A Summary of the Late History of the Auctoritas Imperata
1565 - 1834

J. Reynolds
The RPC Authority was originally formed a branch of the Catholic Church's Papal Inquisition known as the "Auctoritas Imperata". The Branch was created in 1456 with the intention of finding any means to subdue the Turkish incursion into the Balkans/Europe and retake Constantinople. Many within the Authority know this but have difficulty explaining how the identity of the Auctoritas Imperata grew away from the hands of the Catholic Church to become the international organization it is today. Even more members are unaware of how European colonialism initially enabled the Authority to become and thrive as an international organization. Recent statistics by The Department of Anthropology have found that of the ██████ Research Division members, only 34% are aware of how the Authority transitioned into a secular and independent institution.
With this said, the purpose of this document is to orientate researchers to the history that led up to the modern RPC Authority. This document will cover the Auctoritas Imperata's history after the attempted schism of said organization from the Catholic Church in 1565. This means that this document will not cover the creation of the Auctoritas Imperata and its actions as a part of the Inquisition, or its transition into a pseudo-military section of the Catholic Church.
The purpose of this document is to give a summarized series of events that would eventually lead to the end of the Auctoritas Imperata and the beginning of the RPC Authority. This document will highlight events either very influential or important for this discussion, in further depth than other events. This document is by no means comprehensive and will condense a large amount of information that still requires further analysis. It is advised that those with an interest in the subject of the RPC Authority's history refer to The Directorate for Historical and Pseudohistorical Studies (DHPS) for further information. In addition, some information remains classified for researchers with a clearance below level 3, in which case a separate copy is available for those with 3 and above. Finally, this document will mostly contain information not pertaining to the Auctoritas interacting with anomalies, only with the anomalous community and world powers in order to document the gradual changes that led Auctoritas Imperata to become the RPC Authority.
"Rebirth, Reforms, and Conquest" (1565 - 1621)
The beginning of the era of the Auctoritas Imperata came about amidst an anti-papacy movement within the Inquisitorial Order of the Catholic Church on January 10th, 1565. During this event, ████████████ ██████ incited several members of the church to abandon the pope as a leader of both the Auctoritas and the Catholic Church as a whole. This movement would quickly be extinguished by members of the Auctoritas Imperata still loyal to the church, and the last of the rebelling members would be arrested on September 4th, 1565. This was done by officer members of the Auctoritas Imperata enacting emergency use of multiple anomalous items and massacring many of the high-ranking officials of the Auctoritas who rebelled. This event served to members of the Catholic Church as a sign that the Auctoritas was failing as a section of the Inquisition with the pope playing no direct role in its operation. This trend would not change until the ascension of Pope Pius V1.
In the middle of the 16th century, many reforms were made by Pope Pius V to ensure that the Anti-Papacy sentiment would cease in the later period. Some of the more profound reforms included the complete restructuring of Auctoritas Imperata "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium"2, with high ranking members be exclusively Roman Catholic Philosophers3, establishing new members to the council,4 having House leaders be chosen by the council itself, and abolishing the position of Grand Master5 within the Authoritas Imperata now that the Popes would take direct control of all affairs. These reforms would be approved and slowly implemented from 1566 to 1569.
Finally, a more Catholic Auctoritas was standardized in order to avoid any insurrection, with a number of Catholic values being inserted within the Auctoritas' codes6, and members consider for future recruitment required to be devoutly Catholic.7 This change was made in response to how the Schism in the Auctoritas began, as a rejection of many of the Catholic values, and the creation of Protestantism by Martin Luther.
Following a number of actions of reform, the Auctoritas would then have its most defining change that would go on to characterize its image for the coming decades would change both the history of the world and the Auctoritas Imperata. On July 5th, 1585 the Auctoritas officially established its first base in North America Location, due to the contribution of the English branch of the Auctoritas in order to allow the establishment of the Auctoritas in the Northern New World. This action exposed the Auctoritas to a number of dangerous anomalies outside of Europe, especially the exposure of anomalies related to numerous native mythologies. This discovery prompted the realization that the Auctoritas "cannot defend God's children in the land of Europe alone."8
The development of the American Colonies caught the attention of Marcus Maniscalco, Head of the Order Constantini Electus Unus9, who proposed an edict, "The Edict of Global Protection", to contract enterprises, kingdoms, and other related organizations to allow them to establish new bases of operations around the world for the purposes "securing the unnatural, holy and unholy". The edict saw a unanimous decision, and from 1588 onwards the Auctoritas would establish themselves in a number of areas across the world. However, this edict also brought about a number of difficulties with the Colonial residences of these areas.
One notable instance occurred in Japan on February 5th, 1597, when Japanese officials and Samurais raided Auctoritas facilities and churches in Nagasaki, killing members of the church and Auctoritas. On February 15th, a letter arrived from Japan's Shogun, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, stating many grievances that the Shogunate and Imperial authority had with Catholicism and especially the Auctoritas Imperata. Negotiations with the Japanese Shogunate would continue for several years until June of 1614, when the Shogun sent the following statement to De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium:
The Auctoritas Imperata is hereby barred from conducting any activity within Japan and all members of said organization are to remain outside the border of our Nation. We will also have no part in your religion. Furthermore, the Japanese Shogunate will take possession of all anomalies originating from Japan itself. There is no longer any room for negotiations on this matter.
-Tokugawa Hidetada, June 17, 1614 (Translated to English by Dr. Lewis Harper)
Despite this event and other similar events, the Auctoritas continued to expand and develop different branches throughout the centuries within areas such as South America, West Indies, Africa, South Asia, South East Asia, and parts of East Asia.
Following the implementation of The Edict of Global Protection, many members of the Auctoritas had begun to feel unsure of their position within Europe now that they had begun to expand outward towards the rest of the world. Many believed with their efforts now being placed worldwide that their influence and safety in their continent of Europe could slowly be compromised. Due to this, on September 19th, 1611 Marcus Maniscalco proposed "The Edict of Eternal Sovereignty" which mandated the elimination of any and all anomalous communities within Europe that were not sanctioned by any European government or by the Auctoritas itself.10 Said edict came as the Catholic Church both feared competition from smaller organizations and the possible weaponization of anomalies against the church. The edict would pass on November 23rd, 1612 with 42 votes out of the 61 by De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium, along with approval by Pope Paul V11. The edict was then ratified on December 2nd, 1612, followed by the elimination of many headquarters of smaller anomalous organizations. The members of these organizations were charged with treason, murder, rape, and Witchcraft. These organizations included ██████████████, ██████████████████, ████████████████████████, Children of Nihil, ██████████, and ██████████. This act would overall make the Auctoritas hated by the general anomalous community but strengthened its claim as the defining anomalous agency in Europe. Despite the edict, some unsanctioned anomalous organizations remained in Europe, however, they were unable to obtain any semblance of power or influence after the edict commanded their destruction.

Fig. 1.1 Copy of restoration sketch provided from the front-matter section of "Harpocrationis Lexicon in Imperata Auctoritas" 25th Edition (circa. 1630).12
On June 13th, 1614, in a joint commission between the orders Milites Christi, Constantini Electus Unus, and Angeli Plagam Eden13, a new Emblem was presented to The Council. This emblem was presented to the council in order to replace the old icon "Imperata Puritate sua, et Sigil", which saw discontinuation on January 7th, 1566 during Pope Pius V's reforms. The image, as seen in figure 1.1, depicts an Angel holding what we now call a Tesseract with the Chi Rho in the background. According to records held by the artist Iginio De Matteo, each individual part of the emblem holds significance in the recent history of the Auctoritas. The Chi Rho, known for its relation to Jesus Christ, was depicted there to represent the now closer connection the Auctoritas has to the Pope and thus God, Jesus Christ, himself. The Angel is meant to represent the Archangel Michael and is symbolic of the Auctoritas' efforts to go beyond their normal grasp to search for anomalies and fight off the unholy. Finally, the Tesseract, or as called in the description "incognita", is meant to represent the unknown and terrifying anomalies now found by the Auctoritas' efforts outside of Europe. In addition, this symbolizes the discovery of ████████████████. The emblem was given the name "Patientia Praebet Scientia Dei" or "Provides Knowledge of Patience" meant to both ironically symbolize the lack of an emblem for 49 years, and the slow change that came to Auctoritas over many years and Popes. The emblem was voted to be the official emblem of the Auctoritas Imperata on June 18th, 1614, with 53 votes out of 62 and the official approval of Pope Paul V. The Auctoritas would from then on used this emblem in private documentation and present it during official ceremonies and inner facilities of the Auctoritas Imperata.14
The final major reform of the era was presented on September 19th, 1616 by Marcus Maniscalco. The edict presented, referred to as "The Solidarity of the Men of God", outlined that 4 new positions are to be made for The High Council of the Auctoritas. These 4 positions would represent members of the 4 different aspects of the Auctoritas Imperata. These positions were referred to as The Scholar, The Commander, The Architect, and The Papacy. The first 3 positions would be filled by members who best represent a field of work in the Auctoritas, while the last would be dedicated solely to the Pope himself to represent all religious acts in the Auctoritas. This edict served two purposes: (1) To allow the Pope to have a more defined power in leading the religious aspect of the Auctoritas, or to give him more power in general, and (2) to prevent any infighting between the higher echelons of the Auctoritas Imperata and The High Council of the Auctoritas. At this point, many of the reforms that would make up this era had been made, and following this period would begin a time of corruption, expansion, and inhumane acts towards members of the Auctoritas.
"Concerning Marcus Maniscalo"
As presented, Marcus Maniscalco was very influential in the reforms of Auctoritas Imperata during this age, but his perception by not only members of the Auctoritas but also the anomalous community as a whole was extremely poor. Joining the Auctoritas in 1579, at the age of 25, Marcus sought to be recognized not only for his devotion to God but also his efforts to effectively deal with the anomalous. This attitude was likely influenced by his father, Amedeo Publio Maniscalco, who was originally within the Auctoritas under the Pro-papacy movement during ████████████████. Marcus' behavior has been documented in a number of personal journals by members of the Auctoritas. Said journals paint a picture of a man generally well-respected by higher authorities, somewhat tolerated by subordinates, and maligned by those of the same status as him. This pattern of said appearance likely influenced him to be placed as the head of "Constantini Electus Unus". In only 6 years of joining the Auctoritas his character and means of completing these reforms were hated by many of his colleagues.

Fig. 1.2 Portrait of Marcus Maniscalco, 2 years prior to joining the Auctoritas Imperata. (circa. 1577)
During the development of an Auctoritas branch in the American colonies, Marcus Maniscalco took a role in assisting with the leadership of creating bases of operations. Samuel Chapman, head of Homines ex Divina Iustitia who was leading the development in the 13 colonies complained heavily that his men saw a great amount of work and inability to effectively hunt for anomalies because of his uncompromising behavior in using "Holy means" to contain anomalies. Another instance of his character being hated but his reforms loved came during the extermination of anomalous organizations not sanctioned or part of the Auctoritas. Many in the Auctoritas, in general, complained that his strategies led to many unnecessary deaths due to an abundant amount of baseless executions, and took longer than expected due to Marcus wanting all to be tried for a heresy despite some being devout Catholics. This resulted in several lengthy judicial processes which wasted the time of many Auctoritas Imperata members. These instances and many others made him maligned, and while being an amazing reformist and planner, he was poor at judging general human ability.
On July 12th, 1618, members of the orders Deus Oculi, Studere Domini, Milites Christis, and subordinates of Constantini Electus Unus began plans for the assassination of Marcus Maniscalco. Their reason, cited by personal journals and complaints to the Council, range from him being a poor leader of his order to being responsible for a growing decline in the Auctoritas. On February 2nd, 1619, Marcus Maniscalco was assassinated in his studies, dying at the age of 54 and all conspirators were arrested on the same day and executed 4 days later. On June 10th, 1620, he was recognized by Pope Paul V as a Saint of the Catholic church for revolutionizing the Auctoritas Imperata into the international body it had become. Marcus Maniscalco was later removed as a Saint on March 17th, 1621 by Pope Gregory XV15, having all documents commemorating or acknowledging his sainthood burnt, with only a few journals remaining to record the event.16
"Corruption of the Holy Order" (1621 - 1725)
Following the initial reforms spearheaded by Pope Pius V (and the death of Marcus Maniscalco), acts of human rights violations and corruption by the inner circle of The High Council of the Auctoritas would begin to become more prevalent. In addition, reasons for the Auctoritas Imperata to separate from the Church and by extent the papacy would begin to intensify from the period of 1665 to 1792. For the sake of brevity within this document, only the highlights of this period will be presented in this section.
One of the defining concepts of this period as being the most corrupt age of the Auctoritas Imperata came on July 15th, 1655 when Sonny Chapman proposed, "The Edict of The Sovereign State's Anomalies". The document instated a number of new reforms to the Auctoritas Imperata's administration, which included the following:
- All anomalies found within a country and or region shall be contained in the said area unless outstanding containment procedures are required.
- Each order of the Auctoritas Imperata will be assigned and be responsible for a region assigned by the council itself.
- Powerful members of said regions such as heads of churches, noblemen, influential merchants, and Royalty, are to be informed of the Auctoritas and the anomalies in their possession.
- Orders of the Auctoritas Imperata will be allowed access to the local military when necessary.
The Edict would be approved on July 23rd, 1665, and would pass with 78 votes out of 90. The purpose of the edict, presented to the council, was that "The Auctoritas Imperata can no longer survey multiple nations throughout the world with a number of orders designated with different doctrines… It is best that the orders of the Auctoritas Imperata be responsible for a specific area and their anomalies to maintain order." With this being said, there was much reason to believe that "The Edict of The Sovereign State's Anomalies" was not approved in the council with the best intentions.

Fig. 1.3 Portrait of Sonny Chapman (circa. 1657)
Sonny Chapman, according to confiscated journals and legal transactions had connections with the ████████████████████ trading company and a number of English nobles who had connections to Charles II. Each of the said individuals had sent letters commissioning him to allow the nobles of England to obtain more power in the Auctoritas Imperata, despite the refusal of the state to conform to Catholicism. These letters were all dated before July 23rd, and according to some records face to face meetings occurred with these contacts. Chapman was not alone in this matter either as evidence indicates that 37 council members were confirmed to have been in contact with influential figures of their origin nation and were requested to provide more power to the said nation through this act.
With the transition of a new Pope, Pope Clement IX, an amendment to "The Edict of The Sovereign State's Anomalies" was suggested on September 12th, 1667 by Erhart Von Honigsmann, which gave influential figures such as nobles, royalty, politicians in high positions, and wealthy owners of many enterprises access to nationally kept anomalies by the Auctoritas Imperata. The amendment would allow the use of said anomalies, but only for "situations that necessitate its use." The amendment, however, did not include a process on how to enforce accountability for unsanctioned use of anomalies. This amendment was brought to the council to "ensure the continued prosperity and loyalty of countries that recognize the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Much like the edict's approval, Erhart Von Honigsmann had many connections with the upper-class Germans, and many of the members that would go to approve the amendment were had connections with their respective national upper-class. The amendment won approval with 73 votes out of 90 and would be implemented on October 3rd, 1667.
It is theorized that this amendment was only made following the death of Pope Alexander VII17 because he would not have approved of anomalies use outside of members of the Auctoritas Imperata. Some evidence indicates that Pope Alexander VII was assassinated by members of the council, but this remains inconclusive. Interestingly, while the corrupt acts of allowing influential members of society access to anomalies were looked down upon as breaking strictly set doctrines of the past, it improved the Authoritas relation with non-Catholic lands such as England and Russia. This came off as a means to keep some semblance of authority in the power of Catholicism by ensuring that any influential figures that do hate Catholicism would not push out the Auctoritas Imperata.
Yet another reform that would define the Auctoritas Imperata came when following both the deposition of King James II of England, and the follow-up Bill of Rights of England being written, there began growing concerns in the Papacy that Catholicism within the Auctoritas itself would be undermined by non-Catholic members. While it was the rule that all high-ranking members of the Auctoritas must be Catholic, the same sentiment did not fall to lower members. The scholarly sector of the Auctoritas had long hired non-Catholic members to dispense information on anomalies not yet known. The architects would often use new techniques and architecture that at times can be described as "oriental". Finally, under the Auctoritas' knight, guards, and scholars non-Catholic members would be inducted in order to satisfy low guard numbers and make use of local regional knowledge.

Fig. 1.4 Skeletal remains of victims during the mass execution of ████████████████ as a result of "The Edict of Papal Protection" (circa. 1921)
On September 15th, 1690, "The Edict of Papal Protection" was presented to the council, which mandated that among many laws that all members of the Auctoritas Imperata, regardless of their position, must be part of the Catholic faith. The edict was approved on October 12th, 1690, and saw implementation on all Auctoritas branches around the world. This implementation would become extremely controversial and demonstrate an abundance of corrupt actions. Europe predominantly saw little issue, with most Protestant and Orthodox members being stripped of rank and asked to leave. Their payment for services was still given with little incident. Muslim members, however, were not given payment for their services. In addition, members of non-Abrahamic religions would face worse treatment than even Muslim members, with many being killed by members of the Auctoritas, with the justification given that they may expose held information if allowed to live. This tactic would be used in areas such as the American colonies, African colonies, Indonesian colonies, etc. Sources differ on the number of executions, but deaths range from 1,000 to a more extreme 5,000 deaths.
In addition to the Auctoritas using this edict to dispose of many of the indigenous members of Auctoritas colonies, the edict was also used to dismiss any members of the Auctoritas Imperata who sought to quell corruption. Within "The Edict of Papal Protection", appears a clause that allows any member of the Auctoritas to be investigated if they should demonstrate "non/anti-Catholic behavior". Because of the broad diction used within the edict, this meant that anyone could be investigated, and should any vagueness of evidence come into fruition, the person could be forced out of the Auctoritas Imperata. Many individuals attempting to quell the corruption were simply dismissed, due to this.
On June 3rd, 1719, following the full implementation of "The Edict of Papal Protection" and the abuses of power with the said edict, many within the scholarly Auctoritas Imperata sector began to demonstrate their grievance when in ████████████, Italy a protest occurred within a local Auctoritas research building. Among many issues, the scholars presented their grievances at the recent dismissal of Gerard Ruiz caused by unfounded accusations of anti-Catholic behavior. Many of the protestors also argued for reforms for conducting research, the repeal of "The Edict of Papal Protection"18, and for the reintroduction of those who still fall under the worship of Jesus Christ even if not Catholic. The Archbishop of the region, ██████ ████, refused to even send their demands to the Papacy and instead called on Monaldo Pennacchio, the Head of Constantini Electus Unus at this time. On the 4th day of the protest, Pennacchio's men opened fire on the protestors using muskets, killing 7 and injuring 14. Following the firing squad, the protest and other similar protests occurring in Italy, England, and Germany would cease. On June 15th, 1719 "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" would deliver a message to all Auctoritas facilities stating that any dissent would be seen as dissent against God himself.
From this point onward, the Auctoritas would begin to see its fall. This fall would not only come in effect due to the rise of The Enlightenment but also due to the mismanagement that would transpire from the head of the Auctoritas and the disgruntled members that would continue to grow in each passing decade.
"Resistence and Acceptance of the New Era" (1725 - 1834)
The Auctoritas Imperata would begin to see a decline in morale and identity with the transition to the mid-18th century. One of the key issues during this moment was the increased displays of rebellion that began to grow within the Auctoritas, with protests, sabotage, and splinter cells becoming prominent within this century. For the purposes of remaining brief, these events will not be discussed within this summarized document as all resulted of these movements were ineffectual. Many of these splinters, such as the "The Society of the Occult", were destroyed within 2 years. Instead, this portion will be dedicated to the Enlightenment's overall change in Auctoritas culture.
While the previous portion of this section notes a movement within the Papacy to stamp the rise of the Enlightenment, not all sections of the Auctoritas would be resistant to said ideas. England, The American Colonies, France, and South Asia would house orders that would become open to Enlightenment concepts and from these would seek to construct a more liberal system of power and begin to make use of research excluding religious ideology. While this was already a trend during the 17th century, it would begin to grow extensively within this period.
From 1735 to 1762, 22 revolts would occur within the Auctoritas Imperata, with a record for the highest amount of revolts occurring in a year falling on 1755. The total amount of revolts within the said year was 7, demonstrating that the Auctoritas had come to an age where its system of power did not fit in a setting with its largest contributors being intellectuals who had begun to read philosophical works such as those from Voltaire and harken back the ideas of Sir Francis Bacon. In one instance on May 12, 1755, a revolt had occurred in a research facility on ████████████, a semi-remote island within the Mediterranean. The revolters advocated for a system that does not include a Catholic bias for research and a system for the council that allows only the best members to be chosen on merit rather than a recommendation. They insisted that the demands be met, or the researchers would hold the facility as a separate entity to the Papacy. This was followed by the council's decision to execute all revolters 12 days later, to the contrary of Pope Benedict XIV's decision to negotiate further. Within time, many disgruntled members within the Auctoritas would see this decision as the defining moment in which it became clear that the original goal of the council, to allow the Papacy more of a say, had been broken.

Fig. 1.5 Portrait of Fredrick Davis, following his retirement from the RPC Authority as "The Scholar". (circa. 1854)
The revolts would be seen as just a small event, however, as the Auctoritas had spent much time negotiating with multiple countries during the "Seven Year War". The Auctoritas at this point was spread thin due to religious bias and desired plan to remain neutral on allied country affairs, as the war included Protestant and Catholic countries that it had allied with for the sake of gathering anomalies. While trying to appeal to the countries was the optimal strategy for many leaders of the Auctoritas, it had proved futile during this time. Remaining a neutral party with religious ties and corrupt members became increasingly difficult. On the one hand, the Auctoritas wanted to make a number of agreements in order to remain in good relations with countries both Catholic and not, but on the other, these agreements meant disregarding prior negotiations. This left the Auctoritas to spend most of its time negotiating between countries, from 1756 to 1765. This event would lead to the Auctoritas seeing more difficulty in maintaining relationships and completing half measures, the ramifications of this led to war within the American Colonies.
From April 19th, 1775 to September 3rd, 1783, the Auctoritas Imperata chose to support the English in research and anomaly-use authorization during the American Revolutionary War, against the wishes of the French branch of the Auctoritas Imperata, Milites Christi. This decision would leave the Auctoritas Imperata in an unfortunate situation in anomalous affairs, as not only did the council neglect the request for the Auctoritas Imperata to remain outside of the war, the war had left a predicament in which they could lose colonial, now the United States', facilities. The Auctoritas Imperata would negotiate the state of the facilities from February 4th, 1788 to January 14th, 1789 where the diplomats of the United States would agree to allow the Auctoritas to retain their facilities and would remain in contact within the United States. This state of affairs, however, would prove to be near-fatal as this event had given many within the Auctoritas time to think over the organization's actions.
On June 9th, 1793 during the French Revolution, Milites Christi announced independence from the Auctoritas Imperata and declared themselves to align with the Revolution's next form of government. This left Auctoritas in a situation in which they could not take action without arousing suspicion and becoming public knowledge, so the Auctoritas Imperata did not oppose this declaration. This decision would cause an uproar in many members of the Auctoritas, with many resigning en masse for the inaction that "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" chose to take. An estimated 28% of the Auctoritas Imperata resigned from the organization citing this event. The Auctoritas Imperata also saw it difficult to maintain "The Edict of Eternal Sovereignty", though it was not as effective as projected prior to this event, and thus led to many unsanctioned anomalous organizations to flourish. Overall, this series of events made many influential figures lose confidence in the Auctoritas' ability to maintain their main function, the containment, and research of anomalies.
There are many more events that would bring the Auctoritas into a worse state, however, a large portion of the remaining history of the Auctoritas Imperata is left unknown. From January 1798 to February 1816, all official documents and articles of, or relating to the Auctoritas Imperata and "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" are unaccounted for. Little is known as to what happened during this time period, and the information found from personal records of personnel at this time give little to no information of the time during the Napoleonic Wars. The reason for the missing documentation is as sparse as the timeframe itself. Theories range from a purge of information by the Auctoritas Imperata, to a purge by the early RPC Authority, and to an event in which another organization may have destroyed or taken said documents themselves. Research into both why the documents' status is unknown, and what their true status remains ongoing.

Fig. 1.6 Portrait of Tilman Feuerwerker, during the 5th year acting under the position of "The Commander". (circa. 1839)
Regardless of what may have occurred in this time period, following the Napoleonic war there grew a great discomfort around both the Scholarly sector of the Auctoritas and the Military sector. The scholars at this time had grown disgruntled at the state of affairs of the Auctoritas Imperata for their lack of ability to reform for the sake of research, and their inability to maintain facilities across the world. This sentiment was not lost on several ranking leading Auctoritas members such as Friar Frederick Davis. The military sector of the Auctoritas grew disgruntled due to the massive decrease in their wages and the mandate to deal with unsanctioned anomalous organizations with inefficient resources. This sentiment was also not lost on the high-ranking officer and tactician Tilman Feuerwerker. For this reason on May 10th, 1829, both representatives had convened to devise a plan to guarantee the Auctoritas Imperata's independence from the Catholic Church. Both parties saw that acting within a religious body had limited them in what they were capable of doing for many decades. Both had known when it comes to the advancement of humanities in the past century, in terms of hierarchical systems, areas of research, military equipment, and method of containment, the Auctoritas had begun to fall behind.
The plan devised by the two involved the use of their position to connect with most high-ranking members of the Auctoritas across the world and join in a nationwide strike and demand that the Auctoritas Imperata no longer be associated with the Roman Catholic Church. The plan would require years of travel, agreements with most if not all high-ranking members of the Auctoritas Imperata. Frederick, under their Auctoritas alias "The Scholar" and with the help of Tilman (also under the alias of "The Commander"), would seek the participation of "The Architect", Sergio Sanhueza. Often viewed as the most conservative member of "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium," his participation was assumed to possibly be the most difficult.
Despite their assumptions, however, Sergio was willing to assist in the conspiracy with little persuasion needed: He himself had issues pertaining to the church, such as mandating the use of rituals for the containment protocols even though many can be categorized as non-catholic and in the past was used in order to set up members of engineers. Dubbed "The Architect" within the cabal, Sanhueza was cited as seeing this as "a blatant hypocritical action which speaks to the inability for the papacy to truly follow in the mandate by God." Thus on June 3rd, 1829, the three would set off with the plan in motion and would begin to convince all commanding officers to prepare a worldwide strike and the preparations for an autonomous Auctoritas.

Fig. 1.7 Portrait of Sergio Sanheuza, Prior to the reformation of the Auctoritas to the RPC Authority. (circa. 1829)
Following each of the conspirators making the necessary connections to set the plan in motion, all head conspirators would reconvene in ██████████ France, on November 19th, 1833. On November 29th, of the same year, the strike and preparations began as many researchers across the world refused to be productive, guards and militants refused to arrive at facilities unless they required vigilant bodies for certain anomalies, and engineers refused to permit access to anomalies. Members of the papacy all grew into outrage and demanded the heads of orders from "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" to counteract this movement, however, most of the soldiers that would have been called had either aligned with the strike or had numbers so low that there was little they could do to control the situation.
On December 3rd, 1833 Pope Gregory XVI, Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari, demanded that "The Scholar" "The Commander" and "The Architect" be executed for their crimes against the Papal order. In addition, many head of orders within "De Superiore Auctoritate Concilium" would begin to align themselves with the anti-papacy movement and renounce ties to the Church. Unlike the prior conflict of pro-papacy and anti-papacy movements, the anti-papacy movement had a growing amount of leverage and larger numbers than the pro-papacy movement. For this reason, many influential figures who had begun to lose faith in the Auctoritas Imperata took an interest in those who began to call for independence from the Catholic Church. On January 3rd, 1834, "The Scholar", "The Commander", and "The Architect" would be invited to the 8th French National Exhibition to begin the process of creating a new organization. It had become clear to the conspirators that there was little to no opposition to the change at this point, and that they controlled nearly every facility under the Auctoritas Imperata. This fact would also demonstrate that the movement would no longer require direct permission from the Pope to secede. This being said, a sizable amount of Papacy loyal members did maintain their posts and actions, eventually allowing the Papacy to found what would later become AEP.
Finally, on May 12th, 1834 Frederick Davis, Tilman Feuerwerker, Sergio Sanhueza, and many others would draft the "Authority Agreement", establishing the building blocks to the modern-day RPC Authority. The Pope would oppose this meeting upon hearing of this event, but there was little the Pope's men could do; not being able to access France as freely as they did in the past. High-ranking members of the Auctoritas from all across the world be invited to not only debate on the system of the new Authority but also devise a plan for all members to integrate. For 4 days they devised the 3 divisions of the Authority: Research, Protection, and Containment, to operate different sections of the Authority in a divisive way to prevent overlap.19 The Global Directorate was also established, to have high members of the Authority be elected for the sake of preventing corruption. Many other aspects would make up the modern RPC Authority. On May 20th, 1834 the Agreement was ratified; thus creating the secular international anomalous containment organization known as the RPC Authority. Pope Pius IX20 would acknowledge the RPC Authority and sign the Authority Agreement on June 20th, 1846, thus officially making the RPC Authority a separate entity to the church in every aspect.
I, as well as many others, hope that this document has been enlightening to many members of the Research Division as to the origins of the RPC Authority. This document is one of a series of documents relating to the History of the Auctoritas Imperata and the RPC Authority. As stated at the beginning of this document, it is the intention of the History Department of the RPC Authority to better educate all researchers in our organization in order to understand how the organization we have come to know came about. As some of you who have read this document know, a large amount of the finer details of The Late Auctoritas Imperata are lacking or vague. It is with this in mind that many of us of the History Department of The Office of Analysis and Science advise that researchers further study the History of the RPC Authority for their sake. Whether if be for suggesting reforms, researching anomalies with extensive history, or generally remaining knowledgable in the identity of the Authority as a whole. The history of the Authority can be further researched at The Directorate for Historical and Pseudohistorical Studies (DHPS).