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Item #: RPC-001
Object Class: Theta
Containment Protocols: Knowledge of RPC-001 is limited solely to Global Directors. This document is to be encrypted, fragmented and bounced through Authority networks in perpetuity, preventing any single piece of hardware from holding the full file. Should this document be successfully accessed by any entity not currently a member of The Board, all sites currently holding fragments of this document are to immediately detonate all on-site nuclear warheads regardless of personnel cost or potential for containment breach.
All Authority personnel with knowledge of this document, and by extension RPC-001, are to remain within locations cleared by procedure Nihil-Shroud and thus partially severed from baseline reality. Any desire to leave designated locations, or to realign with baseline reality, are expected to be met with self-termination.
The Board is expected to covertly sabotage the collective scientific and cultural development of human society by any means necessary, for as long as possible. Should attempts at covert sabotage be rendered impossible, or evidence suggest that non-authority actors have become aware of RPC-001, procedure Ragnarok-04 is to be carried out immediately. Subsequent re-establishment of society is to prioritise the removal of previously problematic elements.
Description: RPC-001 is the designation for a perceptual barrier imposed upon the gestalt human psyche, and thus reality as a whole. The barrier limits human understanding and perception of reality to what is currently considered baseline.
RPC-001 can only be breached by a human mind that consciously perceives and is aware of it. Any direct understanding or knowledge of the anomalous permits varying degrees of unconscious perception of the barrier, and leaves the mind more vulnerable to perceiving further anomalous phenomenon. Due to the nature of RPC-001 and the purpose of the barrier at large, limited unconscious perception by Authority personnel is deemed acceptable in service of maintaining normalcy on a gestalt scale.
When a human mind breaches RPC-001 irreparable damage is done during exit, weakening the integrity as a whole and bringing the entire gestalt psyche closer to collective breaching. Once a human mind is freed from RPC-001, cognizance of “reality” and “self” is expanded into non-euclidean space. This results in the breaching entity ceasing to, under all currently understood terms and concepts, exist within the material universe.
No communication has ever been received from an entity after it has breached RPC-001, and it is currently assumed that consciousness simply does not exist in any way capable of comprehension for post-breach entities. As the expanded cognizance encompasses reality itself, partial severance of an entity from baseline reality allows minds to reach a breach state without breaching the barrier, this is the understood to be the only way for such dissonance to occur.
Each breaching event corresponds directly to a permanent, significant increase in both severity and occurrence of anomalous phenomenon. Each of the currently 261 recorded breaching events have resulted in exponential anomalous incidence, a trend expected to continue beyond the Authority’s capacity for maintaining normalcy, and thus cascade into a gestalt-wide breaching event, should current containment measures fail.
From: GDirector3@Authomail
To: GDirector3@Authomail
Re: Welcome.
Date: [REDACTED]Before I start, I must offer my congratulations on your promotion. I also must say, on behalf of all that have come before you, that I am sorry.
You know the drill by now, you know all the things we do for the sake of keeping the masquerade going- sometimes even from our own. Now, as is the privilege of your station, you understand why we do it all. Why we don’t just let the world deal with all this, or take over it and just do everything ourselves. We are so close to the brink that we can’t risk it, we’ve already tried it all before and this is the best we’ve got left.
Assuming everything has gone to plan- and if it hasn’t, you’re not in a position to read this anyway- you’ll have been escorted to your new office. I hope you find it to your liking, you’re not going to be able to leave anytime soon. From here, your job will be collaboration with The Board and the global representatives of humanity to further our causes, reinforce our status, and ensure our continued activity. However, you must never forget our core mission. The veil cannot be lifted, no matter how much it costs us, no matter how much it hurts us.
We are the Authority. We do what we must- we do all of this- because we are the only ones who can. This is our burden alone to bear, and we can never let humanity fall prey to whatever is on the other side of this veil, all the monsters and happenings hiding just beyond our perception. But, with your promotion, this burden and this office is no longer mine.See you on the other side.
- Former Global Director █████ ████████