This document was originally created for private use within the Protection Division for miscellaneous operations, but it has now been declassified for general use. This is due to the fact that Amnestics have become much more widely used within the Authority and its various departments.
Amnestics are memory-affecting agents used by the Authority to control and suppress information. The most common is Class A which is used for basic memory erasing of individual people. Classes G, P, R and T Amnestics are specialty classes, used for specific purposes.
Class A |
Class A Amnestics are the primary, most basic form of Amnestics. It is administered through injection, pill or intranasal and causes an immediate and complete erasure of recent memory. The time-frame in which memories are erased depends on the relative dosage. There are three grades of Class A Amnestics. The exact dosage of each grade depends on the weight of the subject. Contact the Head of Research for the up-to-date Class A Dosage Index. | ||
Classification | Description | |
Class A-1 |
Class A-1 Amnestics cause complete loss of all memories formed in the previous 2 to 6 hours. This grade is very stable. Chance of unintended side-effects are virtually negligible, except in rare circumstances. | |
Class A-2 |
Class A-2 Amnestics cause complete loss of all memories formed in the previous 10 to 20 hours. Repeated use of Class A-2 can lead to mild paranoia, and in extreme cases, psychosis and schizophrenic behavior. | |
Class A-3 |
Class A-3 Amnestics are the least frequently used grade of Class A Amnestics. They cause complete loss of all memories formed in the previous 5 to 8 days. Class A-3 Amnestics are unreliable in their effectiveness, often failing to work. They frequently cause lasting trauma. Class A-3 Amnestics should only be used in certain cases. | |
Class A-X |
Any dosage greater than A-3 is referred to as grade A-X. Class A-X Amnestics are incredibly unstable, and for most intents and purposes as Amnestics, are useless. | |
Specialty Classes |
Classification | Description | |
Class G (Gaslighters) |
Class G Amnestics, also known as Gaslighters, are a previous iteration of Class A Amnestics, initially discarded as defunct. They were recently revitalized for use in specific cases. They cause permanent memory alteration. They can be administered as a gas, injection or through ingestion. Gaslighters consist of 2 subsets, grade 1 Gaslighters (G-1) and grade 2 Gaslighters (G-2), based on potency. | |
Class G-1 |
Grade 1 Gaslighters affect up to 3 days before use and cause mild memory alteration. For example, a subject may remember wearing a different color shirt the day prior. The subject may become conflicted when presented with evidence that their memory is false, or when another person or persons give a contradictory recount. Grade 1 Gaslighters often cause doubt for one's ability to recall recent events, and paranoia that one's acquaintances are deceiving them. These effects can be increased through repeated doses. | |
Class G-2 |
Grade 2 Gaslighters affect up to 3 months prior to use and cause moderate to extreme memory alteration. Subjects often experience major alterations to memories of significant experiences, or even completely fabricated memories of events that, in reality, never occurred. Subjects of grade 2 Gaslighters typically enter an extreme state of paranoia and delusion, in many cases becoming suicidal. Repeated doses of grade 2 Gaslighters have caused complete insanity in almost every tested case. | |
Class G-3 |
Grade 3 Gaslighters are low-dose, low-impact amnestics that are designed to be repeatedly administered by SRT (Specialized Reconditioning Treatment) personnel. G-3 amnestics are most effective when applied over the course of several days or weeks, depending on the extent of memory alteration desired. While technically capable of rewriting an entire lifetime of memory, given enough time, such a procedure would leave the victim highly unstable1 or potentially comatose, meaning G-3's are usually only utilized for a period between 2 months and a year. | |
It should be noted that Gaslighters only affect memories prior to use. They do not affect the memories formed from ongoing experiences in any way. | ||
Class P (Proactive Amnestics) |
Class P Amnestics consist of two components, the primary agent (P-1) and the secondary agent (P-2). First, the primary agent is injected into a subject and lays dormant until the secondary agent is injected, at which point the subject will suddenly lose all memories formed in the interval of time stretching from the moment of P-1 injection to the moment of P-2 injection. Proactive Amnestics can only be administered through injection. If a subject is not injected with the secondary agent before approximately 2 months after being injected with the primary agent, the primary agent will become unstable. At this point, it may activate on its own or become inert. |
Class R (Remote Amnestics) |
Class R Amnestics, also known as remote Amnestics, is the general term used to describe cognito-hazards and info-hazards that have been weaponized by the Authority for use in Amnesticizing persons without needing to make direct contact, or to Amnesticize large groups en masse. When applied multiple times to the same individual, remote Amnestics have a tendency to cause hallucinations, delusions and other adverse mental conditions. Because of this, use of Class R Amnestics on large groups of people is heavily restricted, requiring approval by the Global Directors. | |
Class T (Temporary Amnestics) |
Class T Amnestics cause memory loss in a similar fashion to Class A Amnestics, however, after a certain amount of time, all lost memories will begin to return to the subject over the course of several days. Class T Amnestics can only be administered through injection. Several variations of Class T Amnestics exist, each having a specific interval of memory loss and time before memory regaining. Specific variations should be used depending on the purpose of usage. |