User authentication passed: Welcome, Officer.
Reminder of Security Confidentiality: RPC-486's security and disciplinary records must be kept private and confidential. Making jokes or commenting on the contents of this file, however amusing they may be, will be treated as a breach of security vulnerabilities, doubly-so if a disguised/nearby RPC-486 eavesdrops and learns of the data-recording methods placed on it and human(s) it has shown an interest in.
Registered Phenomena Code: | 486 |
Birth name: | Mishio-No-Sae |
Birth date: | Unknown, estimated late Edo (early 1800s) |
Country of origin: | Japan |
Security Clearance Level: | Stolen Nil |
Site Occupation: | Nuisance Nil, occasionally detects deviant personnel |
Primary Oldham Personality Type: | Antisocial |
RPC-486 has quickly established itself as a regular nuisance (particularly for one Senior Researcher); It has shown itself capable of causing great site havoc and has proven itself talented at adapting its tactics towards infiltrating Site-089. However, 486 is unlikely to do anything dangerous, given our hold and containment over its sister: RPC-886. As long as no one makes any serious attempts to attack and/or injure it, it is unlikely to do anything drastic and merely sticks to glares and petty insults.
For its merits: 486 has at least demonstrated some use by detecting and rooting out a few rogue personnel - if not for our benefit, for 886's. Plus, its frequent infiltration attempts have caused us to find many flaws in site security and infrastructure that we have addressed. Finally, it should be said that those who have absolutely no qualms with, or even take the time to treat 486 amicably (such as the Janitorial department) are completely spared from any ensuing mischief.
We believe that while 486 is highly reluctant to admit to anything in favour of the Authority, there is a palpable sense of relief and gratitude that its sister is being well taken care of. Its stubborn and rebellious nature nevertheless compels it to frequently break in to visit and badger its long-refusing sister to leave.
Nobihiro Hiroji
Head of Site Security
(INACTIVE) Containment attempts
Notice: As of 07/01/202█, all coordinated capture operations have been archived as outdated data. No further capture attempts are to be approved.
Operation: "Mousetrap"
Note: This was the very first containment attempt of RPC-486. Sr. Rsc. Junichiro's escalations follow after.
Assets employed: 1 portable containment chamber disguised as an interview room
Procedure: RPC-486 was allowed to enter Site-089 unmolested, reaching RPC-886 in a second cross-interaction which led to a highly emotional reunion (recording logged in RPC-886's psychiatric files under Cross-interaction Log 2; therapist credentials required). Having finished said reunion with RPC-886, an emotionally vulnerable RPC-486 would then be lured into the containment chamber under the guise of a standard interview.
During the interview, RPC-486 would be offered high-quality cakes, treats and foods while being persuaded of the merits of moving into Site-089 and staying with its sibling full-time. It would also be educated on all the care and treatment that RPC-886 has been given until now.
Execution: 10 minutes into the interview, the interviewer leaves the cell citing a need to use the toilet. The interviewer is instead observed heading for the exit. Actual interviewer is found tied semi-naked, bound and gagged with his own shirt, belt and pants. All treats and foods are found to be missing along with interviewer's labcoat. It is believed that RPC-486 repurposed the labcoat as a makeshift carrying pouch.
Notes: If everyone clearly knew who that was walking out the site, why did nobody stop it from leaving!? - S.R. Junichiro
Operation: "Foxhunt"
Assets employed: The entirety of the Canine Security Unit
Procedure: The goal of this operation was to exploit the cynophobia innate to RPC-886 and RPC-486's species. The latter would be actively pursued and hounded by security personnel and CSU working in tandem, chased down chokepoints as the number of personnel and CSUs tailing RPC-486 grows, leaving RPC-486 with no recourse but to enter a containment cell to escape its pursuers.
Execution: Moments within entering site grounds RPC-486 begins adopting a cautious movement pattern, noticing the increase in CSU strategically positioned along hallways and corridors.
While the initial herding and pursuit phase occurs as planned, RPC-486 abruptly stops mid-pursuit and begins actively taunting the CSU with a mixture of dialogue and barking. What can be inferred from the dialogue involves a variety of topics ranging from the lack of female dogs and the CSUs' distorted pack hierarchy, down to their appearance, favoritism as well as implied sexual relationships with their human handlers.
Despite the unusual nature of the hybrid language employed the CSU appear to understand her message, turning hostile and becoming uncooperative to handler commands. Several CSU begin assaulting each other as other CSUs attempt to pursue and attack RPC-486 of their own accord, forcibly dragging their handlers forward while ignoring orders to stop. As the scene escalates into a fight RPC-486 was observed to join the brawl and fight/insult/throw various items towards CSU and personnel, later escaping during the melee.
Notes: RPC-486 appears to possess sufficient mental willpower to override its innate cynophobia once sufficiently provoked, with said phobia diminishing with repeated usage of CSUs.
Handlers and CSUs treated and stitched as necessary for dog bite puncture injuries accrued during the melee. CSU scheduled for disciplining and re-training. Attempts to replicate RPC-486's ability to converse with CSUs so far remain unsuccessful.
Now the handlers are trying to talk to the dogs the same way RPC-486 did. All they've gotten so far are confused stares. Furthermore, I have to set the record straight: Absolutely nobody in canine security performs [EXPLETIVE] with the dogs, which is a severe conduct violation in and of itself. - H.S. Nobohiro
Operation: "The Glove Comes Off"
Assets employed: A selected group of CSD-class personnel, a selected squad of ASF personnel, a few select CSU personnel who have not displayed aggression towards each other, supposedly re-trained into ignoring RPC-486's taunts. Dependent upon their performance and their past backgrounds, CSD-class personnel have been offered a range of amnesty-related rewards from reductions in their service durations up to immediate pardons should they succeed in the capture of RPC-486.
Procedure: Site placed on silent lockdown while RPC-486 is in the dining hall with RPC-886. CSD, backed by ASF, are to enter the hall as the doors are barricaded, actively engage and capture RPC-486 with the supplied animal capture tools. In event that RPC-486 manages to escape the barricaded cafeteria, CSUs are to be unleashed to pursue and capture RPC-486.
Execution: Initial success, RPC-486 contained after being successfully startled and chased into a cage. However, it appears that RPC-486 substituted its presence with cooked food to mask its temperature and avoid capture. 20 minutes of searching the entire kitchens and cafeteria was interrupted by the revelation that RPC-486 was briefly sighted within the janitorial section before impersonating personnel, successfully fleeing Site-089 while breaking an assortment of manual and electronic locks.
Notes: Locks underwent inspections and replacements. The only uncovered exit was the rubbish chute, which RPC-486 had presumably taken care to close and conceal its use of. Planning team admonished for not considering that avenue of escape.
All that preparation, wasted by one careless mistake? - H.S. Nobohiro
Operation: "No More Mr. Nice RPCA"
Assets employed: Triple the amount of CSD-class, CSU personnel, 95% of the security team (To the protests of Head of Security Nobihiro Hiroji), all non-lethal security and capture assets.
Procedure: Same as above, but with all ASF personnel visiting RPC-886 for beneficial effects first. While cooperating, RPC-886 still voices concern in warning that the operation will end in disaster. Concerns noted and dismissed by Junichiro. All vents placed on lockdown and secured. All 886-affected personnel armed with an array of animal capture devices, stun grenades, net launchers, sedative bombs and so on, with RPC-886's protective properties to nullify potentially chances of spontaneous defects induced by RPC-486.
Execution: The operation proceeds as planned, with the completion of Phase 1 involving the absolute surrounding and entrapment of RPC-486. During this, RPC-486 is observed calmly assessing the CSUs, ASF, CSDs and more that had surrounded it. It then rolls up its sleeves, muttering:
"If you're not holding anything back, neither am I".
Despite being surrounded on all sides, Phase 2 failed due to [DATA REDACTED] which returned restored access of ventilation and maintenance shafts, allowing RPC-486 to [DATA REDACTED] is believed that RPC-486 might possess an intuitive understanding of RPC-886's effects, allowing it to partially bypass them and [DATA REDACTED] an estimated 26% of capture personnel becoming nauseated/blinded/deafened/sedated, and [DATA REDACTED] with only the Janitor's office spared from the flooding, several containers of soap added into the sprinkler reserves causing [DATA REDACTED] fall injury statistics increasing by 587% during the Operation, and [DATA REDACTED] officers slipped and collided into the security scanners, their yelling accepted by the voice recognition software to authorize [DATA REDACTED] now with the entire CSD-class population of Site-089 fully released and either attempting to flee and/or contribute to the mayhem and fall injury statistics, with ASF now forced to decide between pursuing RPC-486 or detaining escaping CSD-class, [DATA REDACTED].
Nobihiro calls off all security personnel from pursuit to restore order while Junichiro refuses to halt the Operation, claiming imminent success before [DATA REDACTED]. Disruptions persist for two days with a complete cessation of standard work activities, necessitating an emergency transmission to Site-███ for relief aid and personnel.
RPC-886 is observed to be quietly stirring a pot in site cafeteria amidst the disruptions, muttering to itself about having warned of this outcome.
Disruptions estimated to have set site operations back by ¥██M. Sr. Rsc. Junichiro is finally found, having being trapped in a standard humanoid containment cell. Once verified not to be an impersonation before being released, he was ordered to personally pay ██.█% of it.
Notes: Senior Researcher Junichiro's orders for the capture and containment of RPC-486 are to cease completely in favour of expelling RPC-486 out of Site-089, effective immediately. Security personnel are to resume their previous tried-and-tested methods that have been established to reliably repel RPC-486, no matter how silly or comical it appears to be. If it works, it works. - Site Director Hiroi Genichi
Major/Noteworthy incidents
During its 23rd infiltration attempt into Site-089, RPC-486 exited a ventilation crawlspace and fell into Senior Researcher Junichiro's office. While it did not successfully reach RPC-886 from here, RPC-486 spent an undisclosed amount of time rummaging through Junichiro's office and reducing it to an untidy state. It then notices his microphone and uses it to address the entire research wing under an openly parodized voice of the Senior Researcher.
[ Sounds of fumbling with the microphone, followed by throat-clearing ]
"Junichiro": To my lowly slaves of the Research Department who toil and labour under my unending constipated gaze! This is your supreme leader and overlord-for-life, Senior Researcher Junichiro, speaking! I have new orders for each and every one of you: Stop what you are doing, and give immediate praise to my balding head! Any who laugh or resist will be punished with salary cuts and are to exchange roles with the men in orange jumpsuits!
[ By this point, all personnel in the research wing have paused all tasks to focus on the broadcast. ]
"Junichiro": Firstly, the research department is to erect a statue commemorating yours truly, with extra emphasis paid towards polishing the top of the head! Henceforth, the statue of my likeliness must be bowed towards every time each and everyone of you enter and leave your work stations! Unless I am present, then you are required to bow before both at once! I don't care if you have to grow a second head to perform such a task!
[ The real Junichiro has been located in a restroom. Despite initial requests to be left alone he is successfully notified of the broadcast. ]
"Junichiro": As we all know, I must compensate for my feelings of inadequacy of being a crotchety four-foot-tall old man with a five-foot bamboo pole inserted up my [EXPLETIVE]!
[ Corridor personnel report witnessing the Senior Researcher heading for his office at an "astoundingly swift" speed. ]
"Junichiro": And finally, I formally issue my statement of apology to RPC-886, who I have most undeservedly mistreated and overscrutinized in my quest to be as much of a massive [EXPLETIVE] to everyone as possible, and will be submitting a proposal towards the Site Director to improve her living and work conditions and secure her immediate and unquestioned release to her most skillful and unrivaled and most-undeservedly-mistreated sister-
[ The speech is interrupted by the sound of a door being thrown open. ]
Sr. Rsc. Junichiro: You… you… YOU… YOU! I should have skinned you alive long ago!
RPC-486: <Reverting to own voice> Good luck with that, twenty-years-too-late old fart!
[ Mic pics up sounds of RPC-486 blowing a raspberry, shortly followed by yelling and chasing noises, objects being knocked over as commotion fades. ]
<End Log>
Personnel who giggled or referred to to RPC-486 as "Junichiro's pain-in-the-[EXPLETIVE]" within earshot of him were subjected to instant penalizations by the Sr. Researcher.
Of note is that RPC-486 would re-infiltrate Site-089 3 days later via the same method, this time landing in Dr. Ippei's office. RPC-486 left the contents of Dr. Ippei's office undisturbed in stark contrast, merely accessing a file on RPC-886's psychiatric progress before leaving.
RPC-486 snuck onto site grounds as UNAAC Ambassador [REDACTED]'s helicopter touched down on the landing pad. It is noted that despite only having a possible exposure window of 3 minutes, RPC-486 successfully kidnapped and impersonated [REDACTED] to an estimated behavioral accuracy of 80%.
Site-Director Genichi: Ambassador! Welcome to Authority facility Site-089.
[ Genichi offers a handshake, which [REDACTED] reciprocates. ]
[REDACTED]: Director Genichi! It is a pleasure to meet you in person! And what a lovely view your site has, especially at the top of your building! Are you sure your site's strictly business and not an executive resort?
Genichi: <Laughs> I assure you that all Authority sites are always strictly business, and we are no different.
[REDACTED]: Good to hear of you Authority folk always keeping ahead of the game! Now… where's the closest restroom? I've been sitting in that damn chopper for hours, why, I'm practically full-on bursting!
Genichi: Right this way.
[REDACTED]: Super of you.
[ Log redacted for brevity; It is believed that RPC-486 abducts [REDACTED] around this point, despite the heightened security presence of both ASF and UNAAC bodyguards. ]
"[REDACTED]": Wonderful site, Director! Tip-top conditions, etc. etc., why, it's better than the dingy hole I call my own office!
Genichi: You flatter us, Ambassador.
"[REDACTED]": Why, I heard you treat your employees so well, you even have your own bona-fide Shinto shrine complete with its own Kit-soonay! Talk about full-on authentic!
Genichi: <Laughs nervously> I'm not quite sure if you were cleared to know about that, Ambassador-
"[REDACTED]": It would be super-duper if I could visit this shrine and pay respects! Just like how the rest of you lucky lot do on a daily basis!
Genichi: We have not cleared you for accessing that area of the site, unfortunately.
"[REDACTED]": Well you're the Site Director! Surely that won't be too much for me to ask?
Genichi: <Suspecting tone> There are… protocols… to be adhered to…
"[REDACTED]": Why yes, I heard so much praise for that Kit-soonay even! She must be great to have survived all this time on her own!
Genichi: <Motioning for security> Do um, keep speaking…
"[REDACTED]": Ha ha! Yes! I, [REDACTED], will present her with such awards and medals and make her a free citizen of Japan and International lands and no longer required to live in this site, and-
Genichi: You do realize you are pretending to be a delegated representative and not some sort of all-powerful Emperor or Daimyo, right? That's not how the world works these days, Mishio.
RPC-486: <Picking ear while remaining disguised> Haaaah? What kind of ridiculous leadership system is that?
Junichiro: <Audible teeth-grinding> Maybe we can explain it to you in detail in your nice new cell if you tell us where you hid the actual [REDACTED], you mangy, flea-bitten, pain-in-the-
The actual [REDACTED] was later found tied and gagged (otherwise unharmed) in a janitorial closet. The UNAAC expressed its unamusement in the form of a sternly-worded letter of disapproval.
Notes: RPC-7021 encounters RPC-486 during another one of RPC-486's breach incidents, revealing RPC-486's severe ophidophobia.
RPC-486: HAHA! STUPID HUMANS! You'll never catch me-
[ RPC-702 manifestation event initiates with a prolonged squeezing noise. RPC-486 and pursuing ASF Taiko halt actions. ]
RPC-486: <Looks to Taiko, deadpan tone> What was that?
[ Manifestation concludes with a loud popping sound. RPC-702 enters the hallway from the side. ]
RPC-702: Oooooo, yaaaaaaay! <Leaps about, not noticing the group it spawned ahead of>
[ RPC-486 recoils at the sight of RPC-702, leaping straight into Taiko's arms. Despite being fully held by Taiko, RPC-486 seizes him by the collar. ]
RPC-486: FILTHY HUMAN! I knew you would stoop to desperate measures to exorcize me, <Pressing forehead onto Taiko's> but this is a particularly low blow, don't you think?
Taiko: I'm… sorry but I don't understand. What are you talking about?
RPC-486: <Points toward RPC-702> SUMMONING THAT DEMON, WHAT ELSE?!
Taiko: …That thing is a demon?
RPC-486: OF COURSE IT IS! Just look at that hideous visage, those markings of evil all over its body, those soulless black eyes and the sounds of damnation coming from that horrible hideous maw-
RPC-702: Ooooooooo! Wat? <Snaps head towards commotion>
RPC-486: …No. No. NonononononoNO. NO! NO!
RPC-702: Oooooooooooooooooo! Haiiiiiiii!
RPC-486: <Climbing Taiko> Get away from me.
Taiko: Maybe if you didn't yell so much it wouldn't have noticed-
[ RPC-702 belly-flops a meter towards Taiko and RPC-486, startling the latter into a squeal. ]
RPC-702: <Raises head, presents snout> Pls!
[ RPC-486 is now fully balanced upon Taiko's head and shoulders. ]
RPC-486: <Shaking fist> No! No!
RPC-702: Pls.
RPC-486: I'm not going to-
RPC-702: Pls.
RPC-486: -poke your nose, you slimy, ugly-
RPC-702: PlsssssssSSSSSS-
[ RPC-702 accelerates towards RPC-486, performing a 90-degree traversal straight up Taiko's leg without any loss in speed. ]
[ RPC-486 flings itself off of Taiko and flees. RPC-702 flies upwards past Taiko's head, briefly flops mid-air, bounces off Taiko's face, then lands on the floor. It excitedly resumes its pursuit of RPC-486. ]
[ In fleeing from RPC-702, RPC-486 exits Site-089 in a new record time of █ minutes and 29 seconds. Its bugged hideout picks up the following dialogue: ]
RPC-486: <Frantic panting> That was close! But, but… Why is there a snake in that accursed site?! And not only a snake, but a Tsuchinoko to boot! I hate them hate them so so so much, those fat, hideous, beady-eyed, dim-brained, bulbous, ugly, disgusting, slimy ugly little… things?
[ Panting dies down, silence. ]
RPC-486: My head… Why is there a sudden weight on my head…?
RPC-702: Ohai!
<End Log>
Notes: RPC-486 could be heard circling Site-089 for the following 10 minutes in a hysterical mixture of screaming, crying, violent threats, death threats, sobbing and expletives, all the while being closely followed by excited noises from RPC-702.
Notes 2: A casual query with RPC-886 reveals that RPC-486 suffers from intense ophidiophobia caused by a past incident, severe in comparison to its innate cynophobia. Despite this effectiveness, RPC-702 may not be used as a reliable RPC-486 eviction method due to its unpredictable attachment to random personnel and translocation across the site of its own accord.
Notes: What was initially a conventional breach incident became derailed when RPC-486 ran past Ashikaga Ai, the sole survivor of the Hidden Sun Clan who presided over the ritual within RPC-257 prior to their genocide. While RPC-486 would have continued to run off towards her primary goal, Ai spoke with unfortunate phrasing that immediately drew RPC-486's attention.
Ai: No way! There's an escapee, here?!
<RPC-486 stops running.>
RPC-486: …Escapee?
Ai: I, I-
RPC-486: Hey. Hey. Tell me. What did you mean by that, that I'm an 'escapee'?
Ai: <Incomprehensible stammering, backing away>
RPC-486: Know anything about a prison within a cave, human?
Ai: <Panicked tone> I don't know what you're talking about-
RPC-486: You're one of them, aren't you? The humans who made that prison within that cave? <Cracking knuckles> And here I've been, annoyed all this while, thinking that all of you had DIED.
Ai: Please… Please, I'm just a low-ranking recruit, I don't know anything better-
<RPC-486 slaps Ai, who is sent sprawling to the floor from the blow.>
RPC-486: LIES AFTER LIES! You'd just have grown into a shriveled old woman, an elder who masters the ritual to keeping the prison sealed! Then before you croak, you'd pass it on to the next acolyte. You'd have just kept the ritual going, the same one that kept me separated from my sister!
<RPC-486 picks up Ai and throws her back to her feet. Ai leans against the wall, taking unsteady steps away from RPC-486.>
Ai: I'm-I'm sorry! Really! Had I known I wouldn't, wouldn't have-
RPC-486: Everyone else in your miserable clan is dead… So it's all your fault now! YOUR FAULT! Admit your responsibility, you-
<RPC-486's fist swing terminates mid-air. RPC-886 now stands in between the two, shielding a trembling Ai from its sister's wrath.>
RPC-886: Mishio. Mishio. That is enough. Look at what you've done to her. Look at what you were about to do next. She has inflicted no harm upon you nor I. Is this right?
RPC-486: Shiomi-nee-san… How could you defend her? She would have kept us separated for however many more centuries!
RPC-886: Mishio. Look at her. Did she know of the pain she'd have caused us? Does she look the sort to wish such malice and grief upon us?
<RPC-886 looks silently towards a sobbing Ai for half a minute.>
RPC-886: Old Fox Hakishi and everyone else is still alive, aren't they? That's what matters. Her family, her friends and people are all gone, scattered to the flames. Visit no more pain and grief upon her, Mishio. This is more than enough.
RPC-486: But Shiomi-!
RPC-886: This is more than enough.
<RPC-486 says nothing further. It turns and flees the site, covering its face with its sleeve.>
<End Log>
Notes: While never again confronting Ai, RPC-486's expression and mood would visibly darken upon chancing across her from then on.
Tabled list of experimental expulsion techniques
NOTICE: While shown to work, excessive and/or repetitive usage of the following methods may desensitize RPC-486 towards them. Additionally, unauthorized personnel who attempt to 'join in on the action' and perform these improperly may instead be subjected to retaliation, i.e. The exposure of Rsc. N████'s alopecia and destruction of his wig on the kitchen stove.2
Technique | Result w/ notes |
Throwing roasted soybeans | For unknown reasons RPC-486 does not retaliate upon having beans thrown at it, only yelling back at personnel that A) It is not an Oni, and B) "This isn't ████████, you [EXPLETIVES]". This may be repeated until RPC-486 leaves the site voluntarily to avoid further peltings. |
Approaching with arms raised sideways | RPC-486 was successfully tricked into thinking the "T-pose", supplemented with the description of "Asserting dominance", is a new-age containment ritual that cannot be countered against3. RPC-486 now flees from personnel of sufficient confidence performing this pose whilst chasing it. An attempt to nullify this repelling technique in lieu of formal containment attempts (see above) only further cemented RPC-486's misunderstanding (see below). |
RPC-702 | RPC-486's severe ophidophobia causes it to scream uncontrollably at the sight of RPC-702, immediately alerting RPC-702 to its presence and causing it to enthusiastically pursue RPC-486 for affection(much to the latter's horror). Such pursuits usually result in RPC-486 exiting Site-089 at record-breaking speeds, closely followed by RPC-702.4 |
Vacuum cleaners | RPC-486 strongly dislikes the loud sounds a vacuum cleaner produces and is repelled accordingly. Additionally, watching clips of the 1984 film "G████ B██████", then getting one of its tails sucked into an active cleaner has caused it to now change directions at the sight of one. It is noted that RPC-886 has no issues whatsoever with using a vacuum cleaner during cleaning duties and declines to comment on its sibling's reactions. |
During Senior Researcher Junichiro's attempts to escalate the capture and containment of RPC-486 (see capture logs above), part of the procedure involved attempting to clarify the nature of the gestures that had been used to evict RPC-486 from Site-089 until now. Junior Researcher Aita was designated by Junichiro to explain to RPC-486, which included showing imagery taken off of the internet.
Junior Researcher Aita: …So as you can see, this 'T-posing', it's just a 'meme', a joke! A trendy social phenomena that humans like to repeat for the sake of comedy and fooling around with each other.
RPC-486: So I was being played a fool all along and tricked, is that what you are saying?
Aita: Yes! So from now on, we will be phasing out these um… <Reads script supplied by Junichiro> "Childish and Unprofessional" gestures, and will now be treating you as the… Oh dear… "Dangerous Anomalous Entity" that you are with all the threats that you… pose…
[ RPC-486 crosses its arms, nodding vigorously. ]
RPC-486: I see! I see! This is exactly the sort of thing you humans would say! It is to be completely expected!
Aita: Excuse me?
[ RPC-486 breaks character to dramatically seize and shake Aita by the neck. ]
RPC-486: STUPID HUMAN! Did you think I would fall for your latest tricks so easily? You think I can't see the humans cowering in FEAR and SUBMISSION in those photos?!
Aita: <Gagging> It's just a- it's just a- they're acting alonggg-
RPC-486 would be made to release its grip on Aita and flee Site-089 by a sizeable number of ASF pursuing it while enacting the above-mentioned pose. RPC-486 was recorded to have said the following, mid-eviction:
Stupid humans! Good luck trying to get the jump on me now, I'm too smart for your dumb tricks!
This self-sabotaging paranoia suggests that in spite of rapidly adapting towards modern times RPC-486 remains poorly adjusted towards human cultural phenomena, worsened by its distrusting nature. It is to be encouraged to assist in its ejection from the site.
Remote surveillance logs
Surveillance logs are gathered from a mix of long-range microphones oriented towards, as well bugs placed within RPC-486's habitat. RPC-486 currently suspects the usage of supernatural bugging methods that it is unable to detect/counteract, and must not learn of the technological nature of its surveillance.
After a series of discussions, it was agreed to erect a sign on the section of Site-089's perimeter that faces RPC-486's den. This sign would display a message to keep RPC-486 provoked and less liable to leave the area. During the mounting of the board, the microphone in RPC-486's den picked up the following:
What is that big board that they're putting up…? FILTHY HUMANS! What are they up to now?!
[ The curtain is pulled off the signboard, revealing its message. ]
Wait. It says something…? "Days passed without any incidents caused by… Stinking Fox of the Rubbish"?! THREE?!
K…k…k…kill! Kill! Kill! I'm going to k-kill them!
RPC-486 would breach Site-089 in record time, threatening every encountered personnel with demands for information on the mastermind(s) behind the signboard and message. It continues to react to each change on the signboard, its latest being as such5:
[ Audible sounds of fingernails being chewed ]
Grrrrrrrrrrr-"Stupid fox"? Who's a stupid fox? I'll show them who's a stupid fox! I'll show them all!
[ Maniacal laughter ]
Entry was recorded from RPC-486's den via remote listening device, shortly after RPC-486 was provided a toolkit of basic stationary on the promise of producing RPC-486-1s.
<Sounds of stationary being rifled through> A pen… Hate these things, can't make wide strokes with these narrow tips and the ink is just disgustingly sticky… Would it kill to ask for a brush and normal ink? Ugh!
Oh? At last! Some PAPER! Foolish humans! Giving me the tools that will lead to their… DOOM and DOWNFALL!
[ Maniacal laughter, interrupted by gagging cough ]
Oh, who am I kidding. I'll just… Being able to listen through these should do…
Several RPC-486-2s were found within the RPC-486-1s created. RPC-486-2s removed.
Entry was recorded from RPC-486's den via remote listening device during a period of rainfall.
<Sobbing sounds>
Shiomi-nee-san… I need to get everyone out, but… I can't-I can't do this without you…
I'm so cold… So cold…
S-Shiomi-nee-san… Was this how you felt all these years…?
I'm so sorry…
A visiting janitor provided a CSD-issue blanket to RPC-486 during the next clean-up visit. RPC-486 seizes the blanket while vehemently asserting that it does not require any sympathy or assistance.
Entry was recorded from RPC-486's den via remote listening device, shortly after RPC-486 was provided a secondary-grade Japanese history textbook as part of its demands requests.
[ Sounds of textbook pages being rapidly flipped through ]
What happened in all this time that made Shiomi-nee-san change so much, anyway? Hiroshima, Hiroshima… What's this? A large mushroom?
[ Silence, followed by a sound of the book being thrown to the ground ]
BAH! This useless thing won't even say anything about what happened during this World-War-thing! For something that's supposed to be such a big deal it's as if the local humans don't even want to talk about it!
A repeated behavioral pattern was observed where RPC-486 would forego infiltrating Site-089 in favour of leaving its den shortly before dusk, becoming absent through the whole night and usually returning upon dawn to rest. During these moments it would make similar frustrated comments on being close to discovering an object of interest.
Two weeks after the first recorded instance, a quote was picked up by the surveillance device:
At last… Found a gate close to this human building! Blasted thing won't open, though, hasn't been touched all this time…
RPC-486 would proceed to leave its den on a steady schedule every dusk, with the microphone in its den suggesting that it assembles and takes a set of tools ("borrowed" from Site-089) with it. Thermal imaging indicated that RPC-486 would leave to a location 1.█km from Site-089, appearing to work on striking/opening an object. Investigations of the area during daylight hours revealed nothing beyond disturbed soil/plants caused by RPC-486's activities.
This continued until a new recording of interest was detected:
…I don't believe it. Everything behind that gate is overgrown. All the settlements… tangled up and gone. It's really been two centuries, hasn't it…?
Okay! I just… just have to be careful. Can't get lost inside, or else if nobody else goes back in I'll be trapped forever or something… Just have to be careful, then I'll be fine.
I… I… Have to take the risk. If not nobody else, I have to re-map whatever parts of the nightlands I can access, even if it's just for my personal use… There's got to be some things I could use in the few buildings I saw, too… Forget about any food, it's been two hundred years… <Retches> Something apart from more cat food would be nice, though.
Cut or burn… Need something to get rid of all the foliage… I wonder if those humans have a sickle in that hole of theirs. SOMEONE's got to be in charge of gardening those bushes…
Due to RPC-486's hostility upon being queried on this activity, it has been proposed to find a way to plant a tracker on RPC-486 to determine the location of this "gate". Furthermore, RPC-886 is to be queried on any knowledge regarding this anomalous zone that has been temporarily designated as LoI-089.
Acquisition log of Informal Designations
The following logs are presented for purely referential purposes. It is discouraged from mentioning these titles towards RPC-486, as any personnel that does risks being targeted by RPC-486. In such an event that RPC-486 is sufficiently provoked to retaliate, the RPC Authority is henceforth absolved of any wrongdoing of subsequent mishaps, accidents, curses, injuries, pranks, humiliation, theft of personal belongings, slander and/or hurt feelings encountered by said personnel.
After repeated incidents of RPC-486 abducting and impersonating janitors cleaning its dwelling leading to heavy scrutiny of the returning cleaner, RPC-486 took to hiding within the garbage bag during the cleaning process. It would be dumped into the refuse pile and successfully reach RPC-886 from there.
RPC-486: Shiomi! I'm so glad I got to you-
[ RPC-886 freezes from the stench, then faints. ]
RPC-486: Shiomi-nee-san! <Drastic tone shift, shakes fist> FILTHY HUMANS! What did you do to my sister!?
Security guard Ichijo: <Halts eating in confusion> Filthy-? HEY! You're the one who smells like a garbage dump!
[ Security personnel perform an “exorcism gesture” facing away from the fire hose aimed towards RPC-486, then turn it on. ]
RPC-486: FILTHY HUMANS! <Shrieking sounds>
RPC-486 would later be observed rolling in the grass outside of Site-089, issuing expletives and obscene (but non-anomalous) gestures.
Title acquired: "Filthy Rubbish Fox"
RPC-486 snuck into Site-089 during the quarterly fire drill. It did not manage to reach its sibling, as RPC-886 had also been moved as part of the drill. RPC-486 nevertheless took the opportunity to raid the deserted kitchen for food, and was caught mid-act by inspecting security personnel.
Officer Takeda: …dining hall empty, no personnel detected - wait a moment, I hear sounds in the kitchen. Lights are on. Someone hasn't evacuated.
[ Takeda enters the kitchens, stepping past upturned containers and spilled food. The sounds of chewing and munching grow louder until RPC-486 is sighted in a corner with several messy and semi-spilled platters of raw/cooked food. ]
Takeda: Oh. It's you. And just exactly what do you think you're doing this time?
RPC-486: <Muffled voice from chewing> What does it look like, genius? You think I'm just gonna live on nothing but cat food? What do I look like to you, some sort of Bakaneko?6
Takeda: <Slowly inspects shelves> Hm… You ate it, didn't you?
RPC-486: <Swallows> Eh? The hell are you talking about?
Takeda: …Shiomi's ingredients. <Points at partially-emptied cupboard with a fox sticker affixed to the ledge>
RPC-486: …what?
Takeda: The ingredients she worked so hard to save up on… to learn to cook a new dish.
RPC-486: <Moans softly>
Takeda: The dish she was so happily looking forwards to making. The dish that she cannot make now. Because you ate her ingredients.
RPC-486: <Moans louder>
Takeda: And when she finds out that her plans are ruined… She's going to get upset. Then, she's going to cry.
RPC-486: <Horrified loud moan>
Takeda: What kind of filial older sister do you think you are, huh?!
Takeda: Hey! What are you-
<End Log>
RPC-486 proceeds to self-induce regurgitation before before fleeing the site screaming numerous apologies, but not before absconding with more food in the process.
When later learning that it was fooled into believing it had inconvenienced RPC-886 and that the fox sticker did not actually bear any significance (RPC-886 had in fact placed it there to "liven up" the surroundings), Takeda spent the following week being directly served with, or having his meals exchanged with rubbish disguised as food by a furious RPC-486 impersonating various other personnel.
Title acquired: "Vomit Fox"
RPC-486 stowed itself into one of several personnel rucksacks during an external site community event, and was unwittingly brought into the site. While it did not successfully reach RPC-886, it nevertheless got lost and caused a commotion within site dormitories.
<RPC-486 walks out of the communal dormitory laundry as personnel maintain their distance.>
…and what the hell are you stupid humans giving me that look for? I wanted to go to my sister's prison cell! It's not as if I wanted to be stuck in your own stupid kennels with you walking-dogs-of-human-beings!
…The hell you mean, this isn't a hat?
<RPC-486 removes the boxer shorts from its head and gives it a sniff.>
EUGH! FILTHY HUMANS! Only you lot would mark your property with this kind of stench!
And what is that thing you're holding? "Deodorant"? Of course you humans would need to rely on such crude methods to disguise your abhorrent natural stench with another abhorrent fake stench, why I wouldn't expect any less- Hey! What are you doing?! It stinks! Get that away from me. Stop it. I SAID STOP-
RPC-486 would later be repelled out of the site through continuous applications of deodorant spray, later observed rolling in the grass outside Site-089 once more while producing angry glares and obscene gestures towards observers. On-site community events are to no longer take place close to the forest perimeter.
Title acquired: "Underwear Thief", as RPC-486 did not return the stolen boxers.
During the transfer of physical funds into Site-089, proximity sensors detected unregistered movement. Deducing it to be RPC-486 observing the movement of goods in its latest infiltration attempt, security personnel proposed to retrieve the anti-theft dye bombs from the armoured van and include them in the transportation cart, primed to detonate on excessive movement. The personnel then "took a break", allowing RPC-486 an opportunity to sneak into the tarped cart.
Midway through transportation within the site RPC-486 dramatically exited the cart, triggering the dye bombs. RPC-486 acquired white, red and black-splotched hues as a result. While it successfully reached RPC-886, said sibling was induced to spew its drink on Dr. Ippei mid-conversation, prompting the following excerpt:
RPC-486: Sh-Shiomi. Please stop laughing. I'm trying to be serious here. Shiomi. Shiomi please.
RPC-886: You look like a- you look like a- a- wait a moment…
[ RPC-886 jabs RPC-486's lips with its fingers and doodles on a moustache. ]
RPC-486 calmly walked out of Site-089 of its own accord. It quietly inspected itself in the mirrored glass at the security booth, then screamed and rolled vigorously across the grass in a failed attempt to remove the paint.
In what is believed to be an attempt to regain some dignity RPC-486 challenged the security personnel in the booth to a fight. RPC-486 was casually dismissed and told to go 'pound sand' by Security Officer Taiko, who did not avert his gaze from the newspapers. RPC-486 fled into the forest, swearing revenge.
Yen bills were protected by an inner tarp layer and remained legal tender. RPC-486's discolorations slowly faded over a week.
Title acquired: "Fox Clown"
The following log was part of an impromptu experiment to explore the extent of RPC-486's susceptability to reverse psychology. The prop involved was assembled and placed in the Site cafeteria, initially rousing RPC-886's curiosity.
RPC-886: Excuse me, what is the meaning of… this? <Nudges the prop>
Researcher Yujiro: It is for a test. It is not intended for you, unless you wish to participate?
RPC-886: Oh! No! I don't see a reason to actually get in there, but that message-
[ RPC-486 enters the cafeteria and barricades the doors, having successfully outrunned security. ]
RPC-486: Take that, you stupid humans! Too slow, as always-?
[ RPC-486 silently stares at the prop, revealed to be an open-top cardboard box with a sign attached to it: ]
"Only stupid foxes sit in here"
[ RPC-486 cautiously approaches the box. It pokes the box, sniffs it, paces about it, gets on all fours and examines the message up-close. It then gazes warily at every observer, balling its fists and tensing its shoulders. ]
RPC-486: Stupid humans! Just who do you think you are calling a stupid fox?!
Researcher Yujiro: Nobody called you stupid, 486. It's just a cardboard box that says that only stupid foxes will enter it. Look at your sister, she's not sitting in it. Ergo, she is not stupid.
RPC-486: Silence! And stop calling me that number! You're probably hiding something to do with this box from me! I'll show you who's the stupid one here…
[ RPC-486 starts clambering into the box. Suppressed giggling can be heard in the background. ]
RPC-486: …That's what it is, isn't it? Trying to play tricks on me! I'll get to the bottom of this secret, whether you like it or not! <Shakes fist>
RPC-886: M-Mishio. Mishio please.
[ Two guards arrive to pick up the box. RPC-486 refuses to budge, and is brought into the lift on the way towards being evicted. ]
RPC-486: <Towards adjacent CSD-class> And what do you think you're staring at?! <Hisses>
RPC-486 was dropped outside of Site-089, remaining in the box for another 10 minutes before realizing the box was in fact non-anomalous. RPC-486 would go on to swear revenge while pounding on Site-089's (now locked) doors.
Title acquired: "Fox of the Stupid Box", with emphasis towards not directly addressing RPC-486 as stupid for maximum provocative effect.
Individuals of note
RPC-886 is RPC-486's sibling, and supposedly the younger of the two prior to 486's temporal stasis with RPC-257. It was rescued from a Blue Book hunting operation, a year prior to 486's escape from RPC-257 during its discovery event. Convinced at the time that it was the last of its kind, it had earned the moniker of "The Last Fox", now proven untrue with 486's escape and reunion with 886.
886 was not imprisoned within 257 unlike 486, leaving it to roam Japan alone for the following two centuries and directly witnessing significant historical events such as the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. It suffers episodes of severe depression and chronic PTSD as a result, of which it has been provided ongoing psychiatric assistance to assist with.
In stark contrast to 486, 886 continues to present itself as nothing but pleasant, friendly, warm and fully cooperative with site personnel. It has found a new lease on life as Site-089's guardian spirit with the assistance of a shrine built within its cell, providing defensive anomalous protections to Site-089 and allowed to work in the kitchens as a cook.
RPC-486 occasionally displays dismay, shock and struggles to accept the drastic changes to its sibling. Remote surveillance has shown it to occasionally display grief and regret while alone, blaming itself over self-perceivedly abandoning its sibling for so long. Originally priding itself as 886's protective big sibling in their Edo-era years, 486 has difficulties in accepting that 886 no longer needs its protections. It continues to attempt to break 886 out, much to the latter's refusals.
More information is available within RPC-886's file.

A yearbook photo of PoI-486, taken at the end of her first year of Juniour High School.
S█████ H█████ (Hereby referred to as PoI-486) is a 1█yo resident of the town of Takachiho. Information gathering indicated that she, along with fellow classmates M███████ M█████ (PoI-486-EX2) and Y███████ M█████ (PoI-486-EX1) were the first to open dialogue with RPC-486 and approach for services. It is inferred by communications surveillance that these requests were unintentionally responsible for a local chickenpox outbreak at their school and a second car crash.
The schoolgirls were subsequently placed as priority targets during the disinformation and amnescitization operation of Takachiho; Agents were in fact eavesdropped upon by all three during one such house visit. PoI-486-EX1 was successfully captured and amnescitized while EX2 and PoI-486 escaped with partial Authority awareness.
Extensive background checks were subsequently conducted upon EX2 and PoI-486. While EX2's was unremarkable, PoI-486 had numerous police and medical files written up on her; All unredacted files were obtained without effort despite protests of the local police department.

Yamada S████, engaging in delinquent activity.
At the start of PoI-486's second year's first trimester she attempted to make a stand against a group of imported delinquents led by a Yamada S████, and was punished in a series of targeted bullying that culminated in numerous counts of physical and sexual abuse inflicted by both the delinquents and her father, who was terminated from his employment and manipulated into alcoholism by said delinquents.
A teacher persuaded PoI-486 to lodge a police report with accompanying medical examinations, but midway into the investigations both the examining doctor and police were made to drop the case through a mixture of incentives and threats made by Yamada Enterprises, of whom both founders and CEOs are parents of S████.
The victims of the car crash were both the head delinquents and S████, as well as PoI-486's father. It is easily concluded that RPC-486 intentionally targeted both groups at once in retaliation for the harm inflicted upon PoI-486.
An attempt to query RPC-486 over PoI-486 resulted in an immediate termination of the interview, as RPC-486 became highly agitated and subsequently combative to the possibility that Authority agents would take harmful action against PoI-486. This provoked an internal discussion among Site-089 chief personnel, who then voted 5-8 in favour of keeping PoI-486 unamnescitized (and retaining Authority-awareness) as leverage with RPC-486. This update reached the field team in time from amnescitizing PoI-486, having finished with EX2.
On a final note: The unredacted information on PoI-486's abuse coverup may be employed by the Authority as blackmail material against Yamada Enterprises, should the need arise.

Yamada H████: S████'s father and Co-founder of Yamada Enterprises, introduced to his political debut at the 2017 House of Representatives general election.
Post-incident (see above):
Despite no longer confronting Ai, RPC-486 remains hostile and unforgiving. Without any other surviving members of the Hidden Sun clan to blame for its predicament, it continues to assign full responsibility towards her.
RPC-886 has assured personnel that its sibling merely needs time to accept the circumstances behind their separation, and that 486 will not assault Ai again.
RPC-486 was in the midst of fleeing an ejection effort led by Head of Site Security Nobihiro Hiroji. When passing by accountant Okina Makeru, RPC-486 rapidly skid to a halt, observed Mr. Okina intensely, then called for a cessation in hostilities and pulled Nobihiro into a corner.
RPC-486: Mr. Wannabe-Samurai! What's that guy do?
Nobihiro: The one we just passed?
RPC-486: Polka-dot tie, stiff spiky hair, that's the one!
Nobihiro: I believe he's from Accounting.
RPC-486: So he handles your money?
Nobihiro: The Site's money. One of several doing so.
RPC-486: You sure you want that guy handling your money?
Nobihiro: <Places hands on hips> What are you getting at, Mishio?
RPC-486: He doesn't look like he'd be the sort to have wealth pass through his hands without some of it getting stuck in his fingers, if you get what I mean. <RPC-486 wriggles its fingers for emphasis.>
Nobihiro: Are you suggesting a staff member is a thief without any proof? That's a bit sudden, don't you think?
RPC-486: Hey, I'm just saying it as I see it. Has he ever visited my sister, for that matter? She'd probably say something about smelling something funny from him and wrinkle her nose at it, although that's really all she can tell.
Nobihiro: I can't say I've actually seen him visit your sister's shrine. Certainly not a regular.
RPC-486: <Shrugs> Hey, it's your loss if you don't do anything about it. Not mine.
Nobihiro contacted the financing department to perform a surprise inspection and audit, with emphasis on Mr. Okina's accounting history. A deeper analysis of his records revealed well-concealed discrepancies in his activities, necessitating a full investigation. Having noticed RPC-486's scrutiny of him, Mr. Okina eavesdropped and discovered the sudden audit and its focus upon him. He immediately filed for emergency leave and was forcibly detained within the car park.
The investigation revealed that Mr. Okina used an assortment of fraud techniques ranging from basic (rounding errors, overstating revenue, unrecorded expenses, misstating asset costs) to advanced (private off-balance sheets) to embezzle approximately $110,000 over a 2-year period, having made the bulk of the illicit transfers during periods of heavy asset requisitions. Tracing the funds reveals Mr. Okina to have spent it on housing renovations, cars and a lavish lifestyle, supplementing his standard salary and bonus.
Mr. Okina's assets have been seized, impounded, liquidated and/or repurposed as property of the Authority to pay back the amount embezzled. Mr. Okina has been demoted to CSD-class, and is to be reinstated to a low-ranking clerk position once he either survives serves his full term of 2 years, OR successfully recites the National Tax General Rule Act from memory.
Upon being questioned, RPC-886 mentioned that Mr. Okina did visit its shrine once, and that it indeed detected a "mildly dislikeable" smell emanating from him - as well as several other personnel. However, it had kept quiet out of politeness and a desire to not instigate drama, understanding that several personnel visiting in such states are not necessarily malicious or unscrupulous. RPC-886 has been advised to privately notify Nobihiro of other personnel who may be intensifying in such suspicious signs.
For its exposure of illicit activity committed by Authority personnel, RPC-486 was rewarded with one full-clearance visitation session with its sister for a full day including standard meals, not to be evicted until it has overstayed its allocated duration.
Attempts to make regular use of RPC-486's intuition and insight have not been reliably successful, primarily due to RPC-486's escalating demands in payment/compensation for services rendered.