-Malaya"


Following the discovery of the Philippine Isles, earlier considerations for an Auctoritas foothold in Southeast Asia was planned under the Loaísa expedition, in 1525. However, despite the aspirations of the echelons of the Auctoritas, many of the ships involved in the expedition disappeared or sank entirely. Forty-years later, in 1565, the Auctoritas established a foothold after the Spanish conquered and settled the Isles a year prior. Earlier Auctoritas expansions around the Isles were limited due to strong-opposition from the natives.

Between 1565 to 1578, the Spanish Order would hold most authority in Auctoritas operations as the Filipino Order was considered "too small to operate and weak" by their fellow occupiers. This was a period that many Filipinos would resent their neighboring order and started a nationalist movement to recognize an independent, autonomous Filipino Order. Attempts fell on deaf ears as the Spanish Branch feared that the Filipino Order would defect from the Auctoritas, which resulted in many Filipinos being apprehended and subsequently persecuted for their nationalistic beliefs.

When the Authority was formed in 1834, the Filipino Order unilaterally followed and integrated with the organization in hopes that they would expand as an fully-fledged autonomous branch without direct rule from the Spanish. This never materialized as the First Directorate struck an agreement with the Spanish Branch to maintain direct rule over the Philippine Isles. This agreement culminated in the Filipino Branch to support the Katipunan, a Filipino revolutionary society, in 1896 and defection from the Authority when the Philippine Revolution began in 1899.

Due to fears of an anomalous takeover in the Philippine Isles, the Authority, in-conjunction with the American government, sanctioned an operation against the revolutionaries. Ending in 1902, the Filipino Branch was disbanded as all Authority operations within the Philippine Isles was turned over to the American Branch temporarily. By 1948, the Filipino Branch was re-established and authorized with full-autonomous independence without direct branch rule.

Philippines-Authority relations remain supportive, although a few minor incidents have often caused relations to be strained or outright hostile. There were earlier attempts made by the Marcos Administration to root out Authority in the country, much like other anti-Authority countries around this period. For unknown reasons, these attempts never occurred.


Site-055 Corregidor Island

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